Welcome to the new Papertrey Ink blog. We are so excited to be in this new space and share inspiration with you. Please have patience while we make ourselves at home here and do a little tweaking to make everything perfect.
Clear Stamps, Dies, Paper, Ink, Kits
Papertrey Ink 74 Comments
Welcome to the new Papertrey Ink blog. We are so excited to be in this new space and share inspiration with you. Please have patience while we make ourselves at home here and do a little tweaking to make everything perfect.
how can I subscribe to the blog to get new posts via email?
So excited to see a new blog for Papertry Ink! I’m looking to all the new changes and adventures for PTI. Will miss Nicole, but love all of the PTI design team and all of the great products and inspiration from PTI.
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
Will we need to sign up again to get emails from this new blog? I don’t see a sign up button so maybe you are migrating the database over?? Thanks!!!
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
I have the same questions as the others about how to sign up for the new blog.
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
I too want to know how I can subscribe to the blog for e-mail updates??? Some of use aren’t as techy as others & “need” that e-mail!!!! LOL THANK YOU!!!
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
Hey all! We are still working on the subscribe button and will update you as soon as it’s taken care of!! Thank you so much for your patience. 🙂
Best wishes on the transition to the new blog and ways of working without Nichole. It’s going to be great!
Best wishes to the PTI company and all of you that make it great 🙂 I love my PTI products!! Please don’t change anything 🙂 I want to subscribe too when you get everything up and going 🙂 Iris Shubert
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
So good to see you, Heather! I welcome changes, but I also like to see a familiar face! I wish you and Papertrey Ink all the best in the new year! It will be awesome!
Oh my goodness I thought for a moment that you are closing the company and I almost had a panic attack, heart attack, stroke all at once. I am so happy that the company continues. Oh my goodness. All the best Nicole and thank you all for continuing 🙂
I love PTI products and was excited that the company would go on even though Nichole resigned! The design team is mega talented and I look forward to your new direction!
The new blog looks great. Good luck with this new direction for Papertrey
Love the modern look of the new blog. I had no idea that Nichole was no longer at PTI, never saw anything posted. I hope all is well with her and her family.
Good luck and best wishes to all who carry on. I can’t imagine the stamping community without PTI.
Love the new look to the blog and shop! While I am sad that Nichole has left PTI, I remain a staunch PTI supporter and customer. Your team’s vision continues to evolve and keep us PTI-junkies on the leading edge of design and paper crafting innovation! YOU ROCK!
Good luck to you ladies on your new venture!! So excited for this new chapter of Papertrey Ink!!
Welcome! I’m very excited to see what the future of PTI holds. How exciting to be a part of this new beginning.
Karen Letchworth
Hoping for continuing success for PTI and looking forward to more cratfy inspiration. Will content from Nichole’s blog be archived anywhere or be made available here (eventually)?
Ignore my question in my previous comment. I see that the old content is here too. I just didn’t recognize it because of the format here where you have to click “read more” to see the whole post.
I seem to be missing how to have the blog arrive in my inbox.
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
I’m so excited to see what’s next for Papertrey Ink! I just love the new tag line and really hope that the PTI style that I have come to adore in recent years continues. So glad that my favorite design team will be sharing amazing inspiration. I’m looking forward to the new December release! I’d love to receive emails again, too!?
Great blog. Love Papertrey Ink. Just curious: will this be emailed out with the Papertrey Ink newsletter or do we need to subscribe to the blog separately??
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
How do you sign up for notification? How do you see the forum? Is there going to be a planner this year?
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
You can access the forum here: https://community.papertreyink.com
There will not be a new planner this year.
Wow!! Nicole, you will be truly missed by so many and I can’t even imagine how the design team is feeling, especially those who have been a part of your journey for so long. Blessings for the future and your design work and inspiration will be sadly missed.
So how can I follow this blog? I don’t instagram,Twitter,orfacebook?
If you go here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ there is a place in the right hand column where you can subscribe. If you were subscribed to Nichole’s blog previously, you should be automatically subscribed to this blog as well.
So disappointed that Nicole’s blog can no longer be viewed. It contained great inspiration. Now when you go to Nicole’s blog you are “forced” here.
Hannah, if you look for “Capture The Moment” in the Feedly app, you probably will see a number of past blog posts. I follow all blogs through Feedly (it’s a blog aggregator) and then I can save, store, highlight passages I like and make notes about posts. You can still link to the actual blog from Feedly, so you don’t lose that option. Feedly just lets you view lots and lots of blogs and organize them as you want. Since I’ve been following Nichole there, I have lots of her posts saved and can still see the past ones too.
Hope that’s helpful.
All of the past Papertrey Ink content from Nichole’s blog has been transferred here. We don’t know, at this point, how much longer her blog will be online. Is there something we can help you find that you are looking for?
Hi Heather, I can’t speak for Hannah, but personally I was looking for the Release Inspiration Cards.
Here are the November release ones: https://blog.papertreyink.com/2017/12/november-2017-release-inspiration-cards/ The ones from December have not been posted quite yet. We also have a board on Pinterest that you can find them at: https://www.pinterest.com/papertreyink/pti-color-inspiration/
Nothing specific Heather…just like to browse the projects from time to time. Gets the creative juices flowing. Didn’t know they were transferred here, so thanks. I have a bit of trouble with the new blog format to be honest.
Oh my! I’ve actually never heard of Feedly (I’m so yesterday☹️) I will look into that..thanks so much!
Please change your blog back to the old format! This new one is pretty useless and VERY un-user friendly! I cant find anything on it…makes little sense!
I am sorry that you are frustrated about the new blog. Can you be more specific about what you are having trouble with? Can we help you find something you are looking for?
Yes, when you post the count downs you have to click on each day to find a certain product. Also when you go to previous count downs its the same thing…it takes forever to find the countdown post for a certain product. Takes way too much time! There’s no projects to click on for any of the new products either if you go to that product. I find the blog very user unfriendly! When i search for a specific product, it never comes up! I hope there will be some changes made soon!
Carol, please know that we are working to make things work smoothly and there will be updates to our store to link to projects in the near future. Change is not without bumps along the way, so I hope you can have patience with the process. If you ever need help finding anything, you can always send a message to customer service or the “ask the design team” email. We would be glad to help you!
Haven’t been here in a little while… what happened to Nichole?
Nichole has made the decision to step down from Papertrey Ink and resign from the paper crafting industry.
Is there a place to access the sketches for cards, that you used to post?
All of the content from the old blog has been transferred to this new blog, so you should be able to do a search to find past posts. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please ask so we can help!
You can view many of our card sketches on our Papertrey Ink Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/papertreyink/signature-sketch-library/
Love the new look!
It seems a little weird there is no good by post from Nichole on this new blog. She was an inspiration to many and a wee bit rude not to have something posted here on the new blog. Every link “forces” you to new blog. Maybe I have missed something but she deserves a proper good by on this new blog.
she posted a good bye post and explained her reasons for leaving.
Some (like me) didn’t get a chance to read that goodbye. I didn’t find out about her leaving until after the holidays when I went to papertrey ink and discovered this new blog. When I found a link to the old site and where she posted a goodbye, it immediately takes you to the new blog so you don’t have time to read and I am left wondering “Was this sudden? Health problems? Was there bad will between partnerships?” I can only speculate. In any case, I wish Nicole much health and happiness wherever she may be. She was very inspirational with her gift in papercrafting!
I do find it a bit strange especially when it’s mentioned on the post above yours that all content from the old blog has been transferred to the new. Nicole’s post does not come up.
am I the only one who doesn’t like the lay out of the new blog. it is very hard to read the post in date order as they are staggered on the page. don’t get me wrong, I love the blog, just feel it could be organized better for easier reading.
If you go to the top of the main page and click “blog” all of the posts will come up in order.
Have you discontinued the contests during the reveal days?
I’ve always loved PTI; but I’m finding the new blog format very confusing. It’s much harder to find what I’m looking for, and I often give up when I can’t find a particular post. I’ve never been a fan of blogs that have all the posts shown in part – where you have to find and click on the post you want. The old format – where you can start at the top and scroll down until you find what you need is preferred (in my opinion). I’m really not trying to be rude or negative – just being honest. For me, it doesn’t work. I may be over-ruled and and/or out-numbered. But I still wanted to give my little opinion. Looking forward for all there is yet to come at PTI.
I am sorry that you are feeling frustrated. There is an option to see the posts in order: go to the top of the main page and click “blog”. The posts will appear in chronological order on that page. I hope that helps you and please know if there is anything specific that you are looking for we are more than happy to help you.
Will we need to sign up again to get emails from this new blog? I don’t see a sign up button so maybe you are migrating the database over??
If you received emails from Nichole’s blog, you should be getting updates for the new blog as we migrated the list over. If you are not getting updates, click “blog” at the top of the main page and then there is a “subscribe” button in the right hand column.
I was not automatically subscribed to the new blog and the link you provided for subscribing does not have a “ right hand side.” I have searched several times trying to find a way to subscribe and I can’t find it anywhere. Would you make it a little more obvious where this option is? Thanks!!!!
Here is the direct link to the blog page: https://blog.papertreyink.com/blog/ On the right hand side under the paper airplane graphic you will find the subscription box.
Why why why do you allow your site to crash???? It is very irritating. First we have to wait till the late hours (some of us work) and then to sit here and have it crash every time we put something in the cart.
We definitely don’t plan for things like this. We are doing our best to get things up and running.
Since Erin Lincoln is no longer shown anywhere on the PTI team, does this mean PTI will not be introducing stitching dies to their product line in the future?
Also will the Gallery ever be updated? No designer samples for stamp sets have been added since the July release. I always loved this feature as a “jumping” point when purchasing new stamps.
Thank you
We don’t reveal new products that we will be releasing the future, unfortunately. We do love our stitching dies and do hope to see more in the future. The gallery is going to be incorporated into our new website that is coming soon and in the meantime you can visit our Pinterest boards.
I wanted to comment on your new magazine… What an awesome idea and the first edition is stunning! I would love to get a copy. I LOVE your products and love the inspiration you provide as I OFTEN GET STUMPED and need a little help with colors or positioning and sentiments. I cannot wait to get a copy. KUDOS for allowing us to add your helpful tool to our library bookshelf!!
Hi Jennifer, We are so happy to hear that you like the new catalog. It is a digital version only and so won’t be available to receive physically.
I too find the new blog format difficult, I like to see all the new products being released at the same time, not having to go into each day to see them.
Also when looking for a specific stamp or die when I go to the “Shop by category” it has not been updated this year. Will the 2018 months be added. I realize you have a lot on your plate, but I found this to be the case back at the beginning of this year.
Thanks for any insight you may be able to give.
We have always had a countdown on the 10-14th of each month for our new products being released each month on the 15th. If you look at the release day post (find this month’s post here: https://blog.papertreyink.com/2018/04/april-2018-release-day/), you will be able to find all of the new products listed. There is also a digital catalog that you can look through that started this month – find that right at the top of the product reveal.
We have a new store website coming soon and that is why there are some things that are not being updated on our current store.
If you need help finding anything, please let us know. We would be happy to help!
New blog is very confusing and not user friendly. I does not appeal to the eyes…way too cluttered. Does not entice me to shop. In fact I have not bought much from pti recently. Where is Nicole?
Nichole resigned from Papertrey Ink in December. I am sorry that you are frustrated with our new blog. One thing you can do is click “blog” at the top of the page and that will take you to a chronological listing of our posts. You might find that you like that format better? If there is anything you are having trouble finding, please let us know so that we can help!
I missed Yana’s 24th of the month video series yesterday. I today noticed she is no longer showing on the PTI team. Has she left the team? I feel you no longer say goodbyes when team members leave.
With Yana’s big move back to Europe, she has stepped down from the Papertrey Ink team. We definitely wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors!