The March release has been full of some gorgeous new products and we hope the projects from the team have been beyond inspiring! I've picked out favorites of my own, from each of the design team members, to share with you today! Click the link next to each team member's name to see more details about the project shown here, as well as the rest of her projects from this release! And be sure to read all the way to the bottom of the post… won't want to miss out on this month's release in review CONTEST!!!
CLICK HERE to see more from Amy Sheffer.
CLICK HERE to see more from Ashley Cannon Newell.
CLICK HERE to see more from Betsy Veldman.
CLICK HERE to see more from Danielle Flanders.
CLICK HERE to see more from Dawn McVey.
CLICK HERE to see more from Heather Nichols.
CLICK HERE to see more from Laura Bassen.
CLICK HERE to see more from Laurie Willison.
CLICK HERE to see more from Maile Belles.
CLICK HERE to see more from Melissa Phillips.
Now that you have had a chance to see all of this eye candy, how about a chance to win a gift certificate to purchase some of the amazing goodies used to make them!
$150 PTI Gift Certificate
for you to spend however you choose!
All you have to do to enter to win is to leave a comment answering the question below…
You have until 9:30pm EST to post a comment and be eligible to win. Only one comment per person please. One randomly selected winner will be announced here, on this post, shortly before the release at 10pm EST. Thanks for joining in our release festivities today and best of luck with the contest!
Congratulations, Deepa M! Please contact customer service and provide them with the email address you would like your gift certificate sent to! And a big thank you for all of the other inspiring answers we received tonight! We definitely have some incredible customers! Have a wonderful week!
Last but not least, here are the color combos and sketches collected from some of your favorite release projects from this month! You can pin the individual graphics or download the four page pdf below.
Having my children and watching them grow
Taking care of my fur kids and volunteering to help the dogs in the area.
Gosh, I think that’s a really hard question. I think my proudest achievement is that I have had the courage to travel alone – to try new things, experience new countries, embrace new cultures & meet new friends. In years gone by, this has been life changing & has changed me as a person. I’m proud that I did that – it has made me more tolerant, more compassionate and more understanding of the world and my place & responsibilities in it. I plan to help my children to develop this courage & sense of wonder too.
My proudest accomplishment is raising a daughter on my own. I instilled in her the love of learning and a don’t give up attitude. She was able to work fulltime,go to graduate school and work an internship.She graduated summa cum laude!
That’s a tough question. I guess my proudest achievement has been making major changes to my lifestyle over the past year and a half, that has gotten me healthier and happier than I have been in decades. I feel SO good!
That is one to really make you think. I guess I would have to say is taking care of and being there for my mom since my dad passed away>
getting three children through college
I think moving to France and watching my children grow and thrive here knowing that we have given them every opportunity for a wonderful start in life.x
My daughter is what I am proudest of.
Being the best mum and wife I can be.
I think my proudest achievement is raising my kids to be the healthy minded, happy adults that they are.
So far getting my associates degree, I am working on my bachelors (years in the making) so hopefully that will my new moment soon!!
Raising two children who have become successful, happy adults who are raising happy, successful children of their own! it’s been such a wonderful adventure!
Graduating nursing school 28 yrs ago & my work ever since.
My proudest achievement, so far, has been raising my two wonderful sons!
Being a mom to my beautiful 5 year old son.
My family & watching them grow..
Raising my three children and a few others along the way! I take joy in helping others! Especially the less fortunate!
Having my children & watching them grow is my proudest achievement. I love them so much!
My proudest achievement has been putting my health first and getting fit. I gave up drinking all forms of pop and I had a serious pepsi addiction. I started going to the gym consistently and eating healthy. To date I have lost 57 pounds.
My children!
Being the mother of two wonderful kids!
My proudest achievement is probably having children. However, raising them is a humbling experience everyday!
My proudest achievement has been being able to take care of my parents as they’ve gotten older in age and having found a wonderful husband who has been supportive of it.
Family but that doesn’t feel like just “my” achievement. I will say it’s my art (drawing and card making) and how I’ve been able to grow and learn with it while encouraging others too.
For sure raising our 2 children and see what men they become..I think becoming a a parent and be there and see how your children grow up is the best things a human can was the most great thing ever happened in my life…I love them so much…I would do anything for them…
Also in mind that my eldest has ADHD and the Asperger Syndrome…we had a though road ..but it came out all so well….
We had our 40th anniversary recently…that is my proud accomplishment!
One of my greatest achievements has been watching each of our kids grow into kind, caring, responsible adults.
My proudest achievement is my three children. They are all good and kind people. There is so much in life that we can not control but, making others feel good and doing the right thing is something we can control. Fabulous release! So many items have moved to the top of my wishlist.
My marriage since we’re complete opposites, so it alot of work , my son that he will always follow his heart and call me often , and that I quit smoking in 2001 I was a very heavy smoker hardest thing I ever had to do. 🙂
Raising my 4 kids and seeing them all turn out into wonderful adults who I am proud of!
My marriage is my best achievement. My husband has been the best decision I’ve ever made and has made me a better person.
My greatest accomplishment is raising two children who graduated high school, college, and even grad school. They are living on their own and supporting themselves. So proud!
While I have no children of my own, I am so proud of the accomplishments of the young women and men that I taught over the years–an eminent brain surgeon, a member of Congress, a prominent businesswoman and philanthropist, a university administrator, a theologian-professor, and the list goes on and on! It gives me a real sense of satisfaction knowing that I played a small part in their education and development…
To raise a self-confident, fearless but very kind and helpful little girl.
I proudest accomplishment is having my daughter, Jennifer. Jennifer had Cystic Fibrosis and sadly passed away nine years ago, at the age of 28. She was the joy and light of my life. I learned so much from her about strength, courage, compassion and so much more!
My proudest achievement is raising my children with my husband. There are ups and downs but I wouldn’t trade the journey for anything.
My proudest achievement in life has been raising four children into adulthood. It has been a beautiful (and sometimes very difficult) journey with many twists and turns but wouldn’t change it for anything!!
Well, I guess more recently, it would be the support I gave my parents while my dad was dying of cancer.
My oldest daughter has had 46+ surgeries from a genetic disease. Obtaining a diagnosis was incredibly hard because it isn’t often seen. She has Ehlers-Danlos. A very painful and debilitating disease. I have been her advocate from infancy. It has been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. It became even more difficult when 8 years ago I began exhibiting signs of the disease. So now I fight my own battle with pain and surgeries while still fighting hers. I would tell anyone you are your child’s biggest advocate and you have to follow your instincts.
My proudest achievement was getting my master’s degree while working full time. It took me a little bit longer, but I did finish it.
A successful marriage – we’ve been together for 17 years and married for 15. We’ve been separated due to deployments for close to 4 years of that time. We’ve moved 7 times and are about to move again. We have three lovely children who we love to spend time with. Marriage is hard work. Being in the military strains a family. Life isn’t always pretty. But through it all I’ve had my best friend and my husband to live through this adventure.
Amazing release this month!!!! Can’t wait to start shopping.
Homeschooling my 4 children!! 🙂
My family no doubt. My relationship with my hubby and my wonderful children
The year I am also starting my stationery and Jewry business..I’m super proud of that too!
My proudest moment to date is the ability to recognize the need to take time to reflect and appreciate what I have and grow from my experiences.
I think it would have to be getting my Master’s Degree and also raising two young boys to be kind and respectful.
From a personal perspective, it’s been raising four children to be caring, happy and successful. From a work perspective, it’s been developing a program to help unemployed youth start careers in IT in Haiti, Kenya, and Rwanda.
My proudest moment beyond motherhood, was graduating from Culinary school, with honors, at age 52!
=] Michele
My children! 5 wonderful, productive, beautiful (adults now!) kids! Praise God! Gotta throw the 11 grandchildren too! Amazing release ladies!
Having a wonderful family with a caring husband and two children who have grown into two remarkably people!
Carol b(Cln crs)
I am proudest of learning to accept my dad for who he is and building a relationship with him. it has taught me so much of forgiveness and opened the way for The Lord to bring so much growth and grace to my life.
My proudest achievement is raising my children and teaching them to alway help others who are less fortunate. They are the love of my life.
Swimming my first ocean race a few years ago, having been talked into it by my sister-in-law.
Having my son, and watching him continue to grow and develop.
Raising my four children. It’s my life’s work.
My proudest achievement is that I lost 70 pounds and kept (most of)the weight off for six years now.
Definitely children. So proud of them.
My career has definitely been by proudest accomplishment. But, now that I am pregnant, I am looking forward to updating my list!
Training my daughters every step of the way!
My children – they throw some challenging stuff at me all the time (it’s been a really tough couple of weeks around here to say the least) – but the reality is that I’m still so very proud of everything I’ve helped them accomplish so far.
Making it through graduate school!
It would be easy to say my children or 31 years of wedded bliss but what has truly been an achievement for me was not giving up after a life changing surgery. I kept pushing to try to be normal again. A new normal. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Raising intelligent, creative, independent thinking girls is a huge achievement, but not mine alone. My proudest personal achievement is when God provided me the opportunity to start my new career and I listened!
My proudest achievement has been raising my four beautiful children to adulthood.
Graduating from the MBA program… It was a long, hard, expensive two years, and it changed my life completely, and I had to start it all from scratch, away from family and friends, after a divorce… So yes, going through that whole process was difficult, and I was immensely proud at the end.
My proudest moments so have been raising my daughters. They are awesome girls!
Raising three wonderful boys!
My baby girls of course! (Now 7 & 13)
my grandchildren – love my two sons dearly but the grands are the best!
Surviving the first years of my twins lives:-)
Such gorgeous projects!
Being able to spread a little joy in someone’s life through my cardmaking brings a continual sense of joy & achievement…
Thank you for the constant inspiration!
My family!
My greatest achievement was raising 3 daughters (with God’s help) who are kind, compassionate, loving people.
My family is my proudest achievement.
Being MOM to my daughter & son, of course!
My proudest achievement is having my kids and enjoying them with the love of my live. Every single day.
Being a mother to my three precious children is the “accomplishment” that matters most to me in the world!
Raising two children and watching them experience their own achievements.
My proudest achievement was putting myself through college while working full-time to help my mom run the household. Crazy and trying times but I graduated, got a good job but the best part is that my mom and I are so much closer for it.
My proudest accomplishment is working through the difficult times with my husband and coming out stronger because of it.
My biggest achievement in my life has been my successes in my job. I’ve worked very hard to get to where I am today.
My daughter, she is just such a great kid.
My proudest achievement is raising my two children. One is a st in college and one a sr in high school. I am so proud of them and I can take at least a little credit for their accomplishments!
Raising my son. He and his daddy had something to do with how he turned out too. But Moms are important 😉
I think raising three nice kids would be the answer for me. They are not perfect, but they are good kids.
The most current achievement was just this past Friday! Memory Box Inc. made a ‘look book’ of cards that I made for them with their latest January 2015 release! Thanks for another great release and beautiful inspiration!
I don’t think I have one thing … but many small things — becoming a teacher and still loving it 30 years later. Marrying the best man and raising 2 boys into men. Having really nice relationships with my daughters-in-law. Enjoying my extended family also.
Getting my Pilot’s License.
My proudest achievement to date would have to be earning my Masters Degree in Education.
My husband and I would both have to answer our daughter. She is currently a sophomore in high school. She is in honors classes, has earned a letter and we are mostly proud of her values and the care she shows for others. Twice she has served on a Mission trip to Mexico to build homes for those in need. I truly believe that we have raised someone that will continue to give herself to care for others and be a contributing member of society during her lifetime. We couldn’t be more proud of her.
Raising three girls, having three good son-in laws, and having six grandchildren. Love them all in good times and in in rough times! I make all their birthday cards, etc and I wouldn’t even have to sign our names as they know now those type card are made by Grandma!!
Being blessed to having grandchildren. They are my greatest JOY!
I would have to say that my greatest achievement would have to be raising my two sons.
My proudest achievement next to having my son, is the confidence both he and his future wife had in me when they asked me to design and illustrate their Ketubah, their Jewish wedding license, this gave me the boost to start my journey into art. It is proudly hanging in their home for all to see. Randy and Eliana you make me feel good every day
My children are my greatest achievement. Not for actually bearing them….any animal can have babies….but for how they have improved me. Through them I have achieved (or am trying to achieve) patience, selflessness, a deeper creativity, a deeper dependence on Jesus, a deeper bond with my husband, new ways to encourage others, a better appreciation for my parents. Yep, my kids are my greatest achievement.
It’s interesting to reflect on this question and know that I am so grateful for many, many things: Becoming a teacher who made a difference. Becoming a writer…who knew I could? If I had to pick an achievement that I am most thankful for every day: Being a friend…the kind that has brought me a circle of friendships that continues to bloom and grow.
My proudest achievement has been and continues to be helping those in need and serving my community.
My proudest achievement to date is getting my PhD.
I am most proud of the amazing young adults my children have become. I can’t take credit for all of that, so for me personally, it would be the research I’ve done for my family history. It has been a fabulous and life changing experience.
My proudest achievment to date would be my two adult children. Watching them grow has been the blessing of my life.
My proudest achievement is raising three amazing children! They are the light of my life and being a mom is my favorite!
I’m very, very proud of my sweet daughters and also that my husband and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage on 3/18!!
My kids for sure but more than that is taking steps to put my needs and health first so that what is important became clearer in focus.
By God’s Grace alone I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 24 years and he has been very supportive of my passion for stray, feral and sometimes sick kitties. It has been a huge undertaking, with many sacrifices and sadness, but especially pure joy and love.
Being a wife to my wonderful husband and being a mum to my incredible sons. I’m blessed.
The first thing that popped into my head was the birth of my three amazing children. It’s been such a blessing to raise them and see them grow into incredible people!
That’s a difficult one!!! The easy answer is my children, but if I dig a little deeper it’s probably when I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago.
My proudest achievement has been my children! What a joy and blessing they are in our lives!
Moving to USA with my husband and daughter, raising her in a different culture and watching her doing a good job with her own family now. Also, having my own business and how it has been growing all this time with our hard work!
That my husband and I followed our dream and opened an independent bookstore. After 4 years we closed the business due to multiple reasons, still, we feel that our venture made a positive impact and touched the lives of many! I am immensely proud of what we did. Taking a calculated risk to pursue our passion was beyond rewarding!
Besides helping to raise my two sons and watching them grow up grounded in their faith in Jesus, and seeing them learn at home as we homeschool, my greatest achievement would be my pastry business I started before my sons were born. I have put that on hold, but God still allows me to use the gifts he gave me in that area to bless others.
Being married to a GREAT man for 27yrs.
Pulling myself together and buying my own house after my divorce.
Being the first woman in my family to graduate college. Great release this month!!
My son! He is growing up so fast but is becoming such a sweet & caring little boy.
My proudest achievement has been being a good, loving parent to our kids. God blessed me with two wonderful children to love. What has been your proudest achievement PTI? Many thanks for the chance to win!
My proudest achievement is raising my son and watching him become the man I knew he could be. Very proud mom here!
Being the first person in my family to earn a college degree.
I would have to say that raising happy children both at home and at the school where I taught would have to be my greatest accomplishment and joy.
Raising our children and watching them become the caring,loving, responsible young women that God created them to be.
My son and grandson are my proudest achievements and blessings.
I have many proud achievements, but the latest is ripping out my front lawn and turning it all into garden! All the neighbours comment on the ever changing blooms. I have noticed that some of them have even planted more in their gardens as well.
I would have to say raising our 4 wonderful children. And even though that is a combined effort with the family, it is still what I am most proud of!
My proudest achievement has been raising my three kiddos. My oldest graduates High School in June!
Having our two daughters and watching them grow up and become lovely young ladies.
Taking care of our family.
Improving my health by working out and changing my eating habits.
I’ve had many personal achievements throughout my life that I’m proud of but my proudest overall achievement has got to be raising my son.
My proudest achievements are my two wonderful, loving , caring, hard working children and watching them become the fabulous young adults they are!
My greatest achievements are first raising three children to become successful adults and second following my dream and being able to make time for me to craft and just be who I want to be.
My proudest achievement is to have raised a son and daughter, along with my husband, that have both graduated from universities and now have successful lives with their families. My husband traveled quite a bit for his work while they were growing up, so a lot of time I was a ‘single parent’ working full time and covering both parental roles.
My three children (now all grown).
Being a mom and having great children!
My proudest achievement would be raising my kids! I had my first at 18, when I was a child myself! And now he is almost 21 and is thriving and becoming an responsible adult! 🙂 The other two are following in their big brothers footsteps! 🙂
I would have to say raising our Son. He’s become such an amazing man, able to conquer anything while keeping a positive attitude. He’s a great husband and wildly creative!
Losing 150 pounds!
Raising two wonderful children who work hard, love others, and continue to inspire me.
Since I don’t have children I’ll have to say my education. I fought long and hard for decades to pursue my dream of higher learning. And the rewards have been many. But there were definite trade offs.
Wow, tough question. My proudest though, would have to be my lifestyle changes for my health. It hasn’t been easy, but I haven’t felt this good in years!!
I am so proud of my scrapbooks, and the life we’ve documented with them. From our wedding, children, birthdays, holidays, to simple, ordinary days , even tough ones that I love to “scrap”. We live, love and spend a great deal of time with family, friends and community, and I’m capturing it as we go!
Graduating with my MSN and working as an ARNP
Proudest achievement is raising my 4 boys to be fine young men.
Proudest achievement would have to be traveling to India alone on two occasions. Once for a Christian Veterinary Mission trip in the foothills of the Himalayas and once with Made By Survivors in Kolkata.
My proudest achievement to date has to be the births of my daughters. I know that is pretty cliche, but it’s true. I love my girls who are now 25 and 24. They have grown into such lovely young women and that makes me proud. 😀 Thanks for a chance to win.
Being a loving wife and mother to my three beautiful children not only makes me feel proud, but incredibly blessed! My family means so much to me!
My greatest achievement would be just becoming the mother and wife I am. Slowly becoming the person I want and was meant to be! And getting organized thanks to Moments Inked!!!!
My proudest moment so far is definitely having my children and trying to raise them to be the best they can be.
That’s a tough question. One of them is going to grad school while working full time and having children. It was hard hard but I did it with lots of support.
My proudest personal achievement is my honesty. It is not easy to speak the truth in some of my work situations, and it certainly does not make me friends, but those who know me appreciate that I am not lying to them or sugar coating things. I have been told by many that they appreciate my honesty (that is after they are done being upset with me).
I would have to say living an honest, loving, productive life that has led to two wonderful children, three amazing grandchildren and my husband of 40+ years!
My 3!beautiful children and making it throught the first of the teenage years!!
Tops would be having my son – next would be surviving some pretty emotional years and coming out at the other end happier than I was.
Completing Marine Corps basic training.
My proudest achievement is by far my son he is a great Attorney, loving husband and great father I am so very proud of him.
A lot of hard work that lead to achieving my annual sales goal!
My proudest moment is having an only child who turned out to be the most unselfish person I know.
I can’t exactly say that raising two awesome children has been “my” achievement when I have a wonderful husband who had an equal part in it but looking back on my life, there is nothing I am more proud of than our boys, who are now parents of fine children themselves!
My proudest achievement to date is earning my masters degree and teaching license. Going back to college after being out for 20 years was hard, but I made it!
Raising 2 amazing kids with my husband of almost 18 years is my greatest achievement. We are blessed (in our marriage) beyond measure. We have children that are kind, funny, empathetic, giving, creative, and loving.
Other than raisingy family, passing the CA exam is one of the things I am most proud of.
My children will always be my greatest achievement.
Raising my kids to be successful, independent and kind! they love their college and sports, one is going to be a physical therapist and my son is studying to be sports psychiatrist!
Thanks for the chance on wining such a fabulous prize….Gina F
Building our own house and then paying off the mortgage – debt free!
My proudest achievement to date has been raising my son to be a kind and compassionate young man.
My greatest achievement has been raising a fabulous daughter who is not only my best friend but a fabulous person. She is so accomplished in her own life but also a very giving loving person in her own right. I am so very proud of her!
Giving my child roots and wings, even when it would have been easier to just do things myself lol.
I have so many, but I recently began homeschooling my 15 year old daughter who has missed more school than she has attended due to a chronic disease. It is a huge decision and one that I researched for months prior to taking the leap of faith. It takes a lot time and dedication on my part, but to watch her grow and learn the skills that she has been struggling to master for years right before my eyes is incredibly heartwarming. I will say that this is my proudest achievement as far as being able to believe in myself and my ability to do something I never deemed myself capable of.
My ability to take the challenges life has thrown my way and still find happiness.
There is a rather elite stamp/swap group in my city – just ten ladies, who join by invitation only. I was a sub for a while and then, about 5 years ago, I was invited to join as a regular member when someone dropped out. I was so excited – not just because of the cards I’d be getting every month but because this is a really neat group of friends who do much more together than stamp. I’m pretty introverted and most all of my friends are stampers so this was a wonderful group for me to get into.
my most recent achievement that I am most proud of is getting healthier! -cutting sugar from my diet and getting diabetes under control!!
Creating a healthy and happy life together with my fiancé.
My proudest achievement to date was raising 2 beautiful daughters to be the wonderful women they are today, both happily married, with homes of their own, and working at careers they love.
Having children is certainly at the top of the list, but really just appreciating some of the every day moments that they achieve makes me be proud to be their parent.
Well, I am not done growing yet but, so far, my greatest accomplishment has been reinventing, or discovering who I am after my divorce.
My proudest achievement was getting my college degree & RN license–first one in my family to graduate from college.
My proudest achievement is being a mom. It definitely is a blessing and feel fortunate to raise my son:-)
Raising three beautiful (on the inside as well as the outside!) daughters that God entrusted to me has been my proudest achievement! :0)
Would love to win this for my wife who is a PTI fan. Our proudest achievement is raising our kids together.
I would say watching my kids grow into good people!!
My proudest achievement to date? Well it’s probably not my achievement but my DD’s, the day that I realized she could read. I got a new book and she read it! when she read her older books I just thought she had memorized them after six gazillion readings. LOL So knowing those six gazillion readings were all worth it…that was my greatest achievement.
Building a life in a “foreign” country so we all now call it home.
My proudest achievement is my wonderful son Owen. He is a smart and loving boy.
My growing family. There are new challenges everyday and “exciting” developments everyday. That we try to face with grace.
My proudest moments happen when we get together for a family celebration and I get to see my 4 grown-up children joking and laughing with each other. Each is successful in their own way and they enjoy their relationship with each other as well as with me.
Making it to my second career and loving it as much as my first!
My proudest achievement is probably that I helped my parents while my father had a stroke. It was a really hard time for them.
Of course raising our daughter into a wonderfully compassionate young woman….who is getting married this Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 I have bought your Uncorked, Through The Trees, and Love & Marriage specifically to create all things for her wedding. So far the Escort cards use all 3, she is getting married at a Vineyard here on Cape Cod. Your sets have been so helpful! Thank you!
Stepping outside my box and running for an office in a group I belong to & getting it. No big deal to most people, but it involves speaking in front of others, which terrifies me! I’ve spoken a few times, and so far so good!
Being able to truly forgive those who caused me great pain in my life — to be able to honestly let go of all the hurt and the anger, and to move forward with no regrets. It took a long time, and it was a hard lesson well learned.
I’m proud of being able to face and survive breast cancer with God’s help and the loving support of my husband, children and friends
Yay release day – my proudest moment is getting through this graduate program 🙂
Picking up someone else’s uncooperative child and running, in heels, down an airplane tarmac towards a shelter while it was being bombed.
Hmm proudest achievement would be to become self-employed
My personal achievement has been and will continue to be serenity. I’m in a 12-step program that has saved me and changed me on a daily basis. There is a lot of personal growth yet to come, but it so wonderful to discover myself again after being “lost.”
My greatest achievement in life has been the raising of my two sons, as a single mom, into two fine young men who are educated, compassionate and loving individuals. I am very, very proud of them!
Graduating from medical school as a single mom is high on the list…but I’m proudest of my two daughters because their sacrifices and encouragement helped me get there.
My proudest achievement is my two children. I never thought I would have children when I was younger but watching them now as adults with families of their own , I am so proud of their life achievements that I am taking ownership of getting them to this point.
I love you J & D.
At the moment it is when people tell me how good my children were and how well they are reading and writing. That encourages me in my decision to stay home with them and also homeschooling them. I thank God for the opportunity to do this and His stength to do it in!
To answer your question, I would say is being able to forgive and let go.
Finishing med school and working everyday as a surgeon, putting effort in the little details. I Think crafting supports that, paying attention to the detail.
my greatest accomplishment is watching my daughter grow into a wonderful adult
I think being caregiver for my 90 year old Mom. It’s hard and rewarding with precious little alone time, but most important, she gets to stay in the home my Daddy built and raised their family.
I am proud of the fact that I pursued a career and succeeded in it even though I didn’t qualify at the time 🙂
My job working as a librarian in a public library
I am proudest of the influence I have had on my elementary students in my 37 years of teaching. Art has always been a part of my classroom as I’ve watched children grow in confidence and knowledge. It’s been fun seeing so many of them as adults introducing me to their children and wishing I was still teaching. I am so proud that I played a small part in their growth. Teaching was the perfect profession for me.
Watching my son growing into the man he will be. That is my proudest achievement.
I think my greatest achievements have been the births of my kids and building our house with my husband.
My proudest moments are seeing or hearing about something that my kids or grandkids have done for someone else that reminds me again how great they are.
My proudest achievement is having given birth to and raising my three children. They are each still a work in progress, but are the most important things in my life and I’m so grateful for the blessing of being their mother 🙂
My biggest achievements are my three children. They all love the Lord and are raising their children to know Him and love Him.
Seeing what a kind and wonderful mother my daughter is. And now having a grandson who I get to spend time with on a regular basis.
My proudest achievement is by far raising my independent, productive and happy grown children. They are a blessing every day.
I would have to say helping my children to become the best that they can be, including being generous, loving and compassionate adults.
My family has always made me proud. They are strong, loving, and giving. They hold family values high. I am lucky and very proud to have them.
My daughter, Melissa 🙂 She is a good momma and a hard worker.I’m very proud of her.
My children and the amazing young adults they’ve grown into are one of my best achievements.
This has been a fabulous release! My proudest achievement is helping my kids grow up to be wonderful adults. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Chris L.
My family and kids are my proudest achievement. I have a high school senior who is turning out to be a great person!
My proudest achievement has been watching my two children become wonderful adults and awesome parents.
Raising my children with my husband!
I have many proud moments and I just can’t pick one. My first, graduating from college, marrying my best friend and have 3 amazing children. My next proudest moment will come in August when one of my children walk down the aisle and take an amazing woman for his wife! I owe all my proudest moments to God, without him, these moments wouldn’t have been possible!
My proudest achievement has been having my daughter and watching her grow into a responsible and great woman!
That is an impossible question! I am so absolutely proud of my children but don’t quite consider them “my achievement”. I would say taking on a completely new life when I began staying home with my kids. I had to learn a million new things (a lot all at once) and start doing almost everything myself. I just need to work on cooking, but I would always rather be paper crafting instead.
My proudest achievement is my work. I started at the very bottom rank and work my way up by learning everything. And now, I get to help run the company I work at and able to spoil my mom and take her on various awesome trip.
Having my two kids and being a good role model for them.
I don’t have children, so I guess that being there for my mom – to the end – helping her navigate thru the terrible pathway that Alzheimer’s disease brings.
My proudest achievement to date…probably my son. 🙂 He is turning into a super sweet little guy and that makes me super happy. 🙂 I know it’s not just my achievement (thank you hubby lol!) but its the best thing ever! 🙂
Being a Mom. I’m not saying every moment of my mothering is something I’m proud of, but overall it’s my most significant accomplishment.
I believe my proudest moment is seeing my three children graduate from college loving and serving Jesus!
I’m getting so old, that I can’t remember anything I have done! So, in 2013 I ended up with a very rare autoimmune disease. Was unable to walk, drive, use my hands. After treatment, I am recovering. My achievement, if you can call it that, is that I have pushed through this and maintained a positive attitude. (It has been a joy this past year to regain use of my hands and fingers and to create cards again!)
The day I married my husband and raising four wonderful children together. Now watching them raise their families and seeing what they have accomplished.
I’m looking forward to the new release, there are so many wonderful products. I have many achievements, like getting up each morning!
My proudest achievement to date is probably my degree. It took 10 years of college for me to figure out what kind of degree I wanted and achieve the five year professional Bachelor of Architecture. I learned so much about myself and about the world in that period of time that even though I don’t use my degree itself in my daily life, I still am proud to call it mine.
I think it would be finishing college. It took me 18 years, but I finally got my Associates Degree and my paralegal certification.
My proudest achievement (other than my 2 wonderful sons!) has been quitting smoking. Never, ever thought I could do it! But I quit when I found out I was pregnant & never turned back. That was now almost 13 years ago & I’m so proud that is now in the past! More healthier now & image all the money I’ve saved by quitting!
All time proud of giving my children the tools to learn and thrive, and feel loved!!
Definitely raising my six children to be happy, well adjusted, wonderful adults.
Super fabulous release!
My proudest achievement thus far is my son! Not sure anything could top it, to be honest 😉
Having a long marriage and sweet children!
Helping others build confidence and achieve the things they want to live a great life. Bringing fun into their days in creative and thoughtful ways.
My nephew, who is a soldier in the US Army, was promoted to Specialist. I’m so proud of him, not only is he one of the two greatest nephews in the world, but is protecting this country that I love!
I have a three-way tie! Marrying my husband of almost 22 years and raising our kids to become the incredible 19 year old woman and 18 year old man that they are today!
I am proudest that in my parenting I have begun to learn when to hold my babies close and when to encourage separation and risk-taking…not easy for a Mama Bear.
I would have to say the decision to get healthy. In January I started Weight Watchers and so far I’ve lost 20lbs! It feels great. 🙂
– April W
i am so proud of my 3 adult children & my 5 yr. old grandson. also, i survived a major stroke when i was 40, although that was mostly due to my excellent doctor.
My biggest achievement is being the best dog mom ever. 🙂 Well, that and being the “Voice” for a former employer for our training DVDs. LOL
Having my daughter is my proudest achievement.
Walking this earth for many years now I would have to say my proudest accomplishment was helping my daughter give birth to my first grandchild. It was amazing to assist in his birth and when I held him in my arms I fell in love. This beautiful little guy captured my heart 26 years ago and continues to do so. Even though he is all grown up, that connection of love remains.
By far my children are my proudest achievement, they are fantastic people and I am more than proud of them! Every day they amaze me with their talents and their ability to make their dreams come true. It truly has been an honor to be their mom.
I think my proudest achievement was my time in the USAR. I learned a lot of things that most people don’t experience. I got a small taste of what war would be like and what wartime soldiers go through.
Without a doubt, as many of the comments suggest, is my children.I just bask in the glory of their accomplishments and realize what wonderful independent men they have become. I am so blessed.
Raising a lovely, intelligent, caring, empathetic and courageous daughter. She’s also become my best friend.
My Son for sure. and learning that i can survive divorce and help my son through it is pretty awesome too.
Being a high school English teacher for over 30 years is one of my greatest accomplishments. My life intersecting with those of the many students I had the privilege of teaching: priceless and enriching! Thank you for the gift opportunity.
My ability to face a croud & give a speech.
Surviving Scleroderma for 15 years. Enough said!
I had to think about this one. There are many things I’ve done that I am proud of…being the first in my family to earn a college degree, making unpopular choices because that was best for my family, serving my country, moving to another country and choosing to become part of the community instead of relying on the other Americans, and so many more, but when you say the proudest…well, that’s asking me to choose one. And I think that one made the others possible. The thing I’m most proud of is staying true to myself and having the strength to do it even when there were other roads that would have been so much easier.
My proudest achievement is leading a group of colleagues to take over 5 classrooms full of students after our colleague/friend died suddenly. He died two weeks before the semester ended and we all stepped up to make sure those students completed their coursework successfully.
Raising my children to be independent responsible adults. It’s not an easy thing to do, but often filled with joy at their successes and accomplishments.
Oh wow! What an amazing countdown! I am in love with the new dies for card fronts and the new flower set! I can’t wait to order! My proudest moment –any time I get a compliment about how wonderful my twin girls are. Just last week a mom from school stopped me to tell me how polite and kind my girls are and I love to hear that. As a mom I am always second guessing myself – always wondering if I could be a better parent- always wondering if I am doing the right thing with them. And when I hear that, it is like getting a good review at work. As a stay at home mom, those are priceless and proud moments for me!!!
I would say it was graduating high school with honors at 16.
Pursuing my dream of an education.
I succeeded in baking a cake at my first attempt.
I would say that finding my “artistic” side is on of my proudest achievements. I literally felt so lost in art class growing up and thought I was artistically challenged. But I started scrapbooking and card making and now feel like I am an artist! 🙂
Raising my three wonderful children!
I’ve made over 4,000 cards for Operation Write Home. Most of the cards are made with PTI stamps, dies, and papers.
Beyond the normal things I do for and with my family, friends, and at work, I’d have to say it’s the volunteer work I do at a local cat shelter. It’s a lot of work and very time consuming and many times I’d rather be making cards but the cats we help really need our time and attention. So I thinks it’s an important activity for me to continue to do.
Living my own life, supporting myself, paying for my home, having many friends and a close family. All these things feel like accomplishments.
My greatest achievement was completing my MBA at the age of 40 with 3teens at home, a husband and working full-time throughout my BA and MBA schooling. It was a tough road, but I made it!
I know this might sound lame and cliché but honestly my greatest achievement to date is raising 9 hard working, smart, talented, thoughtful children.
I think my proudest achievement to date has been finishing University and paying off my student loans.
My proudest achievement has to be maintaining a healthy lifestyle and moving in a forward direction in life since losing my soulmate.
Taking a second try at marriage, and now hoping that we can celebrate our 40th anniversary in good health.
Wow… That’s deep… For me it would have to be the fact that I’ve been able to move to another country so far away from mime, settling down and assimilating into the new culture, embracing new traditions and expanding my own horizons!!!
Raising my children, watching them get married and being married myself for 40 years.
Getting my Master’s degree while working full time.
I’d say my proudest achievements would be my kids (our dd will finish her graduate degree in May and our ds is doing well in college with intentions of going to grad school) and my degree /profession.
Overcoming my fear of flying (with drugs of course!)
My achievement would also have to be having and raising 3 wonderful children with a wonderful husband, its a joy everyday!!!
My proudest achievement in life is the reality that I’ve overcome so many obstacles in my youth to become who I am today and that I’ve managed to do so while staying kind.
My proudest achievement is my recent cancer recovery!!! 🙂 I have made it through surgery & treatments all while raising a kindergartner & 3 year old!
Raising my daughter by myself and hearing from multiple different people what a wonderful, caring and friendly little girl she is!
My proudest achievement is rescuing my puppy 2 years ago from local rescue group and spent 2 months nursing her to health. It was a huge undertaking given my long work hours but I managed to make it work with a petsitter and a wonderful vet. It was a gratifying experience though I don’t know if I can ever do it again!!
My proudest achievement so far is that I have not lost my optimistic outlook on life after everything my family has endured.
Being able to balance work and bring mom. I am happy that I can do both!
Having my children. God was good to me and I was able to bring 2 innocent darlings to the world. While giving birth is a natural process to most of us, it is still wondrous and something that will amaze me for the rest of my life.
To see the success our two children have had throughout their lives and now seeing those same children being dedicated parents and community members, giving back as well as receiving. (a close
second to all of this; teaching reading to first graders for 27 years and creating the love of learning in those same kiddos.)
Raising two young ladies which are both great human beings and great Moms!
Successfully staying married for 10+ years to my high school sweetheart.
Raising three sons to happy adulthood is my most satisfying achievement, but I was most proud of myself when I bought my first house on my own and realized I was a strong, capable woman, able to take care of herself.
My proudest achievement has been adopting and raising my 2 children. While some days can be challenging (they are teenagers now!), they are also my greatest blessing.
Raising my three boys.
My proudest achievement has to be raising my two boys! They are my legacy and are turning into two of the most amazing people that I know. They are 13 and 11 so still “works in progress'” but aren’t we all?
Mine is all about family! My marriage of 27 years that is still strong and wonderful to a great guy that I’m still crazy in love with and our two grown, successful children that are the light of our lives!
Hmmm, this is a tough one! I’d have to say taking care of my 3 beautiful furbabies (after getting through the loss of my first-very sick-furbaby), and being there for my mom like she’s always there for me, or at least trying to! ^_^
Definetly my family! Thanks for another great release PTI!
My proudest achievement to-date has been in helping my parents live out their final years in the way they wished. I so appreciate the years we all lived together as an extended family, and the gift of the generations that my daughter was able to experience.
My proudest achievement to date is that I am the proud mother of two amazing grown human beings. You have a lot of control over your children when they are little but when they grow up to be people you are proud of without you constantly telling them what to do and how to behave that is a true achievement.
Going straight through college and graduate school-and doing very well at both!!!
my proudest achievement to date has been raising my most beautiful darling daughter who is 11 years old. crafting wise I always seem to amaze myself
My proudest achievement has been being a teacher for 35 happy years! Sharing the the joys of learning with my young students Several of my students have grown up to become teachers, too! Imagine the joy I feel now, when I receive invitations to their weddings! Counting my blessings! ♡
I am proudest of my kids and the people that they are because of how my husband and I have raised them.
Raising my teenage son as a single mother and maintaining my mental peace while being unemployed for almost four years. I have to admit that card and soap making helped a lot on that!!
Raising four wonderful children.
Simple answer: sharing raising our two children together with my awesome husband!
Raising two responsible, respectful, talented, beautiful daughters is by far my biggest accomplishment!
My adult children are both men of integrity. My husband and I devoted ourselves to their characters and it paid off and gives us great joy.
My family has to be my greatest achievement.
My proudest achievement has been working hard to get a good education and a good job in which I was able to support myself and be independent. And then, the strength and courage it took to give that all up to be a stay-at-home mom, raising three wonderful, smart, and talented kids!
Seems like it is always hard to brag about ourselves–especially for women. Upon reviewing my life, 61 years and most of it being single, I’d say learning to use power tools and making my own home repairs is a proud achievement for me.
My proudest achievement was watching my son’s retirement ceremony from the USAF this past Friday after 22+ years of service. I always knew he made sacrifices for his country, but didn’t realize the full extent until I heard some of the highlights of his career. I am truly blessed.
My proudest achievement has been being able to bring up my three sons on my own. To watch them grow into outstanding young men is my finest achievement.
My proudest moment was graduating from university, the hard work and sleepless nights paid off!
Still married after over 21 years. Ha!
Raising my children.
Seeing my daughter grow up into a talented, hard-working adult who is responsible and makes good choices.
I’d have to say my proudest achievement to date is keeping my sanity while staying at home with my three children. Lol!!
Hard question! Marrying the right person 45 1/2 years ago is my greatest achievement! He was 20 & I was 19. Our families were against it but we proved them wrong. Everything wonderful in my life has flowed from it. We have 3 loving, successful, & morally strong sons that make us proud everyday. I am so blessed that I had the good sense to marry this amazing man.
I’ve never been very good at sticking to things especially if I wasn’t good at it from the get go. Cardmaking is the one exception to that. I look back at my early creations and see how much I’ve learned and how my creativity has grown over the last few years and I’m proud that that is a product of hard work and sticking with it!
Finding the balance to be involved and engaged in my family affairs, work, and crafting.
Raising my two sons on my own, has brought me the most pride in my life. They grew up to be educated, outstanding young men, both of whom contribute positively to society today. Folks always ask me how I did it, and I tell them that God (and a little luck) played the biggest role in seeing me through those years. And me paying close attention to who my sons chose for friends. Looking back, it was not easy, but you do what you have to do. I thank God every day for the gifts of my education and good-paying job that allowed me to support my sons during those years.
I guess one of my proud achievements is after all the health issues I keep chugging along. Back fusion, 7 foot surgeries, both hands carpal tunnel surgeries, and So many more….?
My proudest achievement is when I planned and organized the Children’s Art division for my stepsons’ entire school. Each class needed an art piece for the auction with each child’s contribution indicated in the project. With help from my husband (my sister in law, my original partner, had gotten ill), we were able to plan times for each class to make their project pieces – it ended up being a total of over 550 contributions to be made into 21 projects. It took me 3 weeks to build them all, but they all auctioned for the top bid and the grand total was $6500! It was exhilarating and stressful at the same time; I am such an introvert and this was WAY out of my comfort zone. But I am so glad I did it!
My children are my greatest accomplishment.
Beating cancer 7 years ago is my proudest accomplishment.
Oh man, I think being 38 and being a stay at home mom, going back to college this year has been a challenge for me. But I know when I graduate in October, it will definitely be one of my greatest achievements.
Wow – what an amazing question to ask! I think my proudest achievement to-date was earning my Ph.D. – it was a very difficult process and I realyl grew as a person during that ordeal. It’s been an amazing release this month and I’m counting the minutes until I can have it all!!
Watching my three children grow into three wonderful human beings, each individual and better and stronger than I could ever be.
Becoming a healthier person. Deciding to make a major change and challenge myself to run distances I didn’t think we’re possible for me.
Giving birth and raising my son. it wasn’t always easy but worth every minute of it.
Nurturing our two now grown children to become responsible, honest, respectful, kind, caring, hard working individuals.
My proudest achievement would be having my beautiful daughter and watching her grow into a kind, compassionate, successful and caring woman.
I don’t have children, so can’t use that one. But the proudest event in my life was when the dean handed me my engineering diploma in 1984!
Raising two children who have grown up to be amazing individuals with families of their own!
My proudest achievement was to graduate university, with honours!
Continuing working at my middle school as a volunteer, bringing crafts to students. This week we did counted cross stitch which most were able to do with no problem.
My proudest achievement to date has been going back to school and receiving my B.S. degree, in my 50″s!
It may be a bit cliche, but my greatest accomplishment is my daughter. I’d like to think my husband and I have had something to do with her becoming the wonderful, young woman she has become. So thoughtful, caring and a good head on her shoulders! She’ll be going to college in the Fall and I’ll miss our hanging out time everyday (she keeps me “cool” and up on the trends!), but we’re so very proud of her.
My proudest achievements were getting my honours degree, professional qualifications and post grad … while working more than full time! Anita 🙂
I would have to say giving birth to my beautiful daughter. Whom I’m now planning a wedding for. All of the new releases are AWESOME. Can’t wait to order tonight.
30+ years ago, I was the victim of a horrible crime. Not only did I survive, I have thrived in my life. I refuse to hand over to anyone the power to take my joy from me. Thank you, Mom, for raising me to believe I am priceless!
Raising my daughters is by far my best achievement. Still working at it and enjoying every moment!
My daughter. She is my best friend, a wonderful and generous person, and someone I am so proud of!
Graduating from business school with a double major in Marketing & Advertising Management
Raising my special needs child has been my greatest achievement.
The decision to go back to college and complete my bachelor’s degree in computer science (I’m 3 courses away!).
Top of the list would be my four beautiful children (I know…I had help with that). So many blessings in my life that I could also be proud of, but I had help with all of that too.
Being a great daughter, sister, wife and friend to the most important people in my life.
My proudest achievement is my 44 year marriage. We’re both happy, healthy and in love with each other. And very, very lucky.
My proudest moments are my husband’s and my job achievements. We both worked very hard to reach our goals.
Celebrating 22 years with my DH! After all these years he’s still my best friend!
Taking care of my two sick parents and knowing that I did everything possible to be there for them. They took care of me when I was a child, so all I was doing was paying it forward. I miss them both!
My proudest achievement is my 3 sons. They are amazing men. They have helped me through my darkest hours.
I have been so blessed.
Definitely my two children! They have turned out to be loving independent adults. 🙂
One of my greatest achievements have been just raising my family to be the best they can be, despite our everyday challenges.
Completing my Masters degree.
As always, there’s plenty to love in your new releases and my wishlist grew ever longer!
My proudest achievement so far were the 9 years I was able to spend doing a missionary work in South America… would still be there had I not taken ill.
Raising my two wonderful children into caring, wise adults.
Beautiful and wonderful kids!! Their responsible , happy, and all around wonderful people!! And my beautiful grandkids??
My proudest moment is my children. To see them grow and become amazing adults! Now they are having children, and to see them interact with there kids is amazing! It is amazing the adults they have become! Great release!
My proudest achievement is becoming the main breadwinner for my family and still being able to find the time to create and maintain a balanced lifestyle. I also am proud of all the little day-to-day achievements: running my first 5k, dancing my first solo, each time I create and finish a scrapbook page that I’m proud to show off to the whole world.
-Silhouette Angelika
My proudest achievement is having three beautiful daughters and wonderful 15 year marriage.
My proudest achievement has to be marrying my DH over 30 years ago and owning a lake home. Not only does everyone else love him, but he is SO supportive and caring of me. We have been there to help care for my folks, his folks, and his brother up until their passings and to this day often visit friends/relatives with failing health. We are enjoying retirement and working together maintaining our lovely home and yard to keep it looking like a park.
I’m not sure I have a proudest moment for myself, but I have never been prouder than when my husband, who has a learning disability, graduated a post-secondary institution with his current designation!
ThAt is tough…but having my stepsons accept me as their second mom and truly loving me means the world to me! It wasn’t always easy, but we made it. Love my boys and I’m so proud of the men they have become
My kids. Best things that ever happened to me…EVER!
Being a mom to 3 girls and being able to volunteer with their activities.
Besides my 3 awesome kids, the moment I stepped across the finish line of my first marathon race was humbling and exhilarating. I’ve since gone on to run many other races but that first time was amazing.
Family and friends! 😉
My proudest achievement is watching my children raise their children. The circle of life.
My proudest moment to date is raising two wonderful children who have grown up into wonderful adults!!
I’d say my proudest achievement is graduating with my Master’s Degree.
My three children as a divorced, single parent; they are smart, talented, entrepreneurial, self sufficient, incredible young adults.
I think raising my two kids is an ongoing experience but nothing makes me prouder. Seeing two people you love navigate the world, begin to make decisions and open their hearts to others. It is the greatest thing!
The renovation of our house. That was a lot of time and effort – but it was worth it !!!
I think my proudest achievement is raising two wonderful boys that have turned into such fine young men.
Taking care of my family.
got my degree and to have 2 wonderful children and a caring husband
My proudest achievement is two fold, my three sons and daughter-in-laws being good, compassionate , productive members of society. And my 14 grandchildren following in their footsteps.
Helping to start a charity 5K at my college, and making plans to go up in two weeks to help the new students celebrate the 10th annual event. I organized the 3rd and 4th annual races with my husband, and we are so proud that the school and our organization have kept this event alive and strong for so long!
Being there for my parents as they aged. I was there for them, not only as a daughter, but as their friend. They were my best friends!
I have 2 awesome children that are now impressive adults, but that is not an achievement on my own. I truly believe it takes a village. MY proudest achievement Is completing my bachelors degree while working full time and being a full time mom. It was a long 12 years, but worth it.
For me it would be first my family and first grandchild and then it would be how far I’ve progressed in my current occupation when a High School Degree meant something!
My proudest accomplishment is being the first in my family to get a college degree but I’m also proud of raising an amazing son!
My family!! To teach my kids what my parents taught me.
My proudest accomplishment has been giving birth to my 3 beautiful kids! I will forever be amazed that my body created, carried, delivered, and raised 3 human beings. I love them so much!
Overcoming many many obstacles while being disabled and keep on dealing with every curve-ball my body is throwing at me.
I am partially paralyzed at one side of my body, but I am a single mom, a home-owner, I have a great job and I have a pretty great life.
A hard life, but a good life.
And I know that is because I never ever give up, because I never refuse to change, to grow, to change my goals.
Being the best mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend that I could possibly be.
While I know it is more God’s gift than my accomplishment, I have to say my daughters. I am so proud of the young women they are.
For me, being a parent is by far my greatest accomplishment. Watching my kids learn and grow is my greatest joy!
Raising our children to be loving, responsible adults where God & family come first. Its a constant blessing…
Raising a daughter and a son that I not only love, but I also like and respect.
Raising my children and teaching them that they can do whatever they set their minds to by setting an example. I have come a long way in my career and still was able to be a Mom and homemaker.
Relearning French after forgetting my high school French.
Wow, I never thought about this. I will say it would be running my own business for the last 27 years.
While I could list off so many things, including graduating from school, serving a mission, buying a house, and getting married, I have to say that having and raising our kids is my greatest and proudest accomplishment.
Raising my two kids has been my proudest achievement !
My proudest achievement would be my 2 step-sons that I helped raise from a very young age. Today, they are a wonderful job raising my 4 grandchildren.
I’m so proud of my grown sons!
My proudest achievement is, and will always be, my three children and the wonderful, loving young adults they have become. Sappy, but true 🙂
This was a difficult question. There are so many changes in life. I guess I’d have to say going back to college and finishing my Bachelor’s Degree in Business at the age of 50. Teaching a teenage neighbor how to sew. Taking art classes. Making cards for Operation Write Home.
Being first in my family to graduate from college, and my physical therapy career for the past 27 years.
Raising a family with my husband is my proudest achievement. What a blessing!
My greatest accomplishment is raising three beautiful children, basically on my own to be happy, healthy, responsible adults.
It is difficult to answer, but I can say being an overcomer thru the difficult times, like cancer, and seeing how the Lord turned these times into blessings as I trusted in Him.
My proudest achievement has been the raising of two lovely dogs, whom I believed were angels from above.
that’s a difficult question. My proudest achievement is developing a love of hiking. I didn’t grow up very athletic and only in my 30s did I discover how much I love to be outdoors. When I was 41 I took 3 months of sabbatical from work and hiked New Zealand. I’m still very proud of myself for having the courage to try something like that.
Raising two wonderful daughters.
My lovely daughter! Also having some of my stamped artwork featured in a book.
My proudest achievement would be raising my children to be the responsible, loving adults they are now.
Easy one, lol. Having my son! I am so blessed!
Raising my six amazing kids has been my greatest achievement. I could never have done it without the help and leadership of such a godly husband.
My proudest achievement was going back to school after 20 years, and graduating summa cum laude from nursing school. While taking care of my mom on hospice.
Raising two wonderful children!
I would have to say my children. They make life better.
My proudest achievement is my son – he has grown into an awesome young man! I am so proud of him and proud of the type of young man and father he has become!
Being a mother and wife.
I don’t know that “proud” is the right word for it, but being able to make someone else laugh and feel good makes me happy–I’m glad I can do that.
Graduating from college is my proudest achievement, took me several years to do but what a wonderful feeling to be finished with school.
My proudest achievement is working with my husband to face our children’s special needs together. It could have torn us apart.
Being the mother of 3 amazing children (who are now adults) – they will forever be my greatest blessings and joy.
Having and raising my son, who has become a wonderful and successful man will always be the proudest achievement of my life. As a single mother, it wasn’t always easy; but not a day went by that it wasn’t rewarding. How blessed I am..
I’ve had a lot of milestones in my life that I am so proud of, but one of my most recent was completing my Masters Degree and graduating. It was tough being a grad student as a married woman in my 40’s, surrounded by so many very young students. But when I walked down that aisle in my hood and honors cords, hearing my family cheer me on, I think my heart burst with love and pride at that moment!
My family. 🙂
I really try not to be “proud” because it’s not me; it’s all by the grace of God, but I’d say my greatest accomplishment is my 30-year marriage to God’s match for me, my sweet husband, D.T.
I don’t know, if family can be named as an achievement, but indeed, I’m absolutely proud of my lovely husband, our 11 years old son and our little baby Emma. I hope, I can give everything they need to all the three of them so that they will be proud of me in return.
My greatest achievement is marrying my high school sweetheart at a young age, having a beautiful daughter together and still married for 16 years !
I’ve had a lot of accomplishments in my life that I’m really proud of, but one of my most recent was enrolling in graduate school and earning my Masters Degree! It was hard being a grad student as a married woman in my 40’s, surrounded by so many young students. But when I walked down that aisle in my hood and honors cords, hearing my family cheering me on, I think my heart almost burst with love and pride!
My family is my best achievement. It’s tough work and enjoyment all in one!
My proudest achievement should be being a mom and wife, but if I’m being truthful I would admit I’m not sure I’m doing such a good job. 😉 I think my proudest achievement is pursuing a series of creative opportunities and putting myself out there whether I succeed or fail. 🙂
Raising our son to achieve everything you can while putting God as your biggest priority in your life. Hoping God is always the foundation of his life!
I think my achievement last year in my personal growth in my faith.
Homeschooling our four children and seeing them thrive in life even though there are trials.
Starting my own sewing business and designing my own site on wix!
I would have to say… Seeing my first stamping article published in my favorite stamping magazine.
Our proudest achievement would have to be making arrangements to move our son and his fiancee home. They lived with us for 4 months until the place I had put in an application for became available we were also able to find a doctor willing to take them as patients. Our son was diagnosed with MS 2 years ago and is now in a wheel chair. It is so good to see them settled in a wheel chair accessable place and close enough that we can help with what ever they need.
My greatest achievement is marrying my high school sweetheart and having a beautiful daughter together at a young age and still married for 16 yrs!
My proudest and toughest achievement was getting through law school, passing the bar exam.
My proudest moment to date is being the mother of two grown sons who have turned out to me wonderful young men.
Besides raising my boys, I would have to say taking care of my mother and my husbands grandmother when they were living their final years.
My boys are the obvious answer, but I’m secretly still really proud of my summer scholarship from the San Francisco Ballet Co. at age 13.
My Family
My proudest moment to date happened a few years ago when I changed my eating and exercise habits. I was able to lose 91 pounds and achieved a weight and fitness level that I never thought possible.
My husband died when our son was 2 years old, so I raised him by myself (of course with a lot of help from my family and my mother in law), seeing him today as a 28 y.o. young man, wonderful person that’s my proudest achievement. Thanks for the chance!
Being able to teach others all my tips and tricks, and inspiring them to create something is my proudest achievement!
I´m proud of my family, especially of my two daughters.
We´re proud of our oldest daughter, when she got a “Fulbright” scholarship.
A long and happy marriage….36 years and counting!
Raising a wonderful loving and caring son. He is the light of my life.
I would have to say it was making the decision to move away from family and friends in the town I grew up in. I accepted a new job and it was 2000 miles away from everything I’ve always known. But I did it and survived. It was tough without any family support nearby…but i lived away for seven years…met my husband and we moved back!
Proudest achievement was graduating college. Great colors this month and great designs!
Finding a wonderful husband!
So proud of my sons and daughters and the wonderful men and women they’ve become! All other accomplishments pale in comparison.
Caring for cancer children and adults. Proud to see my niece follow in my footsteps.
My proudest achievement is me! I strive to be a better person everyday and I’m happy with what the result have turned out to be 🙂
Just came here to study and met my hubby 25 years ago.
Other than my children…my proudest achievement to date has been the purchase of our house
For years we thought we were doomed to live out our days in our small overcrowded condo. After much work (and financial organization), we finally bought a house where our children can grow up and play in a yard and have their own rooms.
My biggest achievement … My son Alexandro
It would be a string of events – going to law school, passing the bar, becoming a prosecutor, and winning a jury trial!!
My proudest achievement is my family.
My proudest accomplishment was completing a half marathon in 2011. It was the hardest physical challenge I’ve ever faced, but so worth it in the end. Thanks for the chance to win – love this release!
I am proud of being a source of support for my family. Whether it be doing everything possible to raise well-adjusted, kind, hard-working kids and give them as many possibilities to excel as I can, or working two jobs to help support my husband in his business ventures or helping my siblings out when needed.
My own personal proudest moment would be a tie between being the soprano soloist at a choral festival at the Kennedy Center in DC and our twin babies… Though that has been 16 months of continuous proud moments.
My family. Having great responsible and kind boys! 🙂
25 years this year of marriage with my wonderful husband!
having my son and him growing to be a loving young man 🙂
Thankful for so many things throughout life but I just finished my first half marathon this morning, came home and saw this wonderful release! Proud day for me and then a fun release to look forward to!
I have enjoyed many things in life, but the joy and reward of our 3 (now grown) children is at the top of the list! It’s not all been easy, but it’s been amazing.
Being married going on 14 years
After being a Navy wife for 20 years, raising 3 awesome children and being the SAHM while hubby was away on many cruises, I started to attend college for the first time in my life at the age of 46. I graduated after 5 semesters with a 4.0 GPA (woo hoo, I DID still have a brain after being a SAHM!) and received an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. It was the best thing I had ever done for ME! (Being married almost 32 years and our 3 incredible adult children are also another great achievement that my husband and I did TOGETHER!)
Marrying my high school sweatheart… starting a family… living an adventurous life full of love and faith… Never letting my dreams out of sight.
Wow, that is a hard question. Off the top of my head, it would have to be when I completed my first Tough Mudder. Now I’ve completed 5 and am signed up for the 6th in 2 1/2 months!
My kids – although I’m a great believer in the old adage that it takes a whole village to raise a child!
I’d like to say my proudest achievement is raising two boys who have become wonderful men, but I certainly can’t take the credit for that. (Well, maybe I can take a little credit.) I am pleased that in my sixties I took the leap to go back to school for further training and managed to start a new career, successfully launching my own freelance editing business. Neither of these accomplishments would have been possible without the grace of the Lord Jesus and the support of a wonderful husband.
It has to be our two children! They are wonderful!
I would say marriage and family…the challenges it brings as well as the overwhelming joy.
I’d have to say my proudest achievement is raising four children who went on to become responsible, compassionate adults who are raising wonderful children of their own.
As many others have said, my proudest achievement has been raising my three children. What a blessing they have been in my life!
As my baby is starting her post secondary education and my son finishing up his second year I would have to say loud and clear that my two awesome children are my proudest achievements! xoxo
Raising sons who love the Lord is what I consider to be my greatest accomplishment.
Having my two sons is my proudest achievement.
I think my proudest achievement would have to be taking care of my Mum when she got older and needed more support.
Last May, I celebrated the gift of my career, 40 years as a physical therapist. It has been my great joy to assist people on their journeys of recovering from illness or injury.
When I was younger, I would have said that earning my master’s degree was my proudest accomplishment, but now I would say raising my children to be responsible loving people.
The first thing that popped into my head was my children, although I know this is probably a common answer, but I am proud of how they are growing and becoming wonderful young women. Next, I would say all the labs that I have help set up and become functional operations over the course of my career.
Every month is just such a joy to see the wonderful things YOU ALL create for us. I am in awe of your talent and thank you for sharing it with us! wonderful release!
Guess having a loving family and faithful friends. Just not one “to toot my own horn”.
Well, it’s hard to pick one thing, but I guess I’d have to choose getting my pilot’s license because it’s something very few people will do.
I suppose I’m most proud of my 30+years marriage. He is my best friend and a great guy. This is my great achievement, even more so than graduating from WSU med school!
My 3 wonderful children!
My marriage is my best achievement. My husband has been my lover, my best friend and my soulmate! We are opposites but that’s what makes life so much fun!
Marrying my sweet husband!
Proudest achievement… getting my masters degree? At the end of this year, if everything goes according to plan, getting my taekwando black belt.
Being the best wife and mother I can be, with the Lord’s help!
I would say starting and finishing nursing school while being a new mom and keeping my relationship as great as it was before I started. It was tough and trying at times but I am a much better person.
My proudest achievement has been staying married for more than 35 years to the same loving man. Next would be teaching myself violin during some of the most difficult times in my life, which by the way helped my mind and spirit, music is indeed a great medication, as is any art.
Wow. That’s a difficult one. One of my proudest achievements is raising my children while watching them become the wonderful people they are.
Proudest achievement to date was to quit smoking. It has been 17 years and is was an accomplishment for me.
Giving birth to six beautiful children, nuturing them, and watching them grow into six wonderful adults. I could not be more proud than when I look at them and can say you are mine.
lots have already said this, but being a mom is my great achievement to date.
I think having my children, I think is my greatest achievement. Two girls. I must have done something right because they call and visit often…who knew? And the second that I am still with my husband after 38 years and we still like each other. Honestly I knew he loved me and I loved him, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to wake up to the same face for forever. So for the past 13,870 days – the same face…WOW…LOL
I am most proud of the fine adults my children have become. They are self reliant, intelligent human beings and I hope that I am responsible for a part of their success.
My two beautiful children!
Together with my husband,we have raised two wonderful children that are now two wonderful adults!!!
Homeschooling four kiddos while working full time.
My proudest achievement is being able to help care for my mother who is 94 yrs old while being away from home 6-7 months of the year.
Oh, my! I think that’s a hard question to answer simply. Well, I am just starting to realize that my biggest achievement was to leave my native Country alone (at 18) with no English, one suitcase and a heart full of hope and dreams.
My proudest achievement was being there for my parents whenever they needed me.
It would be the decision moving to the US and start my new life with my husband and my son.
My proudest achievement is raising four happy children with my amazing husband and still have time for myself.
Hmmmm… it seems the biggest achievements I’ve seen in my life have been when I’ve stepped back and said, “God, I can’t do this, but You can…” And He’s done it each time! So I guess I’m proud of HIS amazing achievements and the chance to have a small part in what He’s doing… Like raising amazing kids, learning to braid my Haitian daughter’s hair, and being blown away by what He does with whomever is handy and willing. AWESOME!
Sharing my cardmaking skills and products w/others in a positive surprising way.
Love all the products this month! Tough question. I am honored to be given the opportunity to raise two wonderful boys, proudest achievement occurs each day that they thrive in their pursuits. But, it’s all with God’s grace.
A very hard question indeed! Raising our 2 kids and now seeing them “love on ” their own children. They make me proud!
The birth of my beloved son. Though for most this wouldn’t necessarily be deemed an achievement, due to my inherent difficulties it most certainly was for me. I am chronically ill with a slew of super rare and debilitating diseases. I was thought to be infertile and to our surprise I became pregnant! Rather than being met with congratulations our family, friends and doctors were terrified. They feared I would not survive the pregnancy let alone the delivery…and I nearly didn’t. But now, 4 and a half years later, I look at my breathing, giggling sweet miracle that is my son and know there is no greater achievement than giving him life.
My first thought was raising 2 kind daughters and of course that would probably always be my answer. But I am very proud of going back to school in my mid forties( this was 13 years ago ) to become a Registered Nurse. I was a single Mom and waited for my girls to get in college. And then I went to college. It was a wonderful learning experience in so many ways and set a good work ethic for my kids.
My proudest achievement is being a “Grammy”. Nothing could compare to being loved and cherished like I am by my grandsons.
Raising 3 children and seeing the successful adults they have become. This monthe release is great. Thanks.
I love my kids and I played a major part in their development, I”m sure, but I love that I always thought of myself as having no artistic ability, and now I’m a card maker, and people seem to like my creations. It’s been a great joy in my life.
Helping my husband to regain some quality of life after five massive strokes. He is the love of my life and God has blessed me by leaving Jimmy with me and through him I have learned so much about appreciating the small things in life!
Being a mom and a wife with the love of my life!
Running the Bay to Breaker marathon.
Now that my husband has retired from the military and my children are in school I have the chance to fully pursue my nursing degree. Earning my R.N. has been a long time goal for me and completing this milestone will be one of the greatest achievements in my life.
My greatest achievement is definitely my son – although I can’t take all the credit as he has a wonderful Daddy. I am in awe of how amazing he is and feel so blessed to have him in my life.
Today is Mother’s Day in the UK so it’s a perfect time to give thanks for the gift of motherhood.
I would probably have to say my kids!
I am proudest of the person I’ve become. I am single but have a home, nice car and can afford to live without credit or debt.
My proudest accomplishment is my family, which consist of my husband and 2 wonderful kids. I am proud that I am able to juggle my career, my family, and still find time to enjoy my crafting hobby.
Raising my daughter and watching her become an adult with children of her own.
Of course my 3 beautiful children! Raising 3 children as a single mother is something I’m very proud of but doing so with a disability has it’s challenges and I’ve faced them head on, which I am very proud of 🙂
Easy–our three children! One is working on his degree and the older two are utilizing their degrees in their chosen fields. Oh–and then there are the two grandchildren…yaaay,if we’d known they were going to be this wonderful, we would have started with them first!
Learning how to embrace and enjoy life while living with a life-altering injury and chronic pain. It took a long time to figure that one out.
Having a son at the age of 40, and doing a fine job at raising him. He is a wonderful, sweet and kind little boy!
Having my kids and helping them follow their dreams. My oldest actually turned 18 today. What an adventure for him.
Our son – helping him to be a wonderful young gentleman.
Always learning and striving to be a better person.
I was very proud the first time I made a PTI stamps set card!
I have 3 amazing kids that I have raised more or less by myself. My eldest graduates High School this year and just got a scholarship for college and my other two are so well grounded it never ceases to amaze me. They are without a doubt by best achievement.
Our kids and the amazing adults they have become. But I really feel that God deserves all the credit and glory; as He guided my husband and I in our parenting!
My greatest achievement is being a mom and role model to my daughter.
My proudest achievement to date is my marriage of 13.5 years (and counting) – as a child of divorced parents I am proud to have worked hard to build a solid relationship and not repeat the mistakes I saw my parents make.
Being mom to my four kids.
I would say having my daughter but that really isn’t my achievement. I think coming back from depression and finishing my college degree. It was really hard but I am so happy that I was able to push myself to complete it.
I think my greatest achievement is letting go of what I thought was expected of me and learning to listen to my inner voice and I hope to instill this in my children as well. That they have 1 life to live and it’s up to them to enjoy it and live it to the max.
My proudest achievement has been surviving motherhood and raising 2 amazing children. I do give a ton of credit to how my children turned out to my husband, but I know I had a lot to do with it to! Having grown up in a completely dysfunctional/abusive home myself I marvel at my kids and how loving, competent, and well adjusted they are.
Having a baby at 40 after many unsuccessful attempts!
My proudest and most humbling achievement is raising a daughter who is loving and kind toward others. I adore her.
Raising my daughters.
My proudest achievement this far has been obtaining a Masters Degree in education. I felt like my undergrad experience was for others, what was expected. The masters program was for me, what I wanted. I loved every minute of it!
My proudest achievement was when my husband and I built our own home, with out own hands! Cheers.
Family seems to be the universal achievement and I have to agree because it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to keep your family safe and help your children grow and become successful human beings. I want my son to become someone I am happy to send out into the world. I love my husband and my son very much!
My proudest achievement is graduating college and earning a bronze grand champion with my dog, Gable!
Being a grateful Mom to my two incredible sons.
My wonderful happy children!
Adopting rescue dogs and giving them a fur-ever home.
I would have to say my greatest achievement has probably been raising two wonderful sons…with the help of God and their dad, of course!
Becoming a great grandmother!!!
My education! My undergrad and grad degrees have taken me places I would have never been without them!
Without a doubt, it has to be my family. Not that I have accomplished this solely on my own, but I am so very proud of the two daughters we have raised. They are both kind, generous and successful individuals in their chosen fields…..and add to that, they are wonderful role models to the 6 grandchildren they have blessed me with.
Very hard question. I would have to say going to college–becoming an RN then going on to receive my certification.
Having children…. there is nothing like it in the world.
My two sons and the wonderful young men they have become!!
That’s a really hard question. Lots of achievements in my lifetime, but to narrow it down to the “proudest” one would take some time to think about.
My daughter, hands down although I was only in at the beginning and she’s turned into such a lovely woman.
I’m proudest of being a wife of 41 years and a mother to 3 wonderful human beings. I’m also really pleased that I have have found this amazing hobby and have grown in my skills and creativity.
Can’t wait to shop!
My proudest achievement is having raised two thoughtful, caring, independent, and adventuresome sons. All the hard work (and worry) paid off!
Is it cheesy to say, “my child”? 🙂
Other than the Miss America answers, I’m going with my career!
I’m proud of myself for moving to another country & surviving! 🙂
The uber cute card I just made!
My family!
My proudest achievement was watching my daughters graduate.
Going back to college
Running a marathon.
Having four children who are great, responsible adults who all went to college and have Faith in God! I’m truly Blessed!
Definitely my children!
I am most proud of my family, we raised a beutiful daughter whom we just put of an airplane this morning to begin her new job several states away. It’s been a tearful but proud parenting day.
My proudest achievement was returning to college at age 55 and finishing my degree – three years before retiring!
I think for me…within a very happy and fortunate life that has been blessed on so many levels…my private and innermost sense of pride has been in my maturing generosity of spirit and real kindness that I now feel. I really had to work hard at being less critical both to myself and others…but it has really paid off for me and I know I am a much happier person for the effort.
Definitely giving birth to to beautiful daughters who continue to make me proud every single day.
Raising my three children on my own and having them turn out as happy, healthy, and independent adults with wonderful children of their own! This makes me feel like I accomplished something wonderful! 🙂
This is probably very cliche, but my proudest achievement is successfully carrying, birthing, caring for, and raising my twin boys. Although they are still very, very young, they are such good boys, and I feel so proud when others compliment on how well behaved they are. That brings so much joy to me as a parent, and makes those stressful times seem not so bad 😉
Graduating from college with honors is my biggest achievement! Great release!!!!!
A happy and loving family – a wonderful husband, kids who are caring and work hard to do the right thing and two amazing grandsons, with grandbaby #3 on the way. I can’t really take credit for the grandbabies other than being a doting grandma.