You will never believe what has happened to me! I developed a reaction to poison ivy on my right index finger on Friday after picking blackberries in our yard. Now it has spread to my eyelids, cheeks, neck and arms. I finally broke down and went to the doctor this morning and got a shot and some prescriptions. He says it should be gone in 2-3 days. The original location of the rash on my index finger has doubled, and now I can hardly fit my finger through the handle of my paper snips! Geeez! Talk about bad luck! I suppose this will be something I can look back at later and laugh at!
Sue says
Oooooh, that’s bad! Hope the meds help quickly.
Regina D. says
I hope you feel better soon! By the way, I love what you did in the Stamp It! magazine. Love it!
Stefanie says
So glad you went to the doctor! I’ve never had poison ivy and I hope I never do! Get better soon!
Donna Baker says
that stinks!! hope you get better sooner!
Pat says
Oh you will look back on it and laugh SOMEDAY, but I have had poison ivy so many times and it is NEVER pleasant. I wish you an itch-free day soon!
AmyR says
Ohhhhh so NOT fun!! Sending you non-itchy good vibes!!! :o)
Jen W says
I hope you’re typing with gloves on! If you’re not to the scabby stage yet you could be contaminating things just by touching them. You might swab things with alchohol to prevent re-infecting yourself. Hope you feel better soon!
florence says
OH my hope you are better soon, now is the time to get creative, what can you do without your right index finger?
StamperSharon says
Oh gosh — no fun, Nichole. I’m subject to food allergy reactions and deal with swelling quite often — never fun and often painful. Sorry to hear and hope you are better (and can stamp!) again soon!
Jacki says
Nichole – I feel for you! You must have your husband take some pics of you so you can scrap them someday! Feel better fast!
Beth B. says
Nichole – oh no!! that sounds awful!! hope that the meds help – get well soon! sending you {{{non itchy vibes}}}
Beth (mommy to a busy 3 3/4 yr old)
Julie Masse says
So sorry to hear of your poison ivy Nicole!! Tis the season though – my oldest Emma has it, or we think. She has a weird rash all over her face that has spread. We’re thinking it is PI from the new puppy! Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Mendi says
Oh, no! I hope you are better soon!
Fresh Floral Art says
I am so sorry! There is nothing worse than a bad itch…
Denise Rose says
NO fun! Hope you are better soon!
Jill says
There is a saying
“If you’re in a situation that youwill laugh about later: You may as well laugh now!” LOL
Hope you’re back to normal soon.
jeannine says
OMG! You poor thing! You must be so uncomfortable – especially if it’s as hot there as it is here! Don’t you have to be careful about touching things – like your paper snips? Can’t you re-contaminate yourself? Hope not. I hope you’re feeling better soon
Heather Mitchell says
ooooooohhhh! I “feel” for you! I am SO incredibly allergic to poison ivy! I’m still trying to get past the trauma from the last time I had it… 8 years ago now! It was awful! Hope yours gets better soon!
I love your blog, and your stamps! I’ve not been able to buy any yet, but they are definitely on my wish list! If I could suggest one design that I would LOVE to see, it is something that includes Gerbera daisies. I LOVE them, and can’t seem to find many.
I just started a new blog to post from my creative side. If you’re interested, you can find it here:
It’s not nearly the caliber of your stuff (or most of the other blogs that I read) but you have to work with what you have, right?!??! I have been getting GREAT ideas from others, and love what I do, so I guess that’s what matters.
Anyway, just wanted to say hello, and thanks for all your work and for sharing it with us!
Sara says
You’ll have to take pictures but don’t share them with anyone! Just have them to look back on when that day that you can laugh on it comes around.
Liz says
OOOHH! that’s awful! Make sure you clean EVERYTHING you touched.. otherwise.. you may infect yourself again!
Hope you are better soon!
wendy says
um…didn’t you say those berries were unedible?! LOL! Long distance hugs (which keep the ivy on you and not me!) 🙂
Neighbor_Nancy says
2-3 days? HAHAHA! Be prepared for 2-3 weeks or MORE!
I developed an allergy to poison ivy, and the last time I got it I suffered for 2-3 MONTHS.
Good luck – my sincere sympathies for the discomfort!
Kim/Kauai17 says
I use to get poison ivy every year when I was little and we would go pick dewberries (that’s what we call blackberries down here in Tx). Never stopped us from going back out their though 🙂 Hope the meds do the trick and clear it up soon!!!
Young Chang says
Ooh, so sorry! No fun at all…
Nancy says
Sorry to hear about your finger. I heard the other night on the news that Poison ivy was suppose to be very bad this year.
Because of the climate Changes.
Take care of yourself!!
Nancy says
Sorry to hear about your finger. I heard the other night on the news that Poison ivy was suppose to be very bad this year.
Because of the climate Changes.
Take care of yourself!!
K Ostvig says
I had to come and say, AHHH and let you know I was thinking of you. I hope ths makes the blackberries taste even better. What a price you’ve had topay hopo it passes very quickly and that you don’t get much worse.
Beth says
My, oh my, Nicole. How awful. I am severely allergic to the stuff and took shots in the rear-end while I grew up because p.i. was all over the property. At 22 I went to live out east, and came back to Ontario at 36, and wouldn’t you know, it was probably the only property in Sarnia with it. I went to the ER and had a drip, then ended back in emerg where they bandaged me up to look like a burn victim. My arms and face were poisoned and I got burns. My skin was peeling off. My face ballooned up. I was bed ridden for two weeks, and then went to work looking like I had leprosy. Not a pretty seen. That said, I can relate when I say, I feel for you and wish you all the best. I do understand. Truly.
Kristyn says
Oh, how awful! What’s worse-the itch or not being able to use your paper snips?! 🙂 I’m glad you went to the doctor so this isn’t prolonged any longer than it has to be. Get well quick, Kristyn
kthaman says
Ugh! Big hugs!! I had it on my face once when I was about 12 – I ended up on meds too…it was soooo not fun! And being 12, everything was dramatic – I think I spent most of the time moaning on the couch, lol! I must admit though, it did result in quite a hilarious picture (ok, well, the hilarious part wasn’t until much later) – and my family just loves to talk about what I looked like *rolls eyes*. Sending healing thoughts!!
Melissa says
Oh Nichole…I feel for you! I’ve never had poison ivy but have had hives and I was MISERABLE! I hope the shot and meds work and they are gone soon. ((HUGS))
Patti says
Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope it heals quickly and you are able to laugh about it later. Take care of yourself!
Charlene says
So sorry, Nicole. I had it EVERYWHERE so I can sympathize. Hope you heal quickly. Blessings!
Keri Sereika says
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!! Being itchy is one of the worst tortures…..esp if you should not scratch at the itch!!!! Big hugs!
Ashley Best says
I am so glad you went to the doctor!
Two years ago we had let our yard go and some strange plants were growing. These spiky (though not sharp) slightly red tinted leaves on long stems were abundant in the yard and I just picked them and threw them in the yard waste bin.
Little did I know it was poison sumac, or oak… were still not sure!
Few days later I had welts on my legs and arms though oddly enough not on my hands. It hurt and my husband was even subjected to it. We didn’t go to the doc because my hubby said “Well he’ll just give us the same stuff we get over the counter” and we weren’t sure what it was and why poison anything was growing in the yard.
Needless to say, over the counter things didn’t help much.
I wish I had gone to the doc. We had that stuff for a month! How stupid was that???
Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids and burn down that plant! lol
Tex says
Oh my goodness! So thankful that you took that to the Dr. as quickly as you did! PIvy can just be atrocious, and is so easily spread before you realize what’s happening. So …. I guess stamping without snips is in order temporarily!
Get well soon!
Bev Gerard