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$150 PTI Gift Certificate
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My two sisters and I always were together growing up, but they are significantly older than I am (their children are actually my age)! I live close to my one sister and her family, but my other sister in NJ stays there to be with her children and grandchildren. I would love if we could all be together, but so glad for pictures, and FaceTime and Facebook :)!
I would choose my brothers family. Most of my family lives close by. He is the only one that lives farther away!
I’d love to have my sister who is currently in Hong Kong here for Christmas.
I don’t have family that lives far away that I am close to and with whom I would want to spend the holidays. Great release. Love the barnyard set and Dawn’s Valentine and wedding sets. The new planner looks great. Might have to try it in 2017.
All of my family lives 3,000 miles away…I would spend the holidays with my son.
My extended family in Spain because I haven’t seen them in 37 years.
All of my immediate family lives fairly close, so I would choose to spend the holidays with my two great aunts, who are both in their nineties. They are amazing women and I have grown up being pretty close to both of them. They are the only siblings left of my grandpa’s. I lost my grandpa 26 years ago, so when I get to spend time with them it makes me feel close to him.
Honestly, I would see my whole family back in California. I moved to South Carolina a few years ago and now that I have two children, flying back is way out of our budget, and driving costs about $600 or more and takes 3 days with two little ones. I would love to go back and see them and take my kids as we only see my family via Skype. I know my family would be extremely happy to be my kids in person (last time they saw my kids my daughter was 2 1/2 and my son was a newborn). So I would love to just share my little family with my big family and spend time together. I am just thankful we can at least Skype so my kids know who their family is 🙂
I feel so fortunate to have all of my loved ones close by to where I live, so there is no need for wishing for that. I am lucky to have my mom and dad, and my brother and his family all within 45 minutes. Makes it easy to get together. I’m also blessed with a couple of extremely close friends who live just minutes away. I have so much for which to be thankful.
This has been a beautiful release. The floral wrap set was a big surprise to me – I just love that one based on all of the samples by the design team. But my favorite, by far, is the Petite Places Barnyard. Living in Amish country, one just have to travel for minutes to see multiple beautiful barns. That set has to come home to me!
I’d love to see my son and his new wife; they live in another state and I have not seen him at holiday time for many years.
I am fortunate to live near all my immediate family, but every year for the past five years, especially around holidays, we continue to miss the presence of my brother. He was killed in Iraq while serving for the US Army. His spirit still lingers though!
My entire family is always together, we are lucky. This year my niece is expecting so she won’t be able to come home. I’d love to see her, but I think she should stay at home ready for her family to grow
I would love for every family for everyside of everyones family to come together in one spot… that would be amazing.
All of my immediate family are local. My aunt and uncle who live in Florida lost their youngest daughter last year so I would choose to spend time with them.
I am blessed to have all my loved ones close by.
My Grandkids … Always.
They live out of state and now that they are older it’s harder and harder to afford the airfare. However … they ARE coming this year! First time in FOUR YEARS they will be here for Christmas! Can’t Wait.
I would choose to spend the Holidays with my Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law. We used to spend every Christmas with them for 17 years, but then we moved to Ohio & don’t see them very often, as they are 500 miles away.
If only we could reach heaven…my sister whom I lost in a car accident 5 years ago – seems like yesterday! But since that is not going to happen, My MOM! She lives in the next state over, a 6 hour drive and it’s not easy. I love her and miss her and we always have fun together! My kids would agree because Grandma makes it fun!!
Great Release!
Most of my family is close by but my sister is about 2 1/2 hours away. I’d love to spend Christmas with her and my niece – we see them at Thanksgiving and a then couple of weeks before Christmas and THEN we don’t get to see her until Easter!!!
All of us cousins are spread out all over the country – I would love to go back to the small town in Pennsylvania where we all grew up and spend the holidays together just like we did when we were kids.
I would love to spend Christmas with my brother. We haven’t spent a Christmas together since I moved to NC 29 years ago.
i am very lucky as i spend my christmas with my son and his family in england nearly every year – but if my other son and my daughter could all be there some year that would be the best!
Most of my family is close by but I like to see my aunt from the USA. Every 2 years she came to visit us, but now she´s to old, so she could not come to germany anymore. I’d love to spend Christmas with her and the rest of the familiy
Every year, my sister and brother and I all try to head to my Dad’s house for Christmas. It’s the one time of the year we are all together, since we all live in different parts of the country. It’s a huge effort to arrange all the details (work, travel, expense) but it’s important to us, even more so since losing my mother to breast cancer. We try our best to celebrate all the old family traditions we grew up with, and hold on to our family just a little bit longer every year.
Holiday Hugs,
my family are all in the same country.
I would spend it with my mother – heaven is much too far away, especially during the holidays
My cousins in New Jersey. I don’t get to see them often enough and I would love to see the little one’s excitement Christmas Day.
I finally have my close family all in the same area so I’ll be spending the holidays with them. I’m very blessed.
My 98 year-old aunt who lives over 500 miles away. She is alone with no family nearby. Her retirement community does try to fill the void, but it is not the same.
I have DH and my kids and that’s enough of a blessing for me.
I’m blessed that so much of my family lives close by, however my older brother has lived in Texas for many years (I’m in Illinois) and we haven’t spent a Christmas holiday together in ages and my younger brother just relocated back to California, so I’d say getting all of my siblings together for a family holiday gathering would be great.
I would love to spend Christmas with all of my cousins. As our families have grown there is just too many of us. But it did make for some fun memories when we were young children. Thanks PTI for another great release. I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas!
I am doing that very thing. I live I. Florida and I am up north visiting my kids and grandkids. I haven’t done this for several years, so it is special. Great release, so manychoices
Fortunately, my family is close together and we are able to see one another most holidays. I’d love to spend time this season with some of my college girlfriends who I rarely see these days now that we have moved away and most have families of our own.
My nieces who are 5 and 7 years old. They moved from MO to FL this past summer. Christmas won’t be the same without them. I’m going to miss their squeals of delight while opening presents Christmas Day.
I’m very blessed to have all of my family, except 1, within 2 hrs of me. My daughter lives 7½ hrs. away and I would love to spend the holidays with her. She is home this week so we’ve already celebrated Christmas but to be with her on Christmas Day would be magical.
If I could visit my dad for the holidays that would be wonderful. He was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma over Thanksgiving. It’s the rarest and most deadly form of melanoma, spreading to all parts of the body, not just the skin. I just hate to think this could be his last Christmas to celebrate. So, visiting my dad over the holidays would be wonderful.
Last year, from December 20-30th, my dad was in intensive care; he passed away on the 30th – my parents’ 56th anniversary. Spending Christmas with my mom and family, who live far away (in my opinion…5 hours drive), means the world to me this year. Thank you for the gift certificate opportunity…
I would love to spend Christmas with my younger brother who lives in France.
My sister-in-law lives in Japan (and has for many, many years). We only see her and her husband every few years when they make a trip to the U.S. Even though I would be mortified to visit them, I’m sure it would be an exciting trip.
Heaven counts as a far away place, and I would spend the holiday with my parents and my favorite aunt who have all passed away.
Whenever I have the opportunity, I always go home to my mother. Moms are special!
I would love to spend one more Christmas with my sweet MIL. She is in a residence now and in Canada. We are in Texas…
My Uncle Ivan, who is a Catholic monk in a monastery in Utah. As a monk, they are very restricted as to how many times they can leave. The last time I saw him was in 1997 when he came to Charleston to be with my father, his brother, as he was dying. When you are with Father Malachy you FEEL completely enveloped by the Spirit of Christ, you just know you are in the presence of a true holy man.
I would love to spend Christmas with my brother who passed away. I want to know how he’s doing on the other side. I miss him.
My cousin Melanie. We used to live near her and have moved away. We were best friends and I miss her smile and spirit.
I would love to travel to Canada to be with our daughter and her family.
We have not been there in many years and I would just love to spend Christmas
with the grandchildren there. I would also get to go to Niagara Falls on the way.
I would choose to spend the holidays with my brother and his family who live on the east coast (I’m in AZ). We haven’t seen my niece and nephew for 2 years and although we skype, I would really just love to hug them and give them their presents in person. They are 4 and 6 years old and my own kids (9 and 11yrs) have a special bond with them. They are only young for a short amount of time.
Absolutely all of my family lives far away… sad I know. The happy news is that I get to go see my 2 month old grandson for Christmas!
My mom and dad. I hate being so far away from them.
It would be my mom who lives in Hungary. She is all alone now so it would be nice to have her around… especially while the kids are young.
I have a dear friend in North Yorkshire who I can only dream of spending the holidays with. In recent years she has survived breast cancer and a very serious form of leukemia. I dream of us doing all the typical British holiday customs, including having a Christmas tea at Bretty’s in York, shopping at M & S, and taking in a pantomime….all amid a light dusting of snow.
I have a sister who I haven’t seen in 23 years and who will not call either. She refuses to keep in contact with anyone of our family except a cousin. I would love to hug her & tell her about her nephews and great-nephews. It would be my best gift ever.
I’d like to visit with my cousin and her daughter. They are both creative people and I’d love to share some fun crafty time with them, anytime of the year.
Most of my family lives within a 4-hour drive. However, one of my brothers lives in Colorado and I really hope he comes home for Christmas – haven’t seen him in ages! Great release!
My family would love to spend it with my stepson that lives several states away. We normally only get to see him during the summer months.
I would choose very sweet Penpal from Californie….we have never met in real..only by email and cards(I live in the Netherlands)…met her by PTI and the card she posted on her blog…I left a comment and that’s how it got started…many years ago..
Would love to meet her in real…and spend time chating face to face…its my biggest wish..
Wouldn’t it be great to go back in time and spend one more Christmas as a child… to be with my parents and siblings… to experience that Christmas wonder as a child just one more time?
Most of my family is close but would love to see a great friend who lives in Texas!
My mom. Not going for heartstrings but she died early this morning and I wish she was here and healthy.
Thankfully all of my immediate and extended family live within 50 miles of here. I would love for my mother-in-law to be with us at Christmas — though it might scare her a little bit since my family is a little bit Christmas-crazy. 🙂 I know my kids would love to spend the holiday with BOTH of their grandmothers.
Stunning and beautiful creations! I love the entire release as well as the planner! To answer the question I’d say this kinda counts as Heaven is pretty far away, so I would want to spend the holidays with my Dad. He passed away about 14 years ago and is the only loved one I miss not only during the holidays but everyday!
I would spend it with my sister. She’s far away and I miss her.
Does Heaven count as far away? I would give anything to spend it with my mother
I would choose my American exchange family with whom I spent such a great time.
I would choose my sister and her family. We only see each other a few times a year.
Our son and his family moved to the Twin Cities a few months ago. It’s been tough not having them around every week for our family dinners. Weather permitting we hope to travel to see them for the holidays!
I would love to spend it with my sister in Norway. We both emigrated from the Netherlands (I live in Crete, Greece) but I feel more close to her than to most of my other brothers and sisters in the Netherlands.
For the first time in my life, I won’t be sharing Christmas with my brother. Due to work stuff, he and his wife can’t make it back for the holiday’s this year. It hadn’t occured to me until just now that this will be the first one without him. Now I’m a little more bummed about it than I was. At least we still have facetime!
I would choose to spend this holiday with my dad as he just passed away on Dec 11, my heart is breaking and the thought of him not being with us this Christmas is very difficult.
I would choose my daughter`s family from Haiti to celebrate with us in Europe. We don`t know where they are so it`s another Christmas without them.
That would have to be my brother, sister-in-law and 2 nephews. I’m in Ontario and they’re in Alberta. We do open presents by Skype each year but it’s not the same as being together!
If I could, I would love to spend Christmas with my family in Germany, mainly my cousin. I saw her this past spring for the first time in 15 years and it was fabulous!
I would choose my best friend Cathy. Right now she’s living in Japan and we haven’t seen each other for about 3 years! I miss her terribly and would love to spend Christmas with her…
– April W
Would love to spend Christmas with our special friends in Leh, India!
My dear friend of 36 years lives in Germany. It would be so magical if we were able to spend Christmas with her! Since her birthday is on New Year’s Day, of course we would have to stay to celebrate together. Just dreaming… ♡
I have the good fortune of having my immediate family home for Christmas, but my Aunt’s children are scattered all over the country. When we were children, we were so close. I wish we could all be together again for those wonderful Christmas dinners. Cousins are the best!
I would chose my husband’s family. They all live in India and we only get to see them every other year. It would be great to have them here to see how we celebrate the holidays (and see snow for the first time!)
My stepmom in Kentucky! She has had a rough year and it would be great to give her a big hug!
I would love to be able to spend Christmas with my brother and his family. They don’t come home for the holidays due to the fact that his kids are all grown (some with little kids or others in college, etc.). My husband and I alternate holidays with our parents, so it just wouldn’t work to add in more family rotations. My husband’s sister and her family do fly in every year, but they don’t rotate with between parents, so it is kind of hit-or-miss with them, even though both sets of their parents live about 10 miles away. Anyhow, I’d like to spend Christmas with my parents AND my brother (and his family) more often.
I would choose my daughter and her family. I don’t get to see them very often because she lives so far away.
I am lucky to have all of my family nearby!
My two oldest nieces (24 & 18) and my great nephew (3) live in Arizona (I’m in Illinois) and they usually come home for Christmas. However, this year they can’t make it home and my parents are going to AZ to spend Christmas with them. I also won’t get to see my next two oldest niece (11) and nephew (13) because of custody issues. So it’s going to be a pretty disappointing holiday for me this year. What’s Christmas without the kids to make it magical? At least I’ll still have my son (15) and my youngest niece (6). It won’t be the same with out the other five kids, but we’ll make the best of it. Maybe next year, right?
I would spend it baking with my good friend who moved across the U.S. Years ago!
Well, I would choose two family members. My son, who is living in another state and we haven’t been able to spend Christmas with him in the last two years, and also my mom, who passed away in May of this year.
I would spend the holidays with my cousin Chuck. Growing up we were like brother and sister. Over the past thirty years, I have only seen him 5 times, and with the exception of visiting him in Florida, the other times were very brief – less than 24 hours. Makes me think I should give him a call and do better to keep in touch!
My Dad & my husband’s father both died this year. I would love to be able to spend the holidays with them.
Otherwise, all of our other family lives close so we are able to see them all.
We are so fortunate that family we are closest to, live close enough that we get to see them often. Fabulous ‘love’ release and great question! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to share Christmas with a family who helped me raise my 4 children while I was working. They are amazing people and we love them so much and are so grateful to have them in our lives!!!
MY High School Best Friend. We live 10 hours apart and I rarely get to see her!
Heaven is as far away as I know. I would choose to spend Christmas with him so he could see how his son and his daughter live today – he would be so proud. Then to add to his happiness, he could meet his 5 grand kids that I know he would be teasing and playing with and listening to them. He was a master story teller and he could hear how they inherited that charm and find out all the things that are important to them. They would discover for themselves why he lit up a room with his laughter and how important it is – it would be a wonderful gift to them and to all those he left behind. It would NOT be a sad time but a wonderful experience that would light all our lives with the miracle of the circle of life, laughter, and love.
I would choose to spend the holidays with my son and daughter-in-law. I only get to see them twice a year and never for a holiday.
Last year my answer would have been SOOO different. Our son and his new wife were living about 4 hrs away and the visits were too far between and too short.
But they moved “home” in July of this year (now it is less than a 10 minute drive). While it is “home” for him, I know she misses her family and try to show her everyday how much we love her for choosing to establish roots here.
My brother and sister. It has been many, many years since we celebrated Christmas together!
My son and grandson who live in Seattle. We miss them so much always, but especially at Christmas.
Most of my family lives within traveling distance and will be together for the holidays. I would love to spend Christmas with my sister-by-heart and best friend, Dianne, though. It’s hard to be away from her, especially during the holidays.
My brother and sister-in-law! We enjoy spending time together (including my husband), and my SIL has just started stamping, so the crafty playtime would make it even more fun for us.
All my family lives in the same city.But I would love to have with us a couple of friends that we love so much and leaves far from us.
My daughter and granddaughter.
It would be wonderful to have my mom and her hubby who live in Idaho stay with us in Illinois for Christmas!
I am very fortunate to have all my family close enough to visit. I do,however, have friends far away that I would love to have visit for the holidays.
I would spend with my sister and her family who live in Maryland. It is so expensive to travel with a family so we don’t always get to spend much time together. It would definitely be fun to open up gifts with our kids together on Christmas morning.
I am beyond thrilled to be spending the holidays with my twin sister! It has been 15 years since we’ve been able to celebrate Christmas together.
My husband was only 48 when a silent heart attack took him from us 24 years ago. He lived each day fully – reminder to all of us to copy.
I am blessed because all my family lives close by & spending the Christmas season together has always been special!
GORGEOUS CREATIONS! For SOME REASON, I haven’t been getting my e-mails from you. 🙁 So, when I discovered this & remedied it! Here I am! 😉
As for your question, I would spend my time with my Grandparents. I only remember having ONE Christmas with them when I was growing up. Being older now, I have MANY QUESTIONS!!!! 😉
My daughter lives on the other side of the country, so hands down I would wish to spend the holiday with her. We talk often but don’t see each other nearly enough.
My Mom, 90, has 2 grandsons that are almost 4. She has not seen them since they were around 2. I would love for her to see them at Christmas.
My husband is in the military, so it seems we are always so far from our families. The holidays are so special for us because sometimes it is our only chance to go home. I miss my mom and sister every single day! Thank goodness for FaceTime! I am so excited and counting down the days until we make the LONG drive from KC to Dallas. Happy holidays!!
I would spend the holidays with my daughter, who is a first year medical resident in Denver. She has none of the holidays off and cares for patients instead.
I would spend the. Holidays with my oldest son and his family and my daughter and her family. They both live in Salt Lake City and we live in Ohio. We very rarely get to see them over the holidays. We have a large family and five of my seven children live in Ohio so we get to be with them but miss the others. I would also have my mother, who lives in Idaho, come to Utah to spend time with us.
I would choose my Aunt Helen that lives in Nevada because she is my dad’s only sister and I have only gotten to see her a few times in my life and she is reaching that age of maybe not being around much longer. I would love to get to know her a little better.
I would love to head back to my hometown where my mom is, in Pittsburgh PA. That being said, all my kids are coming to my house for Christmas so that is even better! I just wish we all could head to Pittsburgh.
I am lucky in that all my family is relatively close. My brother and sister-in-law are in Toronto so it’s always nice to see them. Fortunately this year they are making the trip to Winnipeg to join the rest of the family for Christmas 🙂 I can’t really choose anyone over anyone else, it feels best when everyone is there. We have a lot of fun together.
Well, I would see my Aunt Virgie. She is 84 and sharp as a tack, she recently lost my uncle. They were married for 65 years….first loves…life loves…..the cutest couple on the planet. This is her first holiday without him. She has her children around her so she is not alone…but I love spending time with her.
I would definitely choose my two cousins who live on the other side of the country. We all grew up together in a small town, going to the same elementary school and high school but, they moved away 15 years ago when we were 14-17 yrs old and while we’ve remained close, we definitely do not see each other nearly enough. They now have their own of whom I have yet to meet and it would be so amazing to spend Christmas with them and their children!
PS: LOVE this release…especially the Valentine’s Pin-ups, Petite Places, and the new Moments Inked Binder!
It would be my dad. He lives in Macedonia (South Eastern Europe) and I haven’t seen him in 8 years.
We usually spend every Christmas with our daughter & family in NJ, but this year I have breast cancer & taking chemo, so they are coming to spend Christmas at our home in VA. There is nothing any better than being together with your loved ones during the holidays!
I am so blessed to have all my immediate family members close to me. My thoughts are with anyone who is not able to be near their loved ones, especially at this time of year.
We have an in-law and outlaw family gathering for the holidays. I would love for my brother and his family to visit for Christmas.
I would love to see my son for the holidays. He moved a couple of years ago and I don’t get to see him that often. I miss him.
Most of my family is very close so I’m fortunate. However I do have a girlfriend who is more like a sister to me than a friend. I would love to spend the holidays with her and her family. We only get to see them once and a year and it would be such a treat to spend more time with them!
It would be wonderful to see my husbands Dad and spend time with him in Florida!
My family is spread over many states and countries but having my husband home from deployment for the holiday and be with our kids is always the best Christmas gift.
I would like to travel to Germany to see my brother and tour the countryside
I would spend the holidays with my grandmother. She will be 90 in January and may not have too many holiday seasons left. I will be making a trip to see her in September next year,but it’s not the same. Great release!!
Well fortunately I live CLOSE to Most of my Family and we’re able to spend the Holidays together EVERY YEAR!! Both my S-I-L and her Family and my Uncle (my Moms Brother) are the only main Family members who live FAR away and who we only see once a Year!! So if I could I WOULD LOVE to have them and their Families HOME for the Holidays to Spend with us and to Celebrate my Dads Birthday on the Christmas Eve!! THANKS for the chance to WIN and have a FABULOUS Release Week!! =)
I would spend it with my brother. He lives in California and we only get together about once every 4-5 years. None of us are getting any younger or richer and the trip across the United States is getting harder to make. It would be wonderful if my sisters and I could visit with him but it won’t happen this year.
My family is very close to me, but if I had to pick a far away person, I would select my husband’s cousin who lives in Norway. She spent a year here in the states and we became fast friends! I would love to see Norway during the holidays!
My husband’s biological family in Germany. He was adopted as a baby and we haven’t seen them in a few years.
My friend Marie, who lives in Japan. Normally I see her in the fall but this year was too busy.
Oh my! I live in Florida for the winter but would LOVE to spend Christmas with my childen and grandchildren….this is the only regret I have about living in the beautiful south….I MISS them terribly!
I am lucky to have my family living close but having us all together for the holidays would be fabulous.
It would be great to gather all my sisters, mom and brother together Christmas eve into Christmas day and have a grand old party. Everyone is always so busy and have their own families and in-laws that this is often very hard to do.
I would spend it with my grandparents who live in Hong Kong. My family moved to the US when I was very young. But before we moved, we would have my grandparents over almost every other day. Grandpa will always take my sisters and I to the park to play whenever possible. Grandma will always spoil us in front of mom & dad. They’re getting older and have difficulties in traveling far. I’d love to spend the holidays with them (if I had the money to afford the trip).
I would love to spend a night of Hanukkah with my brother and his family — they’re in Florida and I’m in NJ and we don’t see each other very much, unfortunately. I would love to do Hanukkah crafts with my preteen nieces and be there when they light their menorah, which belonged to my parents who have both passed away.
What a great question! I love reading the comments and thinking about my answer. I’m lucky to have my children live in the same small town where I live, and we always spend the Holidays together. My siblings, two sisters and a brother, live about 600 miles away, so I would like to have all of us together with all the nieces and nephews and grandchildren. That would be very Merry!
I would spend it with our best friends in Hawaii!
I would spend the holidays with my children and grandchildren. In September of this year, I accepted a new job about 6 hours away from home in a town my husband and I wanted to retire to someday. To make the dream a reality, I found a job and moved over leaving my husband, children, grandchildren, family, friends and home behind. My husband stayed behind to get our home of 21 years ready to sell in spring. I will be seeing him at Christmas as he will drive over a snow covered pass to visit for 2 weeks. This will be the first Christmas in 26 years, or ever, that I will not have my children with me.
I’d love to spend Christmas with my sister, she lives 2 days drive away from me, and both our parents are passed away. So it would be wonderful to spend time with her and her husband.
My daughter, because she lives 1700 miles away. And having her home just feels like Christmas!
I would love to have my brother from Arizona spend Christmas with us. He hasn’t been home in years.
I would love to spend some time during the holidays with my 93 year old aunt in Canada.
If I could, I would put all the new people who have come to mean so much to me this year together with all of the people already in my life and my family members wherever they are, on earth or in heaven in one big room and sit down and talk with them or just be quiet with them and somehow show love and hospitality to them.
Our son & his family just moved & won’t be able to come home for Christmas. I would love to be there to see our grandkids open their presents. One of my favorite times of the holidays is watching the excitement of the little ones! I will very much miss that.
I would visit my in-laws in Florida. I hit the jackpot with my MIL – she is the most loving, gracious, and caring woman I know. My FIL has Alzheimers and he’s reached a point where he can no longer be left unattended and they finally met with health care providers this week to make arrangements for someone to come to the house three times/week. My MIL has been putting this off because I think she knows in her heart that this marks the first step in the last stage of her journey with my FIL. Their courtship has been going on for over 60 years, and my heart aches for her. So I’d like to go there for the holidays and visit with them both while he’s still enjoying some lucidity.
I’m very lucky this year because that one person that lives far away, my sister, is actually coming for Christmas this year!! There will be a whole lot of crafting going on!
I would love to bring my nephew and his family here to share Christmas with all of us.
Then we would all go over to visit his 93 yr. grandmother (she doesn’t travel). It would be wonderful.
Probably my brother Jerry and his wife. Jerry and I lost our dad this year and his wife lost her mom, so it will be a difficult holiday for all of us but especially for them because they will be alone 🙁 Their work schedules don’t allow them to travel for the holidays.
I would choose my mother (and immediate family) because I miss the family Christmas celebration we always had (and they continue to have).
I would love to see and spend Christmas with my Father.
I would choose to spend Christmas with my grandkids. They are the light of my life and I miss them terribly. Christmas won’t be the same without them. So that’s my Christmas wish 🙂
I would probably choose to visit my grandparents on my father’s side. My immediate family lives nearby, and my grandmother on my mom’s side will be here for Christmas. 🙂
I live in Washington state and my daughter, SIL and grandson live in Atlanta. So where would I go? Atlanta. And that is where I am right now for an early Christmas celebration!
My grandson who will be 7 years old on January 1st! I miss that boy so much!
I would visit my brother whom I have not seen in 15 years. He’s only 900+ miles away, but it is not often possible to make the trek. Love your Petite Places and Planners. So wonderful that you take the time to survey and listen to your customers. Love PTI!
My niece…we always have a great time when we’re able to get together.
My daughter who lives about 5 hours away. And I’d want to do it because she is the best daughter ever.
Our families live far, but we travel to them every year. Hoping to spend Christmas in my home one day soon.
My brother is living in Indonesia…miss him and his family all the time! He’s just so fun to be around. He keeps everyone laughing. 🙁
It would have to be my aunt and uncle who live in France.
I wish I can have a big Christmas celebration with my 6 sisters and 2 brothers with all our kids!! Like we used to! Now it’s so hard, they live far and we are so many there’s no place where we can all fit ??, thanks for the chance to win! ….Gina F
I would choose my Uncle Jim whom I’ve never had the chance to meet but have chatted with many times. 🙂
I’m fortunate enough to have family close but I do miss a lot of my friends who live in other states!
My husband’s family lives in Minnesota, and we are in Illinois. Because of the distance and my husband’s work schedule, we haven’t been able to join them for the holidays since early in our marriage. I hope the next few years will give us the opportunity.
I would spend the holidays with my Mom and my Sister! We live 1200 miles away and I get really homesick this time of year
I am very happy that I will see all my family over the holidays, but I would love to spend a day with my best friend who lives in London.
It would be fun to reconnect with my childhood friend from fifty years ago. Somehow we have become Facebook pals and now share our lives from afar. She lives in Pa. and I live in Az. Someday! You could say we are best friends forever. Merry Christmas.
This Christmas, thank God, we are all together, all being our family of 5 children and their children. There is no place like home for the holidays (isn’t that a song?), comfortable, warm and familiar. There’s always extended family in other states, but Christmas is best home!
Any of my children; the closest one is six hours away and the farthest one is across the country. We all could use a big hug and some time together.
I would choose my daughter who since graduating from college has moved down South (23 hours by car) to rescue sea turtles. She loves her job, but not being so far from home. We miss her and the the ability to give her a hug at a moments notice.
I am very fortunate that all of my loved ones live not too far from me. I hope to get together with all of them several times during the holiday season. Thanks for a wonderful December release!
I know it’s not possible, but I’d spend it with my Nana who is in heaven. I miss spending the holidays with her and decorating her tree. She is dearly missed.
I would choose one of my best friends forever. I met her while working in Australie in 1989.(I live in the Netherlands) Since then we have seen each other several times, even with Christmas. But it has been way too long since we celebrated Christmas together. So i would pick Sue. X
That would be my sister and her family who live in the south and myself and the rest of the family live up north. It’s been a long time since the whole family spent Christmas together.
I’m very fortunate that all my loved ones lives close by and I get to spend the holidays with them every year.
I really have no far away family, so I would choose to find a great childhood friend and spend a holiday with her that would be a wish come true.
My sister. She only lives about 5 hours away, but we don’t get to see each other as much as we would like.
It would have to be my grandsons. There is a real joy in experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child: the newness of old traditions, the joy…
I am lucky all of my family is close by, so glad to be able to spend the holidays together. Happy Holidays to all!
Every December we travel 2000 miles to spend Christmas with our only grandchildren. It’s a hard choice to leave the rest of family, but we hope the little ones will learn the traditions and feel closer to us despite the distance in our everyday lives. Happy Holidays to all.
I’d choose to spend the holidays with my sister. We haven’t been together for Christmas in many years.
I would love to spend my holiday with my best friend Sandy & Zach in Illinois because they came home to NH for my daughter’s wedding in June and I would like to reciprocate. She has a warm home, which I do not and it’s been a while since we have caught up with each other.
I would love to spend more time with extended family now that my parents are both gone — we are scattered to the four winds, and there’s no central place to go “home” to anymore. Thank goodness for the U.S. postal system, and great people like you who allow us to keep in touch with hand-made cards made with love.
I would love to spend the Holidays with my sister and niece–everyone else will be home except them. We don’t get to see them very often and would love for them to be here.
My brother I would go see my brother. It has been over a year since I’ve seen him.
I am very fortunate in that my immediate family lives very close by, but I have cousins who live far away from us and it would be nice for all of us to spend the holidays together. Great release and love all of the projects by the DT!
I would love to have my sister and family , my brother and family and my cousins to come here for the Christmas Holidays. It has been so many years since we have been together at Holiday time.
I think it would be my sister. She is my only sister that lives away and we both share the love of card making. We love to craft together and chat. We chat on the phone but our crafty time together doesn’t come very often. We grew up together and have always been close. I am child #4 and she is #5 out of 6 kids and we are all spread out over 21 years.
I have an aunt, uncle, and cousins who live in Orlando, Florida and I would love to spend the holidays in the warm sun…and visit Mickey, too!
If I could choose to spend time with a loved one far away it would be with my nephew, his wife, and their new baby son I haven’t seen yet. It would be wonderful if they could come and I could surprise his mom (the baby’s grandmother) with their visit for Christmas. I’m sure the look on her face would be one I’d treasure for years!
My extended family in Newfoundland. My husband and I were the only ones missing a few years ago and we regret not having that experience with everyone! It is a special place and special people.
My family is thankfully very close to me. But my best friend (friends for 30 years) is in Illinois. I haven’t seen her and her family in 12 years. I would love to spend the holidays with them.
I would spend it with cousin Suzie and her hubby John that live inTexas.
In addition to my immediate family, I would choose to spend the holiday with my brother and my sister because they live a long ways away. How wonderful if we all lived on the same street, just as I envisioned when I was a little girl.
Couldn’t pick just one, because all 3 of my sisters live many states away and we haven’t spent Christmas together for many years. Would be great to have us all together…although I don’t know if my husband would agree!!
I am very blessed that I get to spend most Christmases with my family. However, this year my brother and his family can’t make it. It would be great to have them here this year again.
Actually all my loved ones live within 3 hours so I’m blessed to be able to spend time with them all at the holidays.
I’m happy to say my sister and niece, who do live very far away, are spending the holidays with us this year!!!
We would spend it in Oregon with our son and his family. Better yet they could meet us in Iowa so our entire family could be together!
I would choose my sister in law. She recently lost her husband, and it would be nice to be there for her.
I’m fortunate to be able to see my family at Christmas, but during the holidays I miss my loved ones who have died and are no longer with us on earth.
It would be a difficult visit but I have a much older brother who had his foot and calf amputated…. because of the age difference we’ve never been terribly close. His children live far away…. I just feel he should be in a home with Christmas cheer…. I’d rather bring him to mine but I’d go there too!
My cousins in Idaho! Growing up we were always together. I live 400 miles away an miss the closeness of the family gatherings. All the noise and laughter bolsters the soul! Merry Christmas everyone!
Oh, it would be my DEARLY loved husband Al who we lost in March. Christmas will never be the same.
All of my family is within driving distance from one another, for which I am blessed. I would like for all of us to be able to share that good fortune with our “chosen families” as well.
What a marvelous celebration we could have.
Joy. Love. Peace.
If I could spend Christmas with someone who lives far away it would be with my cousin and her new baby in the Philippines! TFS!!!
Those whom I wish I could spend the holidays with are beyond the reach of this life. How I would love to have the celebrations and the love and music-making today that we enjoyed in the past!
My son lives 2000 miles away and I truly miss him. I will not get to see him over the holidays and it does sadden me.
I would spend the Holidays with my host sister in Australia! I haven’t seen her since my exchange year ended in 1982. We’ve recently reconnected, and it’s like the years flew by in just a second.
I am fortunate to have all my loved ones nearby. I am so very grateful for that.
This year I found out that I have a sister that I never knew about. I have lived my whole life wishing I had a sister…and now I do.
We have only been able to meet once. I would like to have a Christmas with her.
Our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson in Ocala, Florida. My husband is not doing well and it would be wonderful to spend his last Christmas with them! We will be chatting with them via FaceTime so that is ‘almost’ like being there and we are thankful for that!
Paper Hugs,
If I could spend the holidays with someone far away, I would go and visit my grandma’s sister–I have only met her a handful of times and she is such a sweet person!
Chris L.
I’m lucky that all of my family lives fairly close.
I would spend it with my brother…because he’s more than a brother. He’s my friend…and my hero!
My mom, who is in heaven would be my first choice! But…here on earth it would be my sister and brother and their families in Michigan. I haven’t been with them at Christmas for over 10 years!
My sister who lives in Ohio, because I miss her everyday!
I would spend it with my sister: I never get enough time with her!!
I am fortunate in that all of my family lives nearby, and I get to see them often. I would actually enjoy spending time somewhere else for Christmas–a cruise might be fun.
We have a small family since my parents are gone, and my only brother and sister-in-law go to visit their daughter and family in Virginia. I would love to have my family all together again for the holidays, but my children live here, so I would not want to leave them either. We make do with phone calls on Christmas, and celebrate together either before they leave or when they return. Happy Holidays to everyone, and wishing you all Peace and Love in the New Year!
I would love it if my brother could come for Christmas holidays. He lives on the west coast and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him.
I haven’t seen my cousins in at least 40 years so it would be nice to visit with them again
I’d like to visit my family in Norway. They have made a few trips to the US individually, but it would be great to see all of them at once.
My aunt and uncle and grandma who are in CA. They are a blast to spend time with.
I have 3 nieces and a nephew who I spent Christmas with when they were kids and my parents were alive. They are spread over the U.S. now but I would love to have us all together again to spend Christmas!
Fortunately my immediate family is nearby an we are together for Christmas – but my husband’s sister and brother both live out of state, in different states! – it would be nice to spend time with either of them!
It would be my father. This is a little bit different than your question, but he passed away earlier in the year and I was not there. It would mean so much to my family to spend one more Christmas with him this year.
our 3 little grandchildren are far away . . . need I say more 😉
I would spend Christmas playing monopoly with my brother (just like we used to as a family every year) who moved away from England to America 10 years ago.
I would want one last Christmas with my parents. I miss them so much.
I haven’t seen my friend Roxanne in many years and she lives in Wisconsin, and I am in CA. I would love to catch up with her and get a chance to spend some time!
Our son & daughter in law. This Christmas will be so special because we recently found out they are pregnant & we will be grandparents for the first time.
My brother moved to Texas about 5 years ago, and I’ve only seen him twice since then. I would love to spend the holidays with him again. Thank you for all the lovely inspiration this week. I’m eager to have and use my new PTI supplies!
I would choose my brother and his family who live in Montreal because they are so fun! We spent a week with them this past summer and it just wasn’t long enough!
I would love to visit my entire family, the live in Texas. Sadly, I haven’t been home since 2008. That’s where I would love to be.
I wish that my parents and my sisters family could come. We haven’t all been together in awhile.
I would spend time w/my sisters who live 1000 miles away. It would be fun to have a bigger crowd than my nuclear family.
Our son and his family who live in east coast. Because he is our only child and we miss them very much!
I’d spend it with my family, of course! We are all spread out over the US, so it would be nice to have a reunion for the holidays this year.
I would love to visit with my aunt and uncle in Southern California. It’s been many years since I have seen them.
My grandparents in Connecticut.
I wish we could gather up all the little grandnieces and grandnephews and my granddaughter and all spend Christmas together. How fun would that be!!!! 🙂
<3 J
jwoolbright at gmail dot com
My sister who is a couple thousand miles from me. And, as it just so happens, her and her family along with my brother and most of his family will be together at my house this year!! A bonus, my husbands brother and SIL leave here in town, so we will have quite a crowd!!
I am very blessed to have all of my family living close to me. We always celebrate Christmas together – my husband and our three children, my parents, my husband’s dad and step-mother, and my brother and his wife. It’s a wonderful time of gift giving and enjoying a delicious meal. However, the best part is the love we share with one another. For that, I am truly thankful!
Oh I would love to spend the holidays with our whole family including my husband’s siblings as we are the only family here in the USA and the rest are all in South Africa. We miss them dearly especially this time of year.
I would choose my daughter who I gave up for adoption 21 years ago and who recently found me. That would be the best Christmas gift ever.
So thankful… family will all be home for the holidays!
My Son. This will be the third Christmas in a row he hasn’t been able to make it home and I am heartbroken that he won’t be here this year.
I’m lucky that all of my family lives pretty close by, but it would have been nice if my sister had Christmas off to come spend it with us!
My brother in CA. He hasn’t been back to OH since 2008 and I miss him.
I would love to have my younger brother (my only living immediate family member) spend Christmas with me here in Florida…we would have my husband, parents, brother, in-laws and so many of our loved ones from Heaven here in our hearts as well.
I am so lucky to live near my daughter and my grandchildren, so I will stay right here and celebrate the holidays with them!
I am very lucky that my entire family is pretty centrally located in the same area so there is no long distance traveling required to spend the holiday with my loved ones. Great release!
This one is easy. We moved from Detroit to Phoenix a year and half ago. I would love to join my sister and her family. Until I moved I’ve been with my sister every Christmas in memory.
My sister in TN. We get to see each other only a couple of times a year but never at Christmas. This is such a special time of year to celebrate Christ’s birth and sharing that with her would be wonderful!
My family has all been spread out (different states) for sometime now. That and I am the youngest by far (15, 18 and 20 years between myself and sibs). Our parents have passed on. I think I feel bad for my own children because they never really had much family around – aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents as they were growing up. My husband’s side of the family is pretty spread out too and no cousins close to my kids’ ages. In the perfect world, I wish I could open our home and have everyone here for the holidays. Maybe one day I will figure out a way to make that work.
My one and only grand who lives half way across the country from me. I can never spend too much time with her!
I am so fortunate, that my family all lives close to me. But spending time connecting is still very important to keep us close!!
Easy one – my parents. I’m an only child and live in Germany. They are back in MI. Holidays together have been few and far between.
Our two sons who are in college thousands of miles away from home, no contest! So, to make my wish come true we are flying them both in THIS WEEK!!!!
I would visit my parents in Puerto Rico!
I have a friend who lives in Germany. I would love to visit with him and his family. Plus I’ve never been to Germany so that would be nice to see also.
I would definitely choose my mom. Since we moved cross country, I don’t get to see her nearly as much as I want to. I would love to be able to spend the holidays with her!
All of my immediate family…and a lot of my extended… live close by so I’m lucky in that I get to spend holidays with them already.
My daughter and her family. She’s a pastor and can never get away during the Christmas season. We have lots of family here, so we miss Christmas Day with her and her family. We’ll see her after the holiday, but I’d love to have everyone together in the same place.
Since all of our family is 1,000 miles away, it would be all of them at once if we were to go home for the holidays. Which we haven’t done in many years.
Well, this year I’m lucky to be able to spend Christmas with my grandchildren in Colorado, so all my children and grandchildren will be together.
Like quite a few of your following, I too am fortunate to have most of my small family fairly close to me.
I do often think of my nephew and his family who are several hours away, especially at the Christmas time as their eldest son was tragically murdered and their loss is so great it is impossible to comprehend. I would like to spend some time with them to help comfort and ease their grief.
My children and I only spend every other Christmas together; the alternate years they go to the in-laws. It would be nice to see them every Christmas, but I need to share them!
My brother and his family. We have never been able to celebrate Christmas with him and his family with him recently being in the air force and living far away from us. xoxo
I would love to spend Christmas in Baku, Azerbaijan with my dear friends, whom I met in college.
My cousin Doug and his wife, Sue live on the east coast and I haven’t seen them for years. They are very kind and interesting and they have a new grandson. It would be so fun to be with them!
I am fortunate that older sister is only an hour away, so she and her husband spend every Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with us.
My mom! She moved back home a few years ago to care for her elderly mother (my grandma) and spends her holidays with her family there.
I would take my family with me and go to somewhere far north like Iceland. We could see the northern lights, explore another country and make new traditions.
I would love to spend my Christmas with my best friend from my childhood. We shared so many milestones with her and her husband. They live out of state so we only see them every couple of years.
I would want to spend Christmas with my dad. I moved to TX from Canada 8 years ago, so I haven’t seen him or my mom and siblings in a very long time. I miss “Christmas Eve at Dad’s house” 🙂
I would like to spend the time with my 6 sisters who all live in Vermont…My oldest sister has recently been in and out of the hospital, very near hospice… she gets a little better, then relapses… COPD and on oxygen…. I have a twin sister who is special needs (Dr’s didn’t think she’d make 6 months) …we turn 62 this Friday…. my other sisters are pretty healthy…. would be nice to get together…. we also have 5 brothers spread all over the US….would love to spend time with them as well…. Grateful beyond belief to have a huge family…. just wish we were all closer…. I live in Colorado.
My parents in law are living in Japan and we wish to go there to visit them especially because my husband’s father is having difficult time battling cancer. However we can’t go soon due to my husband’s job.
I would love to spend Christmas with nephews. They are ages three and five and so precious to me – I wish I could see them open their gifts on Christmas morning.
I would have to say my brother and his family. They moved to Florida many years ago when his children were little and we have not been able to have a Christmas with all of them for many years. Now they are all scattered around the country, so it’s even harder.
Would love to spend the holidays with my cousin in Okinawa. I’ve been there a couple of times and enjoyed spending time with her & her family. oh and I still dream about the food, lol!
My Niece Amy and her family. We were unable to have children and she is also my God Daughter…so she is the closet to a daughter than I will ever have. She lives in NY. And , I haven’t seen her in 9 years but we talk on the phone at least once a week.
I’m grateful that I get to spend Christmas with my daughter, but it would be fun if we could go to Ohio for the holidays and have time with our family (my in-laws) there. Four generations gather and it would bring back some of the magic of sharing Christmas through the eyes of a child once again.
I would spend the holiday with my very dear friend Patty. She lives in Hawaii and I am in Nebraska. We became friends when I sold her some books on ebay 11 years ago. We have never met in person but have such a close bond. My grandson and her great nephew were born on the same day. We have exchanged gifts, share the same interests and have never lost touch. It would be a dream come true to finally see her in person. Loved ones are not always blood related and Patty is a very much a Loved One.
Almost impossible to choose. I’m in Cleveland Ohio. My sister and family are in Seattle. My son and his family are in Snohomish WA. My daughter and her family are in Idaho. I guess I could just head west and try to find a midpoint. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
My family is small, and lucky for me most of them live close to me. But I would spend more time with my cousin who lives on the opposite coast as I do … even though we grew up 3,000 miles away, we always remained close.
This was hard this year, because I would say my family, as every other year we either visit my family in MN, or stay home and celebrate with my husband’s family,and this year is a stay here year, but my mom is coming here this year- first time ever for a Christmas holiday, so I am lucky.
But I will say my brothers and family who will be in MN.
Amazing new release!!! Luckily my family all live close by but I would love to travel to the other side of the country to see my best girlfriend who I grew up with:)
My kids and grandkids live close by and I am thankful to be able to see them often. I have lost my husband and both parents – would love to spend the holidays with them again.
I am blessed enough that all my family lives within a 2 – 3 hour distance, so I will be able to see all my family this Christmas. We have one grandchild that lives 2 hours away, and that is far enough! My heart breaks for all the long distance grandparents out there…I need my Addy fix every few weeks!! :0)
My family that lives in California- I have 2 cousins that have babies & would love to meet them!!
Beautiful release!
If I could spend the holidays with a loved one who lives far away, I would spend them with my gramma in Chicago. She is my most favorite person. We have a special bond but rarely get to spend The holidays together.
A loved one who is half a world away, because I don’t want them to be alone~
It would be somewhere between Hawaii and Virginia because I have a child in both places!!
My daughter and my grandson who live out of state. Miss them both very much. Plus my brother and sister-in-law who live far away in the other direction.
I would spend Christmas with my family. I’ve lived away from home for over 24 years and it’s getting harder to get together during the holidays. Someday……….
I would spend the holidays with my in-laws (but only if my husband and daughter could be there too). They live on the other side of the country and they always miss out on having family there for Christmas.
If I could spend Christmas with my sister, that would be awesome since she lives so far away in Qatar!
I’m lucky that all my family is pretty close right now (all within 3.5 hours). So with a bit of a drive, I get to spend the holidays with them without much trouble!
My grandkids!! We haven’t been able to spend Christmas with them in a few years and they grow up way too fast!
I would love to have my mom with me, but at 90 and international travel being so complicated she does not want to travel and I have a sick husband that I can not leave or take with me. Thank goodness for modern technology that keeps us close.
My son just finished finals and got home on Saturday… Halfway ther because my daughter will fly home from her college tomorrow. My husband and I will feel we have all we need for the holidays once we are all together.
I would like to spend the holidays with my good friend from South Dakota whom I haven’t seen in over 11 years.
I like to surprisingly visit my mom, living in Germany (while I stay in Seattle, WA).
I would love to spend Christmas will ALL of our children in Northern Michigan. While working on this years December Daily, I have added “throw-back” photos from the wonderful Christmas’ we spent together “up north” with daily photos taken here at the Gulf of Mexico. The juxtaposition of pine trees vs. palm trees and sand vs. snow makes this celebration season so much fun.
All my family lives near by and I am thankful for that. Love the stamps and dies and all the beautiful ways you put them together. Blessings to all of you!
Everyone lives close by so no need to travel anywhere, however, if traveling to heaven counts would love to spend it with my dad 🙂
I would choose My daughter,because I love her and my grandsons. She is also a great cook!
I would love to have an old fashioned Christmas with my Dad. He lives many states away and haven’t spent Christmas since I was young
I’m lucky enough to have all my immediate family coming to stay with me for Christmas, but I’ll really miss my boyfriend who’s in Nepal.
All of my loved ones are less than two hours away in Texas, so I would enjoy spending the holidays visiting a cousin in snowy Colorado!!
If I could spend the Christmas with a loved one, it would be with my dearly departed dad in Heaven for just a day( if I were allowed). I would be with a man who is now fully healed both mentally and physically, and with whom I could share hugs that were meaningful . He would KNOW/recognize me again!
He y my regrets on his shoulder( which would be strong and able to stand my weight), and his wonderful voice would probably say ” now, now, daughter” and I would look
at him when my tears finally cleared and tell him I never told him I loved him enough while he was with me, and he would let me know that he knew I always did.
My dad was my first love, of course, which is probably true for most daughters, so I would want to be with Daddy and share all the things in my life that he has not been here to witness.
I would want to be with him once more, to step back in time almost, but with current circumstances prevailing…to share with a glad ear that was only listening to everything that I had to tell.
I would love to have ALL my family together for Christmas, instead of just a few of them. What a treat that would be! I haven’t ever had that.
All of what is remaining of my immediate family lives close, so If I could have a dream come true I would love to spend another holiday with my dear mother who has left us 5 years ago. I do spend the holidays with my family already.
My first choice was my mom and dad who are both deceased, but thinking that doesn’t count, then my brother and his family in Florida.
I would love to have my brother and his family be able to join us in Idaho for Christmas. Since both of our parents are gone, it would be so nice to have a place large enough that we could all gather and enjoy all the craziness of a big family group again.
I’m lucky enough to have everyone close by!
Hmmmm, I’d love to spend the holidays with my husband’s aunt. She is always abroad on some vacation or another and I would LOVE to join her.
That’s an easy question! I would spend the Holidays with my son, who lives in Argentina and I haven’t seen him since November 2014. It’s so hard to be away for that long, especially because Christmas is so special for both of us. His dad died when he was 2 years old,(he is now 28) so many Christmases growing up, it was just the two of us, but it never felt lonely because we had each other.
I wish I could afford to go there or bring him here to be together. Thanks for the chance!
I don’t have anybody that lives far away that I would love to spend time with, but there is a special friend in Heaven that I lost when I was 11 years old that I would love to spend any amount of time with!!
Such exciting new products!! Love all of the creations!!
Would love to stay with my two sisters in Edmonton and their family. They are great sisters and so supportive of me.
Lovely release! I would visit my sister in PA. She’s my best friend & don’t get to see her often enough…
I would spend it with my daughter who I have not seen for many years!
Thank you for the chance to win!!
My son, who is starting a new fellowship in Colorado, will be alone for Christmas for the first time….pulling on mother’s heart strings, but so very proud of him!
I would love to spend Christmas with my sister and her 2 daughters! They are 2 1/2 and 4 – such a fun age to see on Christmas morning. I just miss seeing them.
Thankfully all my family members are within a 45 minute drive!
I miss my younger sister, and would love to get to see her. She lives in another state, but there is just nothing like being with a sibling at Christmas.
Most of my family, luckily, lives close to me. I have one brother who does not live near the rest of us. I would love to spend Christmas with his family as well as though who live close. We had awesome Christmases growing up, and I would love for my kids to have the same experience.
I live in Florida and my mom lives in Jamaica. I’d love to take her to England to spend the holidays with her big sister, if I could…
Definitely my cousin! He lives 15 hours away and I never get to see him anymore.
I would love to visit one of my dearest friends who lives in Greenland. It is unfortunatly not possible for me to go there (it is veeeery expencive flight), but we skype as often as our busy lives allow for. She is a really gifted teacher, and the sweetest person imaginable. I think her students loves her.
Kind regards Sara, Denmark
Christmas Miracle, my Mom in Heaven. She was so tickled when our son and daughter-in-law told her about their pregnancy, but die just before Christmas in 2013 and before seeing her Great-Grandson born in May 2014. She would have loved to hold him.
My brother. He moved across the country and will not be home for Christmas.
My older brother whom I haven’t seen in several years.
Oh my gosh I would choose my two children. We haven’t had a Christmas together for more then twenty five years. My daughter lives in Arizona and my son who is military is in Tennessee. I would love to have them and their families altogether just one more time at least.
I would love to have my Sweet Mom (who entered Heaven two years ago) join us for Christmas…because I miss her dearly.
I’d love to spend Christmas with my cousin in Indy. He’s the only family I have on my dad’s side & although we’ve always lived across the country from each other we have a strong connection & love.
All of my family is close, so I’d have to pick someone super far away….my grandfather who passed many years ago. I’d LOVE to have another Christmas with him ♥♥
I would have all my kids together for Christmas. I would love to spend it with my parents and siblings too. 🙂
My youngest DD & family because they live 1,000 miles away!
Vivo en un lugar desértico, y me gustaría viajar con mi familia a un lugar nevado y disfrutar con ellos la Navidad.
My cousin and I always used to spend the holidays together. My aunt and uncle would travel with their girls from PA to IL every year to spend the holidays with our grandparents and my family, and since she has had her son, she spends the holidays with her own family. Those holidays spent together are some of my happiest childhood (and young adult) memories. I’m hoping that, one year, we can all get together again for the holidays with our own children.
Right at the moment all my closest family and friend live near by… But if I had to travel, I of course would love to spent holidays with my husband:) we had an experience of long-distance relationship, so now I feel really uncomfortable when he is far away:)
Most of my family are close by but I would spend it with my cousin who is in Taiwan now. She used to live here in the US but she moved. I miss seeing her.
I have family in Switzerland, I have never visited them so I would chose to go there! I bet It’s beautiful this time of year…or any time of year.
I’d love to spend the Holidays with my BFF in S Carolina.. We are many miles away and I miss her sweet person!
My sister in England. Always miss being with her at this time of year.
I would love to spend Christmas with my dad who is in Heaven…Been awhile but sure miss him so much! Along with my Aunts and Uncles who are there also…
My beloved Aunt & Uncle in Italy, who also happen to be my Godparents. I feel a strong connection to them and since they are quite elderly, I fear my opportunity to spend time with them is slipping away.
Love this release but my wallet doesn’t! I would love to spend the holidays with my husband’s family. My motherin law had a rough year and she seeing the whole family together would make this year the best after all she went through.
I would love to go to New York for the holidays and visit one of my sisters. We always seem to miss each other when she’s visiting on my end and We have seen each other in a few years other than social media. We always feed on each other’s energy in getting on track with our goals, personal and professional…and of course the hilarious Laughs we share.
My friend Caroline and her family. I have visited them every year in the summer for over 10 years now. I didn’t get a chance to visit this year and am sad that by the time I see them again it will have been 2 years since we last saw each other.
I am truly blessed this year to be able to be with all my family members – brother, parents and extended family on both sides. So grateful!
Currently we do not have any family near us so honestly it would be nice to be with anyone and everyone in our family on Christmas.
I only have one older brother with both of our parents gone. He lives in the San Francisco area (me in Southern CA) but we can never get together much over a year. We both have children that have grown up and flown from the nest. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to get together to re-live old memories and make new ones. I wish we could spend more Christmas holidays together.
My step dad…he’s in Texas and I miss him like crazy!
Most of my family is close by, which I am grateful for, but I wish I could transport all of us to visit my late brother’s family who are far away.
The loved one that I would like to come is my mother in law. She has never been to our home and I would love for her to come. I believe she would really enjoy herself. She still works and most of her family is in her area. I would like her to take a vacation at our home.
I’m lucky all my family live within 2 hours, but I’d love to have Christmas with my mother-in-law who passed away before my DD was born.
Thanks for ask the beautiful products, ideas and opportunity!
I would spend the holidays with my grandmother who is in a nursing home out of state.
I would love a Christmas in NC where all my cousins are.
I’m lucky that most of my family lives in Michigan. I would love to spend the holidays with my cousin who lives in Topeka (or her daughter and family who live in Germany). I haven’t been able to connect with her when she visits her siblings in Michigan for the past few years for one reason or another.
I would choose all my high school friends who I haven’t seen in a really long time (some 30+ years). We keep touch via Facebook but have not seen each other and our children. After losing a dear family friend suddenly I have made it a point to make time to see old friends when I can.
I would choose my sister who lives in Arizona. Since I live in Montana, Arizona isn’t close enough for us to visit very often. In fact it’s been nearly 10 years since I have seen her. ! We have grown closer despite the miles between us in the past year and it would be absolutely amazing to spend the holidays with her!
Such a lovely release! If I could spend the holidays with a loved one far away I would love to spend it with my best friend and her family that have been serving as teachers in Ethiopia these past two years. I miss her like crazy!
I’d love to spend Christmas with my sister. She lives in FL and all of my family and I live in Missouri. So we don’t get to see each other very often but love each other dearly.
I pretty much see most of my family as they live close by. The only one who is further is my brother and his family so that is who I would choose.
I would dearly love to spend the holidays with my Favorite Aunt and Uncle- they were such a part of my growing up and are just like second parents
I would choose my mother. I haven’t seen her in 8yrs.
She is on the other side of the world.
My parents. It has been at least 5 years since we’ve together for Christmas. We’ve been separated by oceans or continents 15 or so years of the past 20. I miss them!
I will this year, because my aunt from Italy will come and visit and I haven’t seen her for years!!
I live on the west coast of the U.S. and my four sisters live on the east coast. Although we all get together at least once a year, it would be nice if we could be together for Christmas. The laughs never stop…..
My grandma. We haven’t had a Christmas together since I was a toddler. She’s always been out of state, far away and I know she probably doesn’t have many Christmases left.
In June I moved from Wisconsin to Phoenix and all my family is in Wisconsin but I miss my grandsons the most. I am traveling home for the holiday ~ I just wish I had more time to spend there.
My aunt who is about to enter assisted living and she is 88 so seeing her for the holidays would mean a lot to me.
I would love to have all my kids (one in New York, one in Oklahoma, one in Washington) AND my parents and sister (they live in California) and my husband and I (in Washington) together for one big, happy Christmas! We have not all been together like that for many, many years. My folks are in their 80’s, so our time with them is precious, and I would love to have Christmas all together one more time.
Our son who is on his 4th tour in Afghanistan – in the last 6 years we have only been able to celebrate the holidays with him once because he always gets deployed right before the holidays.
I would love to spend the holidays with my sister who lives 550 miles away. We don’t get to see each other often . . .
My Aunt Shirley who now lives in Heaven. She simply ADORED Christmas! She decorated every nook and cranny in her home and made sure there was always a table full of home made cookies and other goodies for anyone that may drop by. The Christmas spirit lived in her and she never let the busyness of the season get in the way!
I am from a family of 6 girls. We were all very close. Sadly the oldest & youngest have passed away. The 4 of us remaining are scattered with our own families & grandchildren. I would love to share the holidays with my sisters. We have such wonderful memories of Christmas past. We lost our beloved Mother a year ago yesterday so to spend Christmas with them would truly be a blessing.
My Mum … who is my kindred spirit … and is a long, long, long way away. Anita 🙂
My parents. Dad is 95 and Mom is 87. Because of my own health issues I don’t get to see them much. Sometimes once a year and sometimes not even that often. I’ve missed the last couple Christmases with them and would give almost anything to be home with them this year and with the rest of my large family.
We have only one sibling (of six) who lives from from home, so wouldn’t it be a real treat if all of us could go to visit him instead of him always making the trek to us?!
All of my family is close by, except my mom who passed away about 5-1/2 years ago. I know she is looking down on us from Heaven.
It would be hard for me to pick one person. All of our family lives in another country. If we could I would like to go there to be with them for Christmas. We don’t get much winter here and it would be fun for my kids to experience some of the outdoor activities I enjoyed with my family when I was a child.
I would visit my son in the DC area. I know what it feels like to be the one to always come home rather than have someone come to your home. You know these folks, the road to your house is twice as far as the road from your house to their’s.
My parents live far away, but my dad works for an airline so they come to visit us frequently. But, it would be nice to go “home” for Christmas again.
Fortunately for me, all my loved ones live within a few hours. The person who is farthest is only my Father In Law. He is about the most strongest person I know. After losing both his daughters, his wife and both his brothers he still finds the courage to go on with life. This will be his first Christmas without his wife so if I could I would spend it with him to let him know how much he is loved and cared about.
I would love to spend Christmas with my aunt, she is more like my best friend!
I was born and raised in Maine, and have only been able to return a few times. To be able to go back and visit, even for a little while, would be a dream come true!
All the products in this month’s release are amazing!
My BFF Katie who moved to Texas
I’m lucky in that all my family live reasonably close by. But this year, due to family illness, we can’t spend the day together with my Mum, the first time in 47 years we won’t be sharing Christmas day 🙁
I would spend it with my aunt and uncle who live in Oregon. They are elderly and don’t travel any more. Would love to see them.
My Husband is an over-the-road truck driver and travels all over the US. I would want to be with him wherever he is. Being together as a family is the greatest gift.
I would say my sister (she lives in another country) but this year we’re going to stay with her for Christmas! So excited!!
My family lives in Western Samoa, and I haven’t seen them for over 7 years. I would love to take my family and introduce my kids to their Grandma.
It has been a fun release!
I would love to spend the holidays with my in-laws (believe-it-or-not lol!) who just moved out of state at the end of October. It’s going to be so strange not having them here for Christmas and I know my husband would love to see them. Happy Holidays to everyone and Blessings for a Wonderful New Year!
My Great Aunt (and cousins) in California! When my Aunt was younger she was able to travel comfortably. Sadly, the trip is just too hard for her now.
Fabulous release ladies! Wishing you all a happy holiday season 🙂
I am lucky that my family lives close or is able to come home for the holidays. I would love to have my Swedish sister (foreign exchange student from many many years) celebrate with us. She is a special part of our lives!
Luckily my family live close so no need to travel far!
I am blessed to have all my family close enough to see them for the holidays. But I would love to spend Christmas with my friend, Annette, who lives many states away.
I would choose my son. Because of his work, I rarely see him over any of the holidays and now that he has a little one, it makes me want to be with them even more.
It would definitely be our dear friends since all my family live close by. I would love to see them since they are alone this Christmas to.
That’s easy! It would have to be my niece Shea! Her family stays in Chicago for the holidays. Shea is funny and is my shadow when she visits. What more can you ask for!
I would choose my “baby brother”, who lives in Tuscon. We used to be so close. . . and now he’s so far away. I miss him.
I’d love to spend Christmas with my brother, sister-in-law and 2 year old niece who live in the UK. The time I spent with my niece earlier in the year was so precious. But sadly I don’t think we’ll get together for another year.
I don’t really have any family that are far away that I would want to spend the holidays with. The person that immediately comes to mind is my mom who passed away almost 6 years ago. I miss her so much!
I would be with my sister, but she and her husband came to visit in September, so I can’t complain.
All my family are with-in a day’s drive so visiting is not an issue, JUST taking the time to visit more often would be nice.
all the people I love the most live close to me except my niece so she is the person I would go visit. thankfully she is coming for Christmas so I get to see her!!
Easy- my son & his family in Illinois. I’m going in January, but it’s not quite the same as spending the holiday with the grandkids. It’s tough to be so far away.
My parents are only 450 miles away, but winter travel means we usually don’t get there every Christmas. I would want to spend Christmas with them, knowing how short and precious life can be.
Most of my extended family lives in Israel, which means we are low in numbers for the holidays. I would want to spend it with my cousin, whom I adore and have always been close to…in fact, we were born in the same year and are only 4 days apart!
I’ve very lucky in that all my loved ones live very near by. So I get to stay at home but still see all my family at Christmas and New Year.
My parents, of course. They are over 1,000 miles away. I miss the holidays when everyone went to their house with a mass of confusion. This year will be our first alone…yikes…the kids will be with their in-laws.
My husband and I are fortunate to have all of our siblings close by but it would be wonderful if all of their grown children could be together with us for the holidays.
My daughter lives about 10 hours from me. I don’t get to see her as much as I would like. She works so she can’t travel to see us very often.
My husband and I live in Colorado while our 3 children and their families are in California and New Jersey. Every year we travel to one coast at Thanksgiving and the other one for the Christmas holiday. This year we head out to California. If I had a wish, it would be for our daughter in New Jersey to join us in California so the whole family could be together!
I am so blessed that my family is close. To bring my husband’s family together would take more logistics. It would be a fun treat to pull off.
i would choose my mom in camas as we don;t get to spend a lot of time together most christmas we don;t travel.
I have no immediate family left so I would like to go visit my best friend. We haven’t seen each other for almost 10 years. I moved away to take care of my mother. Now that she is gone I hope to be able to return there for a visit.
So blessed to be surrounded by my loved ones. None of us are far from the nest, and at the holidays, especially, I’m reminded of how very lucky we are. I would wish for the same for everyone.
It WILL be with my mom and sisters and their families. They live out of state but we will be traveling to spend Christmas with them. Always a special time.
I would chose to fly to Florida to spend the holidays with my husband’s family because we don’t get to see them often since we live in Virginia.
I would love to spend the holidays with my oldest and best friend who lives in Turkey. I miss her so much. My favorite is one big Happy I love it..
My family back home in England. I miss them so much
I would have my son, daughter in law and 3 grandsons here with us for Christmas…I so wish!
I’d spend it with my brother who lives 1200 miles away. Hate that he’s spending Christmas on his own this year.
My family. We live all over the country and only get to be all together once every few years.
If I could spend this Christmas with family who lives far away, I would spend it with my grandparents. They live about 1000 miles from me, and I only get to see them once, maybe twice a year.
My son in Texas! I miss have all of my boys home for Christmas each year.
I would choose my Grandma. She was the sweetest lady ever. A Christian and kind to everyone. She had 9 children and never had favorites. She is in Heaven now and one day I will see and hug her again.
Merry Christmas,
I would love to spend it with my Dad who passed away on Halloween, but I am guessing that is a bit too far away. All my family live interstate, so to spend time with ang of them would be a blessing.
I would choose to spend the holidays with my 16-year old daughter, who lives in Heaven. She passed away three months ago and I didn’t get a chance to tell her how much I love her before she passed. But I told her almost everyday so I hope she knew.
Definitely my sister who is 9 years older than I, she lives in Iowa and I live on Cape Cod….can’t remember the last time we spent the Holidays together…..BUT maybe we could spend it together on a tropical island lol
I would want to go to heaven and visit my sister. I miss her so much.
My family is all close by, we have various gatherings for each group so we make the rounds. Heaven though has a few special folks that I miss dearly.
I would choose my father-in-law because he is 96 years old and we haven’t seen him for several years.
I am beyond blessed to be able to spend the holidays with both my family and my husband’s family. If I could spend the holiday with anyone, it would be my mom. Time passes and things get to a ‘new normal’, but the sadness never really goes away. And, especially at the holidays, I miss her the most.
My family is all local. So, by far away, you mean the farthest house away! We stick together (cue music from “Grease”).
I would love to spend the holidays with my parents. We moved to the other side of the country almost four years ago and really miss them. We’ve been very lucky and able to spend every Christmas together so far, until this one.
My brother and his family live close by (mom and dad are deceased)so I see them over the holidays. I have a cousin who lives in NC whom I see maybe once a year. I would love to spend some time over the holidays with her.
My twin sister as I love her so much and we have so much in common. We usually email everyday or talk to one another on the phone.
It would definitely be my sister and brother-in-law! This is the first Christmas since they moved to California that they won’t be coming back East.
I would choose my cousin in Hawaii. I have never been there and it sounds delightful!
Would love to spend the holidays with my family and my parents. Haven’t seen them in a while so I miss them dearly.
I am very lucky that my sister and mother are both travelling to me this Christmas! My only wish is that my brother could join us.
I would love to spend the holidays with my sisters (and their families). Family is very close and dear to my heart.
Wish I could spend the holidays with both my side of the family and my husband’s side of the family. Miss the huge family get togethers around the holidays.
My husband and I love a quiet Christmas morning spent with our children in our home. Spending Christmas in our home is very important to us, and we wish to always be home and not traveling anywhere far away for Christmas! Great release; and thanks for a chance to win! Merry Christmas to everyone!
I’d love to spend Christmas with my brother and his family, together with my Mum. I always get a little homesick at Christmas as they’re on the other side of the world!
I’m so thankful that everyone I love the most, and want to spend Christmas with, live very close by. We’ll be together for Christmas, and they’re the best gifts of all. 🙂
I would love to be able to get together with my two brothers and youngest sister in Washington state and Oregon. Way on the other side of the country!
Every year is a challenge to see everyone in my family and my husband’s. This may be the last Christmas for my father-in-law who has lung cancer and my grandma who is having health problems. We will do our best and hope weather doesn’t change our plans to try and see everyone!
My grandchildren live so far away and I miss them every day. I try to see them as often as possible but I would love to see their little faces on Christmas morning not just on Face Time but in real life.
My brother in law because he lives in California without any family nearby and because of work he can’t travel to be with family. I’d want him to be with us and experience the wonder of Christmas in Germany!
I would spend the holidays with my sister. It was only the two of us growing up. We see each other maybe once every other year and I wished we lived closer to each other.
My brother in law b/c he lives far from any family and cannot take off work during the holidays to travel to be with family. I’d want him with us to experience the beauty and wonder of Christmas in Germany!
My daughter Jessica is away at University at the moment. I miss her so much, but I am lucky as she will travel back home for Christmas. Some of my husband’s nieces are in Australia, so it would be nice if he could spend some time with them too.
I’d spend it with my aunt who lives in new brunswick which is about 1000km away. I don’t get to see her too often. I miss her.
I am fortunate to have all my family & closest friends living nearby. Happy to see so many fun new things this month, but am I too impatient if I’m already looking forward to February?!
I would chose to spend it with my cousins/aunts/uncles in Hungary. I haven’t seen them since 1992 and it would be amazing to get together for a family holiday.
All of my family is right here with me!! But since I’m wishing at the moment, I would love to be able to see one of my dear friends that lives in Texas for Christmas!! Merry Christmas PTI!!!!
Lucky for me, my family all live in the same city! 😉
Since my mom passed away there has not been a Christmas where all 5 of my siblings and I have spent it together even though the farthest is only 2 hrs. away. So, that is what I wish.
That’s an easy one for me!!I would spend it with my two oldest grandchildren and my son who moved last year 950 miles away from me!!
My immediate family is all local. I would love to see close friends who live far away around the Holidays. It’s always nice to catch up!
I am blessed in that I get to spend Christmas with my family every year. I have friends around the world I could pick, but then I’d be taking them away from their families and that doesn’t seem fair!
My family all live close enough that we get together Christmas Day. My brothers & my niece live a little over an hour away, but they will be driving here for the day and my niece will be staying here til New Years. Can’t wait!
I am very lucky that all my close relatives and loved ones live within the state of Michigan. No one is more that a 2 hour road trip away! Now if i could spend the holiday with anyone who’s passed on, it would be with my Dad. Oh,how he loved Christmas!
We are the ones who live far away from the rest of the family, so I’d choose to spend Christmas with my sister who is hosting the family dinner and that way I get to see everyone!
My Grandma’s house has always been the best place to be on Christmas and most years we were able to be there. This is the first Christmas without her and that’s really hard but I am thankful for all the Christmas memories, and for the family gathering we will still have.
I have one sibling who lives a few time zones away. I’d love to see him and his family (including my two adorable nieces and one brand-new super cute nephew)at Christmas, because it’s been several years since we’ve all been together.
I would spend the holidays with my best friend, Carolyn. She moved to Montana earlier this year to pursue a shared dream with her husband of living out there. I am happy that she is enjoying her new adventure, but I miss her terribly. Carolyn has always been there for me. She is my rock.
My wish will come true this Christmas as my son will be home this year. He lives in Spain and hasn’t been with us for Christmas for several years. It will be great to have both of my sons home and together this year.
Even though my family is spread out all across the country most of us come back to our home town at the holidays. It’s always a very special time.
I would love to spend the holidays with my parents and siblings in Utah. It’s only happened once in the past twenty years! I’d want my husband and kids to go with me though. 🙂
For the first time in years, my immediate family all live close to each other, which makes for a wonderful Holiday season this year! But with the relocation of some of us, we’re not close to my aunt and uncle, who happen to also be my godparents. My aunt has Alzheimer’s, and bringing her to us would be too confusing for her, but we also need to be careful about not all descending on her at once, or her anxiety goes up. I guess I wish that all 10 of us could go see them and rotate sitting down with Aunt Ann to talk to her and try to recapture her memories.
Mom. In heaven. Because.
My sister! I live in Michigan and she lives in Texas. We used to see each other at Christmas with the rest of the family, but now she has grandkids. Her son works as a fireman and is the low man on the totem pole and always has to work at Christmas. She wants to see her grandkids on Christmas Day so they stay in TX now for the holidays. I’m bummed but totally understand. It would be fun to surprise her for a visit. 😀 Thanks for a chance to win.
I am blessed to have my family nearby…..if I could just visit my mommy in heaven I’d go there! But we now have my mother-in-law near so that’s a great replacement!
My mother-in-law. We have not been able to spend a Christmas with her for 4 years. She now lives in Maryland while we are in Missouri. The weather usually doesn’t allow us to make a trip to the mountains nor does my husband’s job permit him to have more than a few days off during the Christmas season.
If Heaven counts as far away, it would be my mom. This will be our 4th Christmas without her and how wonderful it would be to share that special day one more time!
I would love to spend the holidays with my family in Maine. We haven’t been able to be together for the last two Christmas vacations and we all miss them so very much!
It’s not sad…when I read the question I immediately thought how I’d like to spend one more day with my mom or dad. They’re gone but if heaven isn’t too far away for a one day visit….I’d like to go! Merry Christmas to all who share their awesome talent with us!
The people I would most like to spend the holidays with live with me!
My cousin, I haven’t seen or talked to her in years, but I always think of her at Christmas.
If I could spend time with loved ones far away~I’d choose my parents! I miss them so much!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win PTI goodies~ 😉
Most all of our loved ones, both family and friends that are like family, live far away and all over the country. My greatest wish would be to have all of them around here for the holidays, coming and going and meeting each other.
Already excited to spend it with family from Hawaii – they are coming to visit, with my new niece they adopted a couple months ago from China – this will be our first time meeting her! I think that qualifies as from far away!!!
That would most definitely be my dad 🙂
I would chose to visit my “other me”, and that’d be my soul sister in the US. We’ve not seen each other face to face for 10 years and I miss her so badly – especially during Christmastime. I’d bring my family and we’d travel all the way from Sweden to Washington state, where my soul double lives with her family! (Our kids and husbands have never even met!)
Happily we live at a time when Skype is invented, but it would be a wonderful experience to actually travel to meet for real.
One day we’ll go, but for this Christmas I hope we will be able to make a loooong Skype session!
I’d choose my cousin Lenny. He has basically been the only positive male influence in my life, before I met my husband. I haven’t seen him since 2003 and he isn’t getting any younger. He has such a kind heart and nothing but positive things to say about everybody. Any time spent with him would be happy.
Since my family live in the area I’d like to spend the holidays with my stamping friend in the midwest.
I am so blessed this year, my Christmas wish to have my son home for the holiday is coming true! He lives in LA and we are in Central Pa, it has been three years since we have had him home for Christmas, and while I do know others have gone longer without seeing their loved ones, I simply can not wait to pick him up at the airport! I will cherish each moment we have together, it is life’s simple pleasures that mean the most to me!
I would like to wish you all a very happy holiday season, filled with what is most important to you!
All of the loved ones that I would spend Christmas with are already local. Great release!
If I could be with my son in Iowa with feelings mended.
I would spend Christmas with my brother whom I have not seen for many years. I miss him lots!
I wish I could spend it with my sister. She moved all the way to the other side of the country and now we only see each other about once a year. Merry Christmas everyone!
I’m blessed to have my immediate family (and grandmotger) all living in the same city as me. I would love to visit my good friends in NYC; see all the twinkling lights and visit the Christmas markets.
I would head 1500 miles west to spend Christmas with my sister-in-law. She lost her husband of 53 years to a heart attack in Nov. & needs some family hugs big time.
Our family gathers for snacks on Christmas Eve and then all 13 of us go to church together for the candle light service. After the service we head back to our house to open presents. We also get together on Christmas Day for dinner. It is such a blessing from our Lord Jesus Chris that he came into this world to save us from our sins and that is truly what we celebrate.
If I could just have one more Christmas with my mom, I’d be very happy! One day I will be with her again!
I would spend the holidays with my two sisters – I don’t get to see them much, since we live on opposite sides of the country, so it would be nice (mostly!)
I would choose my oldest son and his family. They are the only ones that live far away.
I would choose to spend it with my sister who lives in London. I’ve had a very hard year this year, but my sisters cuddles can revive me like no others. I’d love for us to go over to her – a winter Christmas is a true novelty for us!!
We have a big family and used to always spend Christmas day together, but now that my nieces and nephews and my own children have grown up and have significant others all of us getting together for the holidays is a huge task. Wi8sh we could easily spent Christmas together.
Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas. I’m loving all the new PTI.
Karen Letchworth
My cousin in California! We haven’t seen each other in ages and Christmas is the perfect time spend with family.
I’d love to visit my sister-in-laws mother, Natasha, in Russia. But for now, I send her hand-made cards.
Can I pick two? I would love to have my husband’s parents at our house one year. They are in Hawaii and we would love for them to see all the excitement with our young kids.
My dear friend, Mary Leigh. We were college roommates and remain the best of friends to this day. We rarely get to see one another but stay in touch via phone. I would love to spend the holidays with her!
Wow–great release! So many wonderful new things and I need to check out the planner. I’d say it would be good to visit my sister-in-law because we rarely get to see her since they live several states away from us.
I would choose to spend it with my aunt in San Francisco. I very rarely get to see her and it would be awesome to spend the holidays with her.
I’d go visit my parents family is Italy because I have never met them.
My sister and her family and my parents live close at hand, and my boys are home from college, so I won’t be missing anyone until my boys go back to school. We will enjoy our time together very much!
My family and extended family all live close by so I would chose to stay here for the holidays.
I’ve been so very blessed to have my family close my entire life. I’m one lucky girl!
My aunt who lives in another province. She has always been like a second mother to me and supported me throughout the years.
I would love to see my niece and her family. She lives quite far away and when her parents split up when she was young, we have not had the opportunity to see her very often.
My grandson! He’s only 3, but we just get each other.
I would choose our youngest son because if he could come here he would be able to spend Christmas with us altogether for probably his older brothers last Christmas.
I would love to spend the holidays with my grandfather, who lives overseas in India. I haven’t gotten to spend that much time with him over the years, because he’s so far away – and with him over 100 years old, every moment I get to spend with him now is a special gift! Thanks for a fabulous release, it’s a wonderful way to end the year. Happy Holidays everyone!!
I am lucky enough to have my family close by – all within 60 miles. So I’m thankful to get to spend the holidays with them every year.
my friend in Israel. it’s been 8 years since we’ve seen each other and I miss her dearly!
I would pick my best friend who moved away this year. Brandi became
one of my dearest friends and I miss her so much! We would craft together
and I totally take credit for turning her onto PTI! =) Love this question and
reading others comments…how lucky we are to have family and friends to love!
This was an easy one. I would spend the holidays with my very best friend Pat who lives out of state from me.
I have no loved ones who live farther away than a 3-4 hour drive, but even so, it would be wonderful to have all of our children and grandchildren at our home for the holidays!
I would love to spend Christmas with my sister who has a cottage in Muskoka. A family Christmas at the cottage would be wonderful enjoying each other’s company and all of the beauty and nature.
Easy peasy – my niece who’s away in South Korea.
I am fortunate that my loved ones are near except for those that have passed.
I would spend the holiday with a son who is deployed overseas. Even 12 hours would be a gift. In the meantime, I’ll just keep sending crafted cards and e-greetings!
My sister who I haven’t seen in a decade. Growing up she was my idol and confident and no holiday is the same without her.
the would love to visit my nephew and his family in Poway CA.
All of my family is close by so I won’t have to travel. However, spinning that thought out a little, how nice it would be to spend the Holiday with family members that have passed. Memories are sweet but nothing like having the loved one right there with you.
My grandmother is 93 and lives in Mexico City. I used to spend Christmas break with her, and I miss the family holidays with her and the rest of my family.
I would love to see my dad again. It has been a long five years, since I saw him last.
I would love to spend Christmas with my daughter/son-in-law who live in CA. Since we live on the other side of the country, we see them only once or twice a year.
My son lives in Virginia but I would want to bring him here so we could all be together.
My Dad. I don’t see my family often, and my mother and I don’t really get along great… but I love my dad to pieces. I miss him and it’s scary to me how old he is getting!!!
My sister and her family. She has an 8 month old that my kids would love to spend more time with.
I would love to spend Christmas with my cousins. We always spent holidays together when we were young. As we have all gotten older, started our own families and many of us dealing with elderly parents, extended family holidays don’t happen anymore. It would be nice to get together again.
my daughter and her three children live here in the same town with me.
My loved ones, thankfully, are all in one state, Illinois.
I am blessed to have most of my immediate family close by. But if I was to travel to see a loved one it would be to see my cousin that lives in north Idaho. I live in Florida so our Christmas’ are very different. It would be fun to see a white Christmas and all the traditions that go along with it. My cousin and I are very close and spend a month together each summer, but a Christmas together would be such a fun change.
All our relatives that live far away and can’t be with us for Christmas! I miss the good ol’ days when we were all together!
Luckily for me my small family all lives nearby so we get to spend the holidays together every year. Such a blessing!!!
My whole family lives in Venezuela, so It would be great to spend Christmas with them. It’s been 15 years since I spent the holidays with them.
My family lives near me, but I would choose to spend Christmas with my grandson as he is the love of my life and so much fun.
I feel very fortunate to be within driving distance of all of my family. However, my sister is the furthest at about 16 hours away. She and her family are only able to travel up for the holidays every other year. They will be here this year and I’m so looking forward to see her!
Would definitely travel to MN to spend the holidays with my brother and sister, her kids and grandkids because it’s easier for DH and me to travel vs. all of them flying to WA. Holidays sure change when parents are all deceased. 🙁
It would be my sister & cousins in Arizona and my brother in San Diego! Great release!
I love spending the holidays with my mother and brother, but since they are on the West Coast and my brother is disabled and can’t fly, I have to fly out there to spend the holidays with them.
would have to be my family as they live on the north island and havent had xmas with them for 16 yrs plus
I’d choose my cousin in London and this year I almost get my wish as we’re going to Europe for Christmas, then the UK after that.
Our children all live far away. I would choose to spend the time with them!
The only one in my family that lives far away is my brother so he is obviously my choice. Wish he could be here for Christmas.
I grew up the oldest of 3 girls – this past summer our little sister died from pancreatic cancer…she is celebrating Christmas in heaven – but my other sister is in New York and I wish I could be with her this year.
I’m not sure if heaven counts as “far away” but I would love to spend Christmas with my dad. This will be the second Christmas without him and it just isn’t the same. I miss him so much.
I live in Oregon, and am very fortunate in that all of my immediate family members live in either Oregon or Washington.
I’d love to be with all of my family for Christmas…my sisters live on opposite sides of the country.
i would spend the holidays with my mom because she does not live close by and i would need to catch an airplane to be with her. great release!
My sister who lives in another state. It’s been more than 30 years since we’ve been together for Christmas. Even though we won’t be together again this year she is always in my heart.
My youngest sister because then we would all be together as we were when we were younger.
My immediate family is all nearby and they are the ones I love to spend the holidays with!
I would choose my sister Beth who lives in Oregon! we share every other Christmas with her and her family. It would be fun to surprise her! 🙂
If I could choose someone it would be my older brother and his family. They are living in a different state and this is the first christmas without them near.
I’d spend the holidays with my favorite uncle and aunt from Michigan. Growing up in Texas, my sisters and I would spend every Christmas (and summers, too!) with them and our younger cousins. They moved from TX when I was in college, and we see them maybe once a year now. Would love to spend more time with them, especially over the holidays!
I’d like to spend the Christmas season with family all the way over in Japan. I’ve been to Japan once in the summertime but never during winter.
My sister in Texas. Because she is my sister. Family rocks!
LOL, I’m the one that lives far away! I always travel home for Christmas to spend it my Mom and siblings.
My mom’s side of the family lives all over the country and we haven’t all been together since my grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary, which was many years ago. I’d love to see them all again. My husband and I have been trying to plan a trip to see my cousins, but seeing the whole family again would be such a blessing!
I would love to get my mom and had to Phoenix to see my aunt. It has been far too long and phone calls are lovely, but just not the same. Hugs to you, Mom and Aunt Ruth!
I would choose to spend the holidays with my family that lives in Denver – I haven’t seen many of my aunts and uncles in a long time (and they have snow 🙂 )
I am blessed to have all my family close by. If my Aunt didn’t have her own family I would love it if she could be with us!
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