Go here, scroll to the bottom and click on Stacy Julian's free summer project at Big Picture scrapbooking. Love, love, love this project. ...
flip flop album…
Birth Day Reflections…
27 years ago today I was born. I always enjoy taking time to reflect when my Birth Day rolls around each year. Thinking about all I’ve done, ...
Upcoming Classes
I have designed two classes to take place in September at Memories in Bloom. They are going to be so fun! I am really looking forward to ...
Tulsa in review…
I know it has been ages since I have posted. After returning from Tulsa last Sunday I had much catching up to do around the house along with ...
Paper Crafts unscripted
Paper Crafts magazine has just started its own blog and today it was my turn to post. Be sure to check it out here. It shows a project I ...
Who doesn't like to get a handmade card from a friend? Here is one I whipped up and it is especially for you! Each and every one of you ...