I'm just thrilled to see so many of you her tonight! Papertrey has a wonderful line-up of products this month, don't they? Well here's your chance to win the whole package! Simply answer the following question in the comments section of this post…
"What is your favorite flower and why?
Is there a memory attached to it? Does it remind you of something?"
You have until 11:30pm EST to leave your answer here to be eligible to win…
The March "I Want It All" Package! (A $209 value!)
One winner will be randomly selected from the comments left on this post at 11:30pm EST, with the winner being announced here shortly before midnight. Only one comment per person please. Winner is responsible for contacting customer service to claim their prize.
Thank you for stopping by to play along and good luck!
Congratulations, Paula! Please be sure to contact customer service to claim your prize! And thanks to everyone else for playing!
I adore Tulips, they just make me thing of spring and rebirth. Awesome release!
Purple tulips…sign of spring…religious significance of purple and the new life that the springtime brings. A season of promise and just a liveliness. So beautiful…and calming too.
I love rose because they are so sweet and its so romantic 🙂
Lily of the valley is my favorite flower. The smell reminds me of my mother’s garden, and the first days of Spring!
My fav flower is a hydrangea – just love them and use them to decorate around my house! Love them!!
I love lilies………i don’t know why, i just think they’re the best!
Think my favourite would have to be a fushia – just love the colours, sizes and they’re just beautiful!
yellow tulips.. they just make me smile!
My favorite flower is the Calla Lily. I don’t have a specific memory attached, it just has such a peacefuly beauty about it.
My absolute favorite flower is the dandelion! Why? I think they are the “underdog” of the flower world. LOL
My favorite flowers are stargazer lilies…big, bright, and beautiful colors. They were the first flowers my husband ever gave to me.
I love roses. not a specific reason just that my husband always buys then for me and they sit on my desk while working, such a wonderful thing 🙂
My favorite flower is a pansy. My wonderful Grandmother grew so many beautiful colors of them and I will never forget looking at how amazing each one was painted by God’s Hand.
My favorite flower is a lilac! Reason being that as a child we used to live in these apartments and I remember walking by them as I would go and come home from school. I just felt at peace when I would smell them and the smell was soo nice! to this day lilac’s are my favorite scent and one of my favorite colors.
I think all flowers are beautiful! Lupines, daisies, lily of the valley, but my favorite is the rose. They’re pretty, some varieties smell nice and the rose symbolizes so many things to me, but particularly babies, babies remind me of rosebuds.
Why roses of course! (thats my last name!) 🙂
I love Calla lilies, in all colors. Just because they are simple and elegant. I also used them for my bridal bouquet, so I do have a sentimental attachment to them as well.
I love daisy’s.No special reason other than they are so simple and pretty.
I’ve always like daisies and tulips because they seem like happy flowers. But most of all I like the bloom from the Dogwood. It was my mom’s favorite and now that she is gone I love it as well because of her.
Daisy! Regular or Gerbera, doesn’t matter. They’re just so casual and friendly. Love them!
Bluebonnets…because I love the color blue…and because they are they Texas state official flower. Memories would be to have Easter pictures taken with the family every year.
Tulips! Absolutely Tuplips! I love their simplicty! They are by far, imho, the most beautiful of all!
I’ve always loved forget-me-nots for their beautiful colour & delicate size & shape. Here in NZ they mostly grow wild as weeds- my attempts to grow them in my garden have not been very successful!
My favorite flower is the iris. I love that they come in such a rainbow of colors and have such an interesting look. Growing up in the military, we lived all over the world, but my mom would dig up her irises and bring them to all our new houses. We always had iris in our yard.
I love gerbera daisies – they were one of my wedding flowers, and they’re just so simple and beautiful!
I dont really have a favorite but I love anything that is big and vibrant and full. I had all kinds of flowers like that in my wedding bouquet and it was gorgeous!
I really love ALL flowers! Each is so unique and brings different memories and feelings to mind. I am anxioius to see more of the flowers put out by PTI. They have all been so beautiful and elegant. I really like the springtime doodles set, as well. Such a fun version of a flower set!
Lilacs and Queen Anne’s Lace are my favorite flowers. The smell of lilacs brings back many memories for me as a kid. And Queen Anne’s Lace just make me happy. They grow anywhere, for free, in bad soil, and spring up along the roadsides so passersby can enjoy them. What could be more perfect than that?
My favorite flower is the Lily of the Valley. It’s my birthmonth flower and my grandmother planted a bunch for me in her yard when I was small. She died shortly thereafter, but every spring they would still pop up and remind me of her.
Carnations are a close second. 😉
I love poppies, my Mom has the most gorgeous rock garden and her poppies are beautiful. Everytime I see a poppy I think of my Mom!
Roses – the flower my husband brought me when our daughter was born.
I love gerbera daisies. No real reason, just love that they come in so many bright colors!
Daisies are my favorite flower, they are beautiful in their simplicity, yet they fill me with joy and energy.
Hmmm, my favorite would be the Hydrangea. I love the large overall size, but the fact that it is made up of tiny clusters of flowers all looking so pretty together. And, I love that you can bring them inside and they are just as pretty dried as they are fresh! I can’t wait to get my bushes blooming this year! Another great thing, they are so easy to propagate and share with friends!
My favorite flowers are orchids. My brother raised orchids when he stopped drinking, and they were a god sent gift to him, and they in turn were a gift to his entire family! I love all the colors that they come in, as well.
My favorite flower is a crocus. To me it symbolizes renewal and the coming of spring. The colors are so bright and vivid especially the purple ones, and it is amazing to me that the flowers can poke through the snow to give me the hope of springtime.
Wow to pick one flower… thats tough! But my favorite flower is SUNFLOWERS. I’ve always love d them. My DH just planted some for me getting ready for spring!
SUNFLOWERS remind me of the summer sun. I can have them year round in my house and have a constant reminder of the warm sun in the summer and the feel of it on my face.
My favorite is the Hydrangea too. I am still amazed at how they bloom different colors depending on the makeup of the soil. My favorite shade though is the purples as that is my favorite color. My grandmother used them in her home every spring is why they are my favorite.
Umm have so many it’s hard to choose but I have to go with roses. For many years my mother grew old fashioned roses with the most amazing scent – the kind that almost make you swoon. That’s what I remember when I think of roses 🙂
my favourite flower is the sweet forget-me-not. It is so delicate looking, but very hardy. I also love the combination of blue and yellow together – and there is a lovely Newfoundland folk song about the flower as well
Periwinkle Hydrangeas are my favorite. They were the flowers for my wedding and I just love them, but can’t seem to grow them for the life of me!!!
Lilies-of-the valley!! They were also the favorite of my late mother and maternal grandmother. I love everything about these flowers….their delicate stucture, their scent. I had them in my wedding bouquet and so did my daughter. It’s a family thing! : )
My favorite flower is a yellow rose. It really means alot to me because it was my Mom’s favorite and she is no longer with us. I planted a yellow climbing rose bush on our outside light in memory of her.
My favorite is the daffodil. One of the reasons I love them so much is that they remind me of going to my grandmother’s house when I was little, They grew wild all over the place. Also, they are one of the first flowers of spring!
My favorite flower is a rose. They are so beautiful!!
The tulip is my favorite – bright red and pink ones tickle my soul. There is no special memory, they just trigger a smile every time I see them.
My favorite flowers are daisies. They always make me smile when I see them. They also remind me of a dear friend of mine and the walks we used to take sharing our dreams for our lives when we were young.
Sunflowers! How can anyone resist these gigantic sunny flowers? They just make me happy and I can’t resist them. Need a pick-me-up…a sunflower can do that for sure!
Calla lily. My wedding bouquet consisted of 5 calla lilies. It was beautiful. 🙂
I love tulips, especially fields of them because they seem rare to me… and I’ve never been in a field of tulips. I don’t see a lot of tulips, so it’s special to me when I do.
I love hyacinths especially the purple ones! Their fragrance just fills the house with the scent of spring! mmmmmmm 🙂
I love wild daisies. They’re so free. They’re plain but yet mysterious. They’re happy too.
daisy’s are my favorite, they are fun and whimsical, yes they stink 😉 but the smile the bring to my face is worth putting up with the smell 😀
I love peonies … my aunt had HUGE peony bushes outside her side door and I would always jump around them when i was a littlie.
I love poppy. They are so bright, simple and yet gorgeous.
My favorite flowers are Pansies. They totally remind me of my grandmother’s house. She had planters full of them. The rich purple ones were my favorite.
Morning Glories are my favorite flower. They grew in a garden at my childhood home. I thought they were magical. They always take me right back to memories of growing up!
My favorite flower is the iris. I just think they are lovely and elegant!
Daisies, Gerber Daisies, any kind of daisies….love you, love you not, love you, love you not, LOVE YOU has always been a favourite childhood memory…in field full of daisies, I would spend a lot of time just picking tons of them and spreading my love….and at last my one and only, the man I married, gave me a bouquet of daisies on our first date…ahhhh memories!
I love Daisys. I love that they stay so long and that when we go out for a ride they are everywhere.
“What is your favorite flower and why? I love the peony. They are so very pretty and smell so delicious. I just wished they lasted longer in the spring.
Is there a memory attached to it? Does it remind you of something?”
When we moved to the home we are in now (12 years ago-wow) we moved peonies from my moms and as the years have gone by I have gotten starts from others and have been able to remember which I got from whom and think about that person as I enjoy the blooms and scents!
My favorite flower is the hydrangea because they are beautiful, full, lush and come in so many gorgeous colors.
My favorite flower is the tulip. Reminds me of going to the Tulip Festival in Seattle right after I got engaged.
I love roses because they remind me of my grandma. I don’t love rose stamps, however. Or at least any I’ve ever seen. My favorite flower stamps are hydrangeas. Weird, I guess. I’d never really thought about it.
I really love pink carnations. They’re just so retro and remind me of 50’s prom corsages. 🙂
I also have a soft spot for pink roses – it’s the flower my husband gave me the day he proposed.
cymbidium orchids … they took center stage in my bridal bouquet and all wedding party members’ flowers.
I’d have to say my favorite flower is a cala-lily…it’s what I used in my wedding bouquet 🙂
My favorite flower is a gladiola. My mom had dozens of them planted in the front and backyards of my childhood home. They were so pretty. I cant grow anything. I have the black thumb of death.
My favorite flower is the daisy. It is so friendly and cheery with its simple colors. I grow them in my yard and they always remind of the times when my husband and I were dating:)
Just one? I have several, but the one flower with the most precious memory is the snapdragon. My grandmother planted some in her little planter that went alongside her car port. She always let my sister and me “snap” the dragons’ mouth and I just loved that! We were always very gentle so as not to hurt the flower.
I’ve shown many, many children why a snapdragon is so named. That reminds me, I should pick up a stem or three the next time I see some so I can show *my* kids!!
Wow to pick one flower… thats tough! But my favorite flower is SUNFLOWERS. I’ve always love d them. My DH just planted some for me getting ready for spring!
SUNFLOWERS remind me of the summer sun. I can have them year round in my house and have a constant reminder of the warm sun in the summer and the feel of it on my face.
definitely tulips…because they are typically the first sign of spring on the east coast!!!!! 🙂
My favorite is the crocus. Just because it’s the first sign of spring. And boy could I use spring!
Hydrangeas are my favorite because they are old-fashioned looking – have beautiful clusters of multi colored flowers!
I love purple irises, especially with yellow centers. Not the large bearded ones, but the simple narrow petal ones that grow wild in Louisiana. They were my mother’s favorite flower, which is probably why I love them so much, they remind me of her!
My favorite flower is lilies… not really sure why… but at our wedding it was the flower I picked and I love it more than any other flower… Thanks for the chance in your awesome drawing!!! Kathy Hering 🙂
Tulips – my favorite flower… I can’t really say why, but I have always loved tulips!
I’ve always loved cherry blossoms. When we were stationed in japan I got to see them during the cherry blossom festival. They are such a delicate and beautiful flower. When I see them now I always think of my time there and hope to return so that I can see them again.
Lilacs are my favorite. They smell like spring, even though they make me sneeze. Once the lilacs bloom I know for sure that spring is here. Add the sound of meadowlarks to the scene and the whole world brightens for me.
My favorite flowers are tulips-they remind me of my childhood home, my college, and they were the first flower my husband gave me to me when we were dating. I love how they come in so many colors and how they are linked to so many happy memories in my life!
Ooh, I LOVE tulips! On a business trip, I visited Japan and fell in love with all of the beautiful different colored tulips. The place we visited had beds and beds of them. So gorgeous! And the colors!
My favorite flower is the daffodil. We have daffodil days here to support the American Cancer Society (maybe it’s nation wide…) but my dh bought some for me after church while we were dating. They were the first flowers he ever gave me. We named our dog, Daphne Daffodil because of Daffodils. I LOVE them! This week is daffodil days again and I’m positive I’ll receive them as he has not forgotten any year since!
Daylilies are my favorites, because even with my terrible gardening skills, I can grow them! And they come in more varieties than any craft supply I’ve ever owned!
I love Tulips. They were my grandmothers favorite. She always had them in the house and when she couldn’t get fresh ones which, let’s face it was the majority of the time in Ireland, she had these plastic red and yellow tulips that she would take out. She didn’t care. She just loved tulips.
I love mums…they are so fresh and cute. I had them in my wedding bouquet, and in the fall my home is full !
I was so happy with autumn abundance paper and stamp set wen it came out for that reason !!
My favorite flower is the gladiola…I always think of glads as the “happy” flower. I cannot stop at a farmer’s market without picking up a couple dozen. I love to have them in any color all over the house!!
What a tough question! I don’t know that I can choose just one. Roses are at the very top. My Oma always had beautiful roses. I can’t keep them alive. I also love geraniums. My Grandmother had them all around her house mixed with impatiens. Those flowers bring back such fond memories.
I would have to say daisies and yellow roses are my favorite flowers…they were in my wedding boquet many, many years ago Ãœ. Daisies were my grandmother’s favorite flower so I think of her when I see their simple beauty. How I loved her!
My favorite flower memory is a honeysuckle. We had vines growing along side my home when I was a child and I remember sitting on the porch in the summer eating breakfast or dinner and taking in that sweet smell. I also remember picking the flowers and eating the nectar. Good memories!
I love talisman roses to look at though. They are the salmon colored roses. Melon Berry on the PTI scale 🙂
Peonies – my grandparents had big peony bushes in their yard when I was a little girl – they were a soft pink, peachy color and smelled wonderful!
I love sunflowers! They remind me of the summer sun, always bright! They just make me smile 🙂
I think my favorite flower is the daffodil. It’s the messenger of spring. When I see them start to bloom I know spring is right around the corner. Where I live we have the Daffodil Festival in the Puyallup Valley, and it’s beautiful to see them in the fields waving their yellow heads in the spring breeze.
Red tulips…sigh…they are simply elegant – when they open for the first time, it’s like a present unfolding
My favorites are carnations and gerbera daisies. I like roses at times, but feel the others last so much longer.
Peonies are my favorite flowers because I love how they smell. I also love their exuberance. They are a flower with passion and excitement – they just burst out of their bud with color. They remind me of the peonies we had in our flower garden growing up and of my dad and grandfather tending them, and bringing them inside (covered with ants) to decorate our table.
My favorite flowers are Lilacs. I love the fragrance, the delicate little blossoms, the colors and the memories of childhood that they invoke.
The sunflower is by far my favorite flower. I just love the bright yellow color. They make me smile.
Gerbera Daisies…all time favorite. How can you not love such a happy, bright, cheerful flower. They were my main wedding flowers and my husband still gets me an arrangement of them every year on our anniversary.
I love yellow daisies. Had them in my wedding along with white roses almost 42 years ago. Wow. That is a long time.
My favorite flower is lilac. Love the awesome smell and they take me back to playing in my grandma’s yard when I was little. She would always cut some for me to take home and wrap the stems in a wet paper towel with aluminum foil wrapped around that.
Hands down: the daffodil
I just love the sunny yellow in early spring. So much so that I planted 300 bulbs last fall.
They are just starting to peek out of the ground here and I can’t wait.
I grew up in California, so while there were not too many daffodils there when I was growing up, they do remind me of the sunny perfection of the weather there.
My favorite flowers are lilacs.
My Grandma had them all over her house. I just love they way they smell and it reminds me of my childhood and Grandparents.
Heavenly Blue morning glories…hint hint…they are pure summer…I love the wonderful pale blue, the throat of the flower with the tinge of pale yellow…I just love them trailing over fence and trellis.
If I have to pick one, I guess it would be roses……..My dad sent my mom roses on their 53rd wedding anniversary and she died unexpectedly later that day……..I will never forget it…..One of those bittersweet memories that never leaves you.
My favorite flower is a stargazer lily. I carried them in my bouquet almost 22 years ago, and the colors and the fragrance can instantly remind me of that day.
I have always loved hollyhocks. When I was a child, my mother and I spent many a summer afternoon fashioning dolls with a bloom as the skirt and a bud for the head. Such a lovely memory, that I now share with my own daughter.
I love white tulips, they are stunning in their simplicity. My hubby proposed to me with my ring hidden in one of the flowers in a bouquet of white tulips – they will always be my fave !
As a child, I always loved snapdragons. My mom let me plant a pack of seeds once as a kid and she showed me how you can open and close them with your hands… like a little dragon opening and closing its mouth. I even love how you can shake them to get the seeds out. Even though they’re such simple flowers, they hold a special place in my life.
I love irises, especially the Japanese irises followed closely by tulips. Irises are amazingly beautiful – just looking at them makes me happy. I love the tulips because there is a tulip festival in the town where I went to college & we try to meet my sister & her family there every year, which I look forward to.
It’s gotta be daisies…esp. gerber daisies…Meg Ryan said it perfectly in You’ve Got Mail.
“They’re so friendly. Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flower?”
Gerbera Daisy’s are my favorite flower. They have always made me smile. I included them in my wedding, a bouquet was given to me after my son is born, everytime I am feeling down, I look at the gorgeous flowers in all their splendid colors, and I immediately cheer up. It is like the flowers are speaking to the sun. Just lovely and vivacious!!
My favorite flower is the pansy and the tiny violas. Reminds me of being a little girl for some reason. I guess my mom always planted them.
I love flowers so it is difficult to pick just one. I would have to say rannunculus is my favorite at the moment. All those ruffles and delicate petals. The colors, bright, red, orange, soft pink, and white! They just make me feel so good!
I love lilies. My bridal bouquet was full of them and I received a gorgeous vase of them on our first anniversary. I guess I will always associate them with new love.
It’s hard to pick a true favorite, but probably the peony. They just last a short time, but bloom with such beauty, and right around Mother’s Day and my Mom’s birthday.
Tulips. I love multi color tulips. They are so beautiful and welcome in spring. I really miss them now because they do not grow where I live.
I adore stargazer lilies! They are so beautiful and fragrant…I just love them! My husband brought some home in a bouquet for me awhile back, and that is when I fell in love with them. And this last fall he planted stargazer lily bulbs in our flower bed just for me!
My favorite flower is a Lilac. We have a Lilac Festival here in Rochester, NY. I remember going there for Mother’s Day. You can smell the Lilacs from blocks away. Whenever I drive near the area I aways roll down the windows in the car just to smell the fragrance.
The sunflower is my all time favorite! They are such a “happy” flower…..I plant them out back every summer. Can’t wait to see all the new sets tonight!
My favorite flower is the sweet pea. It reminds me of my Grandma and her garden. She loved flowers and always had a beautiful garden when I was growing up. I remember one year she let me pick out some seeds to plant in the garden, and I chose the sweet peas. I was so proud when they bloomed, and what a glorious scent they had!
My favorite is the white rose. It is so pure and beautiful.
Most definately tulips. When my daughter was born (11 years ago) I remember getting gobs of flowers, but the favorite arrangement was a beautiful vase of pink tulips with a pink toulle bow. Even though my DH still goes traditional roses, I treat myself every so often to my tulips, and it brings back such a good feeling.
(Now, hibiscus to stamp with of course! so it is PTI to the rescue!!!)
Tulips are my favorite flower. Such a joy after a long Wisconsin winter to see them pop up and make the garden so beautiful with color!
I love stock. I know it’s not as well known, but I just love that stuff! It’s fluffy, it’s full, it comes in gorgeous colors. But most of all, it smells amazing! LOVE.
Tulips! I just LOVE them.. They make me SMILE everytime I see them!! every year we go to the tulip festival near us.. we have been going about 15 years now.. it is ALWAYS the official start of Spring for me!-
Lilly of the Valley. It reminds me of my grandparents home. I can still smell them!
I love Lilly of the Valley, Lilacs, and Daffodils… These were flowers we had growing in our yard when I was young and they remind me of my childhood and my parents. My father passed away when I was in the 6th grade, and my mother died when my first child was just 1 month old. It is amazing how emotions can be connected to flowers…
I’m a gardener and I love them all! This is so hard to just pick one favorite. Well, roses in the color peachy orange. Or I do love clematis and how they trail up the trellis or over the fence and bloom almost all summer long. Oh and I love lilacs! Their scent is so delicious. And…
I love daisies. I love nature’s color combo of green-yellow and white. I love their million skinny petals. They are like little angle-flowers to me 🙂 {Lily is close by. VERY close by.}
My favorite flowers are daylilies. They come in so many different colors and shapes and sizes. I have a lot of them.
I love the smell of lilac, there is no better scent then the smell of fresh lilac in the spring esp when the lilac bush is right outside your bedroom window. Heaven!
My fav. flower is the Cali Lilly. I love them because they are so elegant and just make me smile they were the first flowers I ever bought when I went into my 1st flower shop many moons ago. 🙂
I love gladiolus. They come in so many colors and last a long time. We always had them in church when I was growing up. My husband started buying and planting bulbs for me. This year we have over 300 to plant starting soon!
I love purple and yellow tulips. The two colors together are beautiful together. Tulips mean spring is actually on it’s way — hurray!!
Daffodils are my very most favorite flowers!! They are so bright and sunny and one of the first flowers of the year! I can’t wait to get my hands on some 🙂
The Daisy! My favorite color is yellow – – like the daisy’s center. It has been my favorite flower since childhood. I carried daisies when I married my high school sweetheart 37 years ago and continue to love them just as much today!
I love Lilly of the Valley. I think it just brings back fond memories of childhood. They were growing everywhere in our yard and I would play outside from dawn to dusk.
My favorite flower is the rose. Not because of its beauty (though it is beautiful) or its fragrance but simply because it was my mother’s favorite and she lovingly tended her roses all summer. I just the love the memory of her and her stunning roses and who doesn’t love to get some?
My favorite flower is the pansy. I like how it is hardy during the winter to add beauty to spring. It also means “thoughts’ so it is a nice gift to give to friends.
My favorite flower is the iris – they come in some gorgeous colors – and they are dramatic looking to me.
I think my favorite flowers are tulips and daffodils I know as soon as I see these we will hopfully be saying goodbye to the snow and hello to the spring! I was just wandering outside today and can see the tulips starting to peek through! Thanks so much for all the opportunity to win and for all the wonderful things you come up with each month!
I have two favorites. I have memories of both from when I as a little girl. The first being a Sunflower. I used to grow sunflowers when I was little…planting the seeds, watering and watching it grow. I remember growing one that was over 6 feet tall. My other favorite is hydrangea. My memory of this is going to visit relatives who had it in their back yard…beautiful white ones. I remember asking my mom what they were called and she said brides bouquet…which is what it was called in Trinidad where I was born. I later found out the true name was hydrangea. I carried hydrangeas on my wedding day in honor of when I was a child. I hope both of these flowers make it to a year of flowers stamp sets 🙂
Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers! It’s such a quintessential New England flower. The shades of purples are so gorgeous and remind me of growing up and spending time in Nantucket with friends!!
My favorite flowers are lilacs. It’s not the kind of flower you can get at your florist all year long, so I really look forward to and savor the lilacs blooming each spring. I love to cut bouquets for my house and office, and I try to spend as much free time on my patio as possible.
I like the small brave beautiful crocus.
They stick their heads out of the snow, in the cold, what ever the weather they are strong and the first to welcome spring to our neighborhood.
They make me smile, give me hope and are beautiful
My favorite favorite favorite flower is the sterling rose….that is the lavender rose…it’s fragrance is out of this world. I love roses in general but the one is the best. I use to work at a florist when I was in the 8th grade. During Valentine’s Day, of course the shop was BUSY! I was taught how to pick good roses and whatnot….aaaahhh, I can just smell them right now….STERLING COME TO ME 🙂
I love flowers so much that it’s hard to say . . . but I think peonies are my favorite. Last summer I went with my husband’s family to this huge museum and gardens for a tour, and they had the most beautiful peony garden. I never realized peonies could have so many colors or shapes! They were absolutely gorgeous, though, and now all I can think of is having my own peony garden.
My favorite flower is the zinnia. I just love their texture and the brightness of their colors. My Mom comes each spring and plants all my flowers for me. I don’t like to dig in the dirt, but I don’t mind weeding and watering all summer long! We always get zinnias for my garden. I am excited this year because I will also have some hollyhocks, a great old-fashioned flower!
Has to be Hydrangea. Elegant and beautiful and timeless I think. Reminds me of playiing in my grandmothers’ yard as a kid
For a real flower I have to go with the rose. For stamping a flower image I would have to say any kind of daisy. For color I would have to say the tulip. Fot its size the sunflower of course. I could go on and on. I guess I just love them all.
stamp on…
I love white daisies with yellow centers.
So neat and clean.
I love Calla Lilies. My bridesmaids carried them at my wedding. I have always loved the simple elegance of the flower. Kinda like PTI – simple elegance.
Tulips! I love how they signal spring and come in a myriad of colours…
red peonies are my fave. My hubby always bought me one and put it in my favorite empty wine bottle as a vase.
Gerbera daisies! Just because they are such happy colors! And because it’s my daughter’s favorite too.
I love daylilies. I know they have a short life span, but that reminds me that every day is a new beginning.
My favorite flower is the rose. They were always in Mom’s and grandparent’s gardens when I was growing up.
My favorite flowers are irises. I love the smell and the beautiful blend of colours that can appear on a single flower. Plus, I’ve always had them in my garden, so they hold a special place in my heart. When I was younger, I would always bring a bouquet for my grade school teachers.
I have a lot of favorite flowers but I will pick daisies because they are so happy looking and they remind me of the happiest day of my life–my wedding day where I carried a daisy bouquet!
The Gerbera Daisy – they are just so pretty – makes me smile when I think of them.
I love gardenias. They’re classic, simple and stunning!
I love just about any white flower. My favorite is the tulip. Just love the look of a big bunch in a beautiful blue bowl sitting on my coffee table. They remind me of my grandma – she had a huge bed of white tulips.
my favorite flower is the calla lily. i think they are so beautiful and simplistic, but yet they are so elegant at the same time. i also have a special place in my heart for african violets and pansys because my grandma always has those surrounding all of her windowsills. xoxo andie…
For me, it is Gardenias. The fragrance is so overpowering but lovely!
I love lilies — especially calla lilies. I do love hydrangeas quite a bit, though, too.
It really changes depending on my mood. I love old fashioned full headed roses full of perfume and gardenias because beauty plus fragrance is just the best
Daisies…what is more Spring-like than darling daisies? Always fresh looking and they remind me of sunshine!
My favorite flower is the daisy. It was my bridal flower forty years ago and continues to be my favorite today. I always thought it was associated with innocence and, of course, daisies don’t tell. They bloom in profusion in our garden and I love to cut them and bring them into our home. One of my earliest purchases was Floral Frenzy because of the daisies and I still love it today.
my favorite flower…i think i’d have to say tulips…living in washington state, i get to enjoy the tulip festival and it is really enough to make me swoon!! i grew up in the mountains in utah, we could never have tulips because the deer would eat them…i think of that every time i see them!!
I love sunflowers! They are big, they are awesome shades of yellow, they grow taller than me, have humongous stalks and awesome big green leaves. And after all that – the seeds are yummy! Instand bird feed! 🙂
I have no favorite flower.. I love ALL flowers… Alissa H.
My favorite flowers are Peonies… I love any and all varieties! Such gorgeous blooms!
The cheeriest flower of them all, Gerbera Daisies. I just think you have to smile when you see these bright colorful flowers.
daffodils are my favorite. they remind me of a wonderful little house my family lived in when i was a small child.
My favorite flower is the straw flower. They are soo cool when they open and close, and the texture when you feel them is unique. They really feel like straw!
I love tulips b/c they were my wedding flower!
I also love gerbera daisies…they are just so cheerful!
Hydrangea and Gerber Daisy’s are my favorite flowers. They are totally different but I love them both.
I love ALL flowers.JUST.LOVE.THEM. I;m very partial to peonies and iris’s though.My Grandmother had loads of peony bushes and iris beds. On Memorial day(she called it Decoration Day) she would take empty coffee cans, cover them with tin foil, then load them with cut peonies to take to the cemetary. I miss my grandmother EVERY DAY.She was my hero…
my favorite flower is a hydrangea. I’m sure I spelled it wrong, but they are beautiful, and I admire anyone that can grow these flowers. They are very challenging and a labor of love.
I don’t know I would say it is my favorite flower but I seem to have a love/hate relationship with, of all the flowers, dahlias! My dad, who passes away 20 years ago, could grow any flowers. He always had the most beautiful dahlias I have ever seen and I have tried to grow them and absolutely CANNOT get them to grow and survive.
yellow daffodils to be exact! very cheerful!
My favorite flower is Purple Coneflower. Why? They are beautiful and make me happy!
Gerber daisies. They’re simple but vibrant and yes, I used them for my destination wedding!
My favorite flowers are daffodils. I love how sunny and warm they are, and that they bloom in the spring. I also have some great pictures with a friend of mine in the daffodil fields in northern Washington state. Seeing a whole filed of them is amazing! I still need to scrapbook that event.
That’s tough. But, I’d have to say lilacs because the bring happy family memories. We live in the house my grandma grew up in, there are lilacs in the back. When she got married and they built a house 2 blocks away, they took part of one lilac tree to grow at their own house. I remember those at their house growing up and it’s nice to have that memory right in our backyard as I lost them in the last few years.
I love all flowers but roses have always been a favorite! Their different colors, fragrances and delicate petals especially when coated with a morning dew…are so gorgeous!!
My favorite flower is the red rose. I carried a bouquet of them at my wedding and every time my husband gets me flowers (which isn’t that often – ha!) that is what he gets. Thanks for the chance to win!
Daffodil – Where I live they are the flower to grow! My front yard is covered right now. We even have a place called Daffodil Hill where there are 1000’s planted of all varieties you can go and walk the hills when the daffodil’s are in bloom and it is beautiful!
I love so many different flowers, but right now my favorite has to be the crocus. I love how they are the first, hardy flowers of the year – poking their heads up through the frosty ground just to give us a glimpse of spring and the warmth to come.
Hmm, roses are probably my favorite simply because they are at every major event. I had roses at my wedding, my dad sent me roses for my birthday one year, I got roses when my son was born, I have three roses from my grandmother’s casket spray drying in my craft room right now. If there’s an important milestone, there are always roses. And sometimes my husband brings me roses just beacause. 🙂
Other than that, I like happy, easy-going flowers. Daisies, sunflowers, hibiscus, azaleas, regular old weeds, etc. 🙂
I LOVE Gerbera Daisies- they make me happy just looking at them!
Daisies are my favorites. To me, they are fresh, clean and simple…much like my favorite stamping style!
Congrats on another great release and thanks so much for the chance to win!
My favorite flower is the Calla Lily. So beautiful and elegant.
My favorite flower? So hard to chose as I love different varieties for different reasons. Sunflowers – because of the color mainly. Had them in my wedding bouquet. My favorite flower based on scent (well, I guess it’s technically a tree) – lilac. Love the various colors of lilacs. I really appreciate the delicate, intricate nature or orchids too. OK, I’ll stop now 🙂 Great release ladies!
My favorite is the Gerbera Daisy – especially the orange ones! I also love sunflowers. I’m not really sure why they’re my favorite, just that they’re simple and not as mainstream as some of the other varieties.
One of my favourite flowers is the peony. I love the beautiful soft colours and how incredibly full of petals they are!
My favorite flower is the sweat pea. They are sweet and delicate and I love the purple color. They are a reminder of my childhood.
Tulips are my favorite. Not sure why, I have just always loved them. For Valentine’s day, my husband got some for me. We live in a warm climate so where tulips don’t grow and I miss them.
My favorite flower is the crocus. Each spring when I was growing up my dad would take me to some virgin prairie near our farm. He and I would pick crocus. When I went away to college he would pick some crocus, press them and send them in a letter. 40+ years later I still have some of those dried, pressed crocus.
Hands down the day lily. (I have a pink and yellow one tattoed on my back.) I love that each flower may only last for a day, but another one can bloom on the same stem the very next day. It reminds me that every day can be a new beginning.
My favorite flower is sunflowers because they are always so bright and cheerful.
My favorite flower is carnations. Pink and white. They were the flowers at my Aunt Doris’ funeral. She was my god mother and I adored her. She died when I was 12 and I still miss her dearly. I remember how beautiful all the pink and white carnations were. They were everywhere and I know that she would have loved them, too.
My favorite flowers are lilacs they remind me of spring and when I was a kid I always picked them and had a bunch in my room because they smelled sooo! good and they reminded me that school was almost done and summer was just around the corner!
My favorite flower is lilacs. Growing up, we had them in our backyard, and they would smell so good!
It is a tie between lily of the valley & lilacs. They were both part of my Michigan childhood & I have missed them in Texas. I did get to experience them again during the 3.5 yrs that I lived in France – there were big lilac bushes on the way to the train station in the little town where I live.
Those two flowers always make me smile.
My favorite flowers are daisies… I love how simple they are and truly beautiful. I even had these flowers at my wedding for the centerpieces. Funny enough the florist kept trying to convince me that he could make a nice arrangement of other flowers, but I insisted…. lol, he looked so confused by my choice. I guess daisies are not “trendy” enough for a wedding.
Thank you so much for the chance to win the “I want it all” package… everything I have seen so far has been amazing and I truly “want it all!!!”.
Daffodils! There is a place in East Texas called Miss Lee’s Gardens and back in the 1930’s she planted hundreds of them and now there are acres and acres of beautiful daffodils! My mom and my sister used to go and takes pictures every year. Now mom is gone to be with the Lord and my sister and I send daffodil cards to each other for birthdays. It’s a fun tradition that brings back sweet, sweet memories of our fun trips to Miss Lee’s gardens.
Lilacs. We had a whole row of bushes when I was a kid and the smell brings back good memories to this day!
my favorite flower(s) are a toss up between gladiolas and sweet peas. My grandparents had a HUGE flower garden area and they grew both of these. I loved it when the entire side of the garage was covered in sweet peas and the gladiolas in every color. It was a beautiful thing!
My favourite flower are gerbera daisies. I love that the flower is simple but bold and dramatic all at the same time.
Ah, I can just about smell them now…Lilacs are my favorite! We always had them growing next to our home as I grew up. My Dad (age 78) still brings me bouquets of Lilacs every Spring. I just planned two Lilac bushes next to my home last year. BTW, wouldn’t a lilac make a beautiful stamp!
I would have to say Roses, but I love all flowers and plants!
I love Lily of the Valleys..their smell is intoxicating and they have such a cute shape. Growing up we had some in our yard and I always remember picking a bunch of them and giving them to my mom.
I love antique roses. I can’t grow them. Actually, I can’t seem to grow any roses, but I love how beautiful they look in magazines pictures!
Calla Lillies are my fave flower. We used them in my wedding and I love the simplicity of them, the delicate lines.
My favorite flower is the Gerbera Daisy. It comes in many colors. I love that it attracts bees, butterflies and some birds. The Gerbera Daisy is simple but yet so pretty!
My favorite flower is the Zinnia. I love the giant ones. So pretty, colorful and they make great cut flowers. When we bought our first house twenty some years ago, I planted a huge zinnia bed. They were even taller than our 4 y.o. son. He loved hiding in them.
I love hydrangias, they remind me of my first new appartment. Friends bought a beautiful bluey purple plant of them and they are etched into my memory.
I love bluebonnets because I’m a Texas girl!!! Nothing prettier than to sit on my front porch in my rocker at our ranch and look out at the hill full of bluebonnets.
hydrangeas, the bright blue one’s! they remind me of when we lived in oregon and on cape cod. they were so prolific in both regions, on opposite coasts.
Tulips. Love the simplicity and elegance of this flower.
I love tulips – they come in so many beautiful colors and they are so cheery looking!
I love roses, no reason really. I just always have.
My favorite flower is the tulip because it reminds me that spring is here.
now this is as tricky as asking what my favorite stamp set is!! I have so many favorites among those are a lot of taller flowers – gladiolus, hollyhock, lilies, and peonies. My grandfather was an avid gardener (both veggies & posies), and he cultivated a love & appreciation of flowers in me as well. My pride & glory in my flower garden are my peonies which came from his garden and in turn came from his parents.
I have to go with roses – instead of buying them at the florist my husband buys me rose bushes. My fav!
I adore Gerbera Daisies – they’re so bright and cheery! But I grew up with a mom that loves flowers and was also a florist so I love all kinds of flowers for all types of applications.
Zinnias have always made me happy. Their vibrant colors and hardiness in my “lazy garden” make them my favorite!
My favrite flower is the Iris. I grew up in Missuri and our yard was FULL of them. My Mom always cut them and brought them in the house and our town parking sticker even had one on it. Whenever I see a purple Iris it brings back wonderful memories of where I grew up. For me it is a happy happy flower!
The tulip has always been my favorite flower for as long as I can remember.
Roses are my definitely my favorite. My middle name is Rose, after my grandmother and great grandmother. They are such beautiful and fragrant flowers. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!
My favorite flower is the bleeding heart. My grandmother used to grow them in her garden. I can still see where they are planted, in a bed, under lilac trees, behing the office and bedroom windows at the back of the house, in a brick lined bed.
Believe it or not, I’ve never seen them in another garden since.
My favorite flower is the daisy. Makes you smile when you look at them. Reminds you of summer days. They are friendly flowers. No strings attached.
My favorite flower is the tulip. Spring is on the way — hurray!
My favorite are alstroemeria, commonly called the peruvian lily. They are so easy to grow and come is so many beautiful color combos. It’s the flower that I used for my wedding bouquet.
Roses are one of my favorite. I always use the phase “Roses are for Remembrance” in my cards. When I was young, I had a teacher whom I truly loved and she inspired me. She loved yellow roses so I would pick them from our garden and take them to her. To this day I am still trying to locate her and let her know how much of an impact she made on my life and when I see a yellow rose, it takes me back to childhood and I am young again.
My favorite flower are sunflowers. Just because they are so bright and cheery and they make me smile!
I’m not a big flower girl, mostly because perfumes make me sneeze, so I am forced to admire them from afar. I love tulips for their shape, and calla lilies for the same reason. But my absolute favourite is the orchid. They can be so delicate yet elegant at the same time. I love that they come in so many varieties yet are so distinctive you know you’re looking at an orchid. And best of all, their scent is very light so I can easily keep them around without having a sneezing fit.
I absolutely love daisies. I adore how they pop in color and how they can be arranged as a single stem or as a bunch in a clear glass vase. They make such a statement with their beautiful simplistic stem and petals.
I adore the bulb flowers of spring, especially tulips, in all colors. Once seen, who can forget the acres of them blooming in Holland? Breathtaking. Colors are incredibly vibrant. They also remind me of growing up in Rhode Island when the winds and rains of spring did not deter their blooming. Love that.
My favorite flowers are the gerber daisies. I just love how simple they are and yet so beautiful.
I love violets and pansies. It’s because my favorite color is Purple. My Hubby likes to surprise me with ‘purple’ or ‘lavendar’ roses. It’s always a lovely treat!
Wow, I can’t say I have a favorite since I love them all. However, I really like roses and gardenias. I love the color of roses and the clean look of gardenias…and both smell really good! 🙂
There are too many to count, but I’d have to say that I love daisies. They are happy and long-lasting. Doesn’t get better than that! I remember making daisy-chains with my older daughter when she was little. We found a huge field of daisies growing wild when we were discovering a new playground. Such a fun time!
I love everything offered this month. Thanks for the chance to win!
The Gardenia. Having grown up in Miami, the neighbor behind us had a bush that was full of them most of the year. Turned out that she was allergic and asked us to pick them as often as possible. Our house was always filled with that wonderful scent. I love them!
I love tulips – watching them sprout up each spring (a sweet sign to the end of our typical rainy and dreary winter).
Hands down, my favorite flower is a lilac. I love the sweet smell in the spring and the smell that fills the house.
My favorite is roses! When my DH and I were dating he brought me a rose EVERY day. (well, at least until he got in trouble when his father found his garden void of roses! LOL!) It was so romantic! To this day we have a rose garden on the side of the house….and he still picks them and brings them in for me!
Cala lilies are my favorite. They are so elegant and gorgeous. I carried them as my bouquet when I got married.
I’ve always loved roses because they’re just so elegant. The huge array of colors you can get them in, the variety of sentiments that they can represent with the different colors; I just find them to be fabulous! Not to mention that I had loads of beautiful cream-colored roses with a touch of pink in my wedding!
It’s not my favorite, but the most memorable — roses were the flowers that my mother chose for my father’s funeral and the flowers we chose for hers…they were her favorites….
Pansies because my Grandmother always had them and they remind of her sweet and gentle personality.
I love the Calla lilies….i used them for as my wedding bouquet but what makes it so special is that the day i was going to pick flowers i got really sick and hospitalized. Therefore my husband and my mom went to them and he picked the flowers. Totally different than i was going to do but what he put together was just amazing
My favorite flower is the gardenia with beautiful creamy white petals. Gardenias were my mother’s favorite and I had a large gardenia in the center of my bridal bouquet. I just love the scent of gardenias; it always reminds me of my mom and my wedding.
I love spring flowers in general but specifically the peonies. I love the big full blooms and how easy they are to grow but I think I like them the best because the ones I have planted at my house are from my grandmother’s garden. So when they bloom I think of her and the many years spent playing in her yard and around the flowers.
My favorite flower is hyacinth. It was my grandmother’s favorite, and we always got her a purple one for Easter. Now my nieces and nephews get my mom one or two. She likes all the colors, and I love their wonderful scent!
I love daffodils…nice and bright and yellow after all the snow and gray weather of winter.
calla lilies are my fav..they are so simple and unique…they were my wedding flowers
I love daylilies. I have some that we dug up from my grandmother’s garden after she died. They are starting to come up and it always reminds me of her.
I love gerbera daisies…so simple, yet stunning.
My favorite flower is Carnations. They smell so fresh just like a beautiful spring day. I had red and white Carnations for my wedding, and every anniversary my husband gets me Carnations to signify the love he still has for me just like on our Wedding day.
My mom grew the most beautiful purple irises and gave me some to transplant at my first home. Each year they bloom I think of my mom and how much she loved flowers and the spring.
My favorite flowers are calla lilies. I think they are soo beautiful. I’ve liked them ever since I can remember, I don’t know why. They are just breathtakingly beautiful. 🙂
I just love lilacs. My lilac bushes are always loaded with lavender blooms and they smell heavenly. I just wish they lasted longer!
Mountain Laurel. I got lost on a hike with my two best friends, and ended up wandering through Mountain Laurel bushes for several hrs before we found our way out to a road about a half mile from where we started. Good times!
Calla Lily – I think it is just the pure simple elegance of them. They are so perfect and smooth and I just love them. thank you again for another beautiful release.
My favorite flower is the plumeria. It reminds me of home, Hawaii. I love the amazing fragrance. I remember learning to make leis for the first time after picking bags full of plumerias from neighborhood trees.
I love stargazers. They are so gorgeous and fragrant.
Dinner plate dahlias! I love how big they are and their bold, vibrant colors! And Dawn’s dahlias are so pretty!
I’m also a fan of gerbera daisies. I can’t get them to grow in my garden for some reason, but I just love them. They come in so many beautiful colors and look good in almost every bouquet.
I love purple and have always loved Irises for that reason.
I have a love of orchids. My uncle had a hothouse in which he grew many varieties and I just love all their gorgeous colors.
I love hydrangeas. No specific memory other than that was the very first plant I given when we bought our first home. They look so amazing freshly cut in a vase.
My favorite flower is the hydrangea. My grandma used to have them growing outside of her house, and I always thought they were so beautiful!
Yellow Rose’s! There is nothing more pretty than a yellow rose. It reminds me of the warm sun on a summer day. It’s Gods gold jewelry to earth for all of us to enjoy.
Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. I love the beautiful colors of all the varieties.
My favorite flower is the oriental lily – the colors, the fragrance, and they’re huge! I really like all types of lilies but the oriental is my fav!
My fav flower is a hydrangea…. I love the bright colors specially the pink ones…. No memory attached to it, just like them very much!
I love gerbera daisies. They come in so many bright, vibrant colors, and they are so cheerful. They seem perfect for all occassions–I’ve seen them add pops of color at weddings (including my own), given and received them as “thinking of you” gifts countless times, used them to say happy birthday or congratulations, and frequently use them to decorate for baby and bridal showers. I also have them a few places in my home. Love them!
Tulips are definitely my favourite flower – i got the last 300 red tulips in Ontario when I got married in 2005. My dad was terminally ill, and we planned the wedding in 7 weeks. Whenever I see tulips, they remind me of that day and how amazing it was that my dad could be there to give me away.
I do love tulips and gerber daisies! they are just beautiful and so colorful! They remind me of new beginnings!
Roses . . . dark long stemmed red roses. My husband does a really good job of getting me flowers, but for some reason a great bouquet of red roses exudes elegance and romance. 🙂
I am not sure what my REAL favorite is but my dh buys me roses. Sooooo …….. That has to be my favorite and why!!
My favorite flower is a Rose. It is my favorite because when I did well in school as a child, my dad would give me a rose. It is also my daughter’s middle name.
I love Tulips because they remind me so much of spring. I also love them because a beautiful little girl was layed to rest at a cemetary near me that has the most gorgeous tulips as you enter the grounds.
I love many flowers, but whenever I see Snapddragons, I think of my grandmother’s garden in Germany. We use to pick the flowers and open and close their little mouths, and there was every color you could imagine…I dearly miss those innocent times with my wonderful German grandparents!
My favorite flower is a gardenia. My mother used to put one in a little bowl of water and put it on the nightstand by our bed when we didn’t feel good. To this day I still associate that smell with the love of my mother.
My favorite flower is the dahlia. My grandma raised giant dahlias and was so proud of them. She always looked for unique colors and the bigger the blossom the better chance she had at winning the coveted claim to fame in her garden club.
Wow–its hard to pick. But, I would have to put lily of the valleys right up there–along with irises. Lily of the valleys because my Mom always on them–I just love their perfume and those delicate little bells. And irises–I have a bed that has samples from my grandmother’s garden (and her name is also Iris) as well some from a couple of great-aunts and my Mom’s garden. I also love the majesty of fields of sunflowers, or poppies, or heather, daisies, queen anne lace, sweet pea…they’re all lovely.
My favorite flower is the rose. It reminds me of my childhood. My mom has a couple of rose beds in our backyard that she tends too most of the spring and summer. It was so nice to just walk outside our back door and cut some gorgeous roses to put on the dinner table. My wedding flowers were all roses too. Such beautiful colors, petals, and smells.
I love the smell of hyacinth plus I think they look so fun in a spring garden!
Lilacs are my favorite because they remind me of spring. As a child I used to pick them and bring them to my mom. Growing up in Minnesota, you knew summer was on its way when the smell of lilacs were in the air. Now I live in Texas and have yet to come across lilacs…I think it is too hot!
My favorite flower has always been the Iris – The colors are so vibrant and cheery – I love to see the iris bloom in the spring. Now roses are a close second – if not edging into first. My Mom always grew beautiful roses of all colors and seeing them makes me feel like a little bit of her is still here.
Well, living on Maui, my favorite flower is either the plumeria or tuberose. My 3-yr-old son loves to go out in the yard every morning and gather up all the plumeria flowers that have fallen from the tree. And the tuberose’s lovely scent instantly takes me back to my wedding day when I wore a Haku lei in my hair of island orchids and fresh tuberose!
Lilacs, I think, because they make me think of my mom picking gobs of them from our bushes in the spring growing up. Tulips are a close second, and pansies a third!! 🙂
Flowers make me happy. I love them in in any shape or color. If I have to narrow it down, I must say I love jasmine and lilacs for their smell. Growing up I would follow the smell of lilacs in the air until I came upon the bush and then took a momnent to bury my face in the fragrant blossoms. To this day they bring a smile to my face. I love gardenias and gerbera daisies for their simple elegance. Just a glance of one of these beautiful flowers brightens my day.
My favorite is the snapdragon. I love the shape and all the colors. When I see them I am reminded of my grandmother who showed me how to make them “talk” when I was a child.
My favorite flower is the rose. We had rose bushes growing up and I would cut off blooms and dry them to make into gifts for my friends. I prefer roses that are multicolored or varying shades of one color. They have more depth and beauty.
My favourite flowers are never in my house because I’d kill them. I don’t have a green thumb. But seriously, I’d have to say my favourite flower is a Violet. I love all the different colour combos they come in. I adore their deep purple hues. It is also my grandmothers favourite so they remind me of her.
I also love hydrangea bushes. I like how they change colours depending on the soil that they are planted. (I feel like they are very much like people that way).
I love lilies, so many beautiful colours, I had lilies in my wedding bouquet. Close to my heart.
Gerbera daisies are my fav! They are so bright & cheery. They brighten my mood whenever I see them.
I love tulips because they are one of the first flowers you see in the spring; a sign of new life, renewal and hope!
I love daisies! They remind me of my Grandmother(Nanna) who painted Mom a picture of a vase of daisies that still hangs in Mom’s house. I used to visit with her when she painted it – that was over forty years ago now(which is amazing, since I am still only 39!) Anyway, I think daisies always seem to be smiling – they don’t really droop, love ’em.
There are a number of species of Alliums. I think many of them would translate perfectly into a stamp. Here’s a lovely little link for your Allium pleasure.
My favorite flower is the tulip. I love all the colors and the signal of spring.
My absolute favorite flowers are Pride of Barbados. The colors are just exquisite: those yellows, oranges and reds just scream summer and cheerfulness to me. They remind me of my favorite outdoor mall and my backyard, full of swimming, happy kids. When I think of summer, I think of the Pride of Barbados.
My mother painted with oils for most of my childhood. So often, she painted tulips and they were quite beautiful. I have loved them since I grew up watching her paint them. I carried them in my wedding and I buy them every chance I get. They signal SPRING to me which is a time of renewal.
My favorite flower is the peony. I HAD to have them in my wedding bouquet. I got married in August and peonies are a spring time flower so my I found a florist who could find them for me! She had them flown in to Las Vegas(where I live) all the way from Israel the day before the wedding!!! 🙂
My favorite flower is definitely the tulip! Every time I see tulips I remember my spring months in Germany- tons and tons of tulips lining the roads of our little village! Such great memories!
It’s hard to choose just one flower but I often think of my grandfather who had Alzheimer’s Disease. The official flower of the Alzheimer’s Association is the forget-me-not, so for this reason I will choose it as my favorite!
I love lilacs! Such a beautiful fresh scent!
I love Gerber Daisies! They come in different colors and they are always pretty – I also love Sunflowers! Both always nice!
My favorite flower is the gardenia. It is so simple and elegant and the smell is heavenly.
I love gardenias because they are so beautiful and smell so good. I remember my mom putting them in bowls throughout the house and coming home from school to that wonderful smell!
My favorite flower…Lilacs. Between the most amazing purple color and beautiful fragrance, both remind me so much of spring. We have many lilac bushes on on our property and when the weather is warm and they are in full bloom I like to open all my windows and fill the house with the smell. Just the scent immediately makes me think that warmer days will be here soon and it makes me so happy!
Sweetpeas and hydrangeas. My grandmother had all types of flowers growing all over her yard, but these two kinds are the ones she took the most pride in growing. I have them now in my yard to remind me of her.
Without a doubt, my favorites are lilacs. I grew up in Montana where lilacs grow really well and abundantly, so the smell of lilacs take me straight back to my real home!
My favourite flower I guess is more a bush than a flower, but Bleeding Hearts. The pink & white ones are just so pretty.
Growing up, we had them on either side of our front stairs – my Dad bought & planted them for my Mom.
I do not think I could ever pick just one. I love them all. I love to see them start to emerge from the ground as spring comes around. I do love Bee Balm, and Cone Flowers.
My favorite flower is the May Rose. Several Stems grow on a small bush and the stems are covered with small layered roses in soft shades of pink. They remind me of my childhood. We had them by a white picket fence and when I was 5 we had a fire and the only pretty thing left was the white picket fence and the May Rose Bush. We also took them to the cemetary Memorial Day with beautiful Peony’s.
I was unable to get to the forum so will try the facebook way.
Thanks for all the inspiration and excitement.
Hmmmmmm I love gerber daisies—so classy and simple—
My favorite flower is and always has been… tulips! I love the soft colors and then the contrast of the bold colors in the center. Maybe because they don’t last very long so you have to savor them — such simple lines. I remember my mom (who lives far away from me) sent me a whole bunch of them for my birthday one year – one of the best gifts ever!!!
My favorite flower is a tulip. I love their smell, that they come in so many colors and the fact that when I see them blooming I know that spring is here and summer is just around the corner.
I love sunflowers! My grandmother use to grow huge sunflowers in the summer. Sunflowers always remind me of my grandmother. 🙂
My favorite flowers are white roses. These were in my wedding bouquet and I just love how soft and beautiful they are 🙂
Lily of the Valley is my favorite. I love the delicate little blossoms and the intoxicating smell! My mom always picks them from the garden, so smelling them always reminds me of spring in mom’s kitchen 🙂
Roses are my favorite because of the fragrance.
Daffodils have always been my favorite flower. We had tons of them in the yard when I was growing up and they were always a special treat. I think the fact that I was never allowed to pick any made them that much more magic!
Daisies! I’ve always loved them. They are just so sweet and friendly looking. I think it has something to do with a show that I used to watch when I was a preschooler. They had a magical garden and the daisies would giggle while the hosts talked to them. But when I see daisies I don’t really think about that show. I just see beauty and innocence.
My favorite flower is the iris. I especially love the German Bearded Iris. All of the different colors are so beautiful and their scent is intoxicating. I remember burying my nose in them as a child and thinking they smell like grapes. And as a bonus, their greenery is a beautiful addition to the garden even when the blooms are gone.
I have fond memories of Lilac bushes and their oh-so-fragrant flowers on the farm where I grew up. Our Lilac bush was so huge, we could hide inside when we played hide-n-seek as kids. Great times; wonderful memories!
Lilies of the valley are my favorites, closely followed by lilacs and peonies. All associated with memories of spring and summer in Iowa. And none of which grow down here in south Texas. I loved the scent of lilies of the valley and lilacs floating into my bedroom at night and in the early morning. And peonies remind me of picnics on our patio — they lined the edges of our patio. Very happy memories.
I LOVE hydrangeas. I got married in May 2001, and my wedding invite was a white card with a little square cut out, and a hydrangea peeking through. This was pre-stamping days…then a friend from a stamping company kept trying to SELL me stamps at work. I resisted until she showed me a hydrangea set…hooked right then. So hydrangeas are the reason that I am here (wow, that was like an Oscar speech or something?!)
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! My favorite flower is the hydangrea (not spelling that right!) We had a huge hydangrea plant outside our first home together…just stunning to look at it outside our kitchen window.
my favorite flower is the Gerber Daisy its big, firm and a large center. The colors are bold and bright. They make me smile!
I would have to say roses – pink, red, yellow, orange…any color. I remember how my dad would bring flowers to my mom on various occasions and how happy they always made her (and still does of course). I think that’s why I find roses so endearing.
asiatic lilies – love the look and scent of them.
The yellow rose has to be my favorite. When my husband and I were dating he would leave my yellow roses to brighten my day. The flowers that PTI have recreated in stamps are just beautiful. PTI makes it so easy to bring flowers into this wonderful hobby!!! Thanks.
It’s tough to pick just one—but the flower that came to mind is the peony. They smell divine and come in the most beautiful colors–white, a hint of pink–to fuschia. They remind me of spring and make me happy and are so elegant.
Gerber daisies, bright beautiful color, adds a wonderful splash to any arrangement but can simply stand alone. It’s a happy flower!
I really like peonies. They’re old-fashioned, but current and beautiful. And they smell amazing.
I adore sunflowers. They make me think of my mom (whom also loves sunflowers) as well as my wedding, where we used sunflowers in terra cotta pots as our center pieces.
Oh that is a tough question…I guess I would say roses are my favorite..but I prefer them in smaller varieties, and pink is probably my favorite color in them.
My grandma’s maiden name is also Rose, and my oldest daughter’s middle name is Rose…and each year our family has our huge Rose Family Reunion where we usually have 200 to 300 members of the family together for 2 nights and 3 days of wonderful family times!
Thanks Bunches!
I love flowers….basically most of them. However, if I have to pick one it would be pansies. Especially purple/yellow ones – so gorgeous. Seeing them brings me great joy and puts a big smile on my face!
My favorite flower is a Gerbera! I had them in my wedding bouquet. They are just so beautiful and elegant! I also love that they last so long.
I love African violets… my mom used to have them in all of the window sills when I was growing up. Beautiful blooms paired with fuzzy soft leaves… love ’em!
I’ve always loved carnations! A gentleman at our church who owned a floral shop brought beautiful carnation corsages for the members when I was a child and it was such a wonderful treat when he brought them certain Sunday mornings and everyone had them on their lapel and their wonderful scent filled the church. Thanks for prompting me to remember that dear memory.
I would say my favorite flower are those big fluffy pom pom flowers. They make a big dramatic statement in any decor and I love to use them whenever I can find them in bloom.
My favorite flower is the lilac. It reminds me of my mother. It was her favorite flower as well. Last spring when she was ill, I even stopped at a stranger’s house who had beautiful lilacs blooming in her front yard and asked if I could clip some to take to my mother. She allowed me to clip some and my mother loved getting them.
I love Ranunculus because they come in every color, are whimsical with the way they sit in a vase and remind me that spring is on the way.
Hi, mine sre Daysies, the’re so simple but yet so easy to color! Thanks…gina F
I love lillies, no reason why, just look beautiful as a flower bouquet. So romantic and chic.
I love calla lilies. So simple and elegant. I also love Phalaenopsis orchids! They are exotic, come in so many colors, and the blooms last for months!
I love the carnation because of the smell and they seem to last quite a while. I also carried carnation for my wedding bouquet so they hold a special place in my heart.
My favorite flowers are tulips. I think that the main reason is because I grew up in Central America, where we don’t have the four seasons, so tulips don’t grow down there. They are so beautiful and they always made me think of far away countries that I would love to visit some day in the future.
Now I like them even better, because I have come to realize that the blooms open up during the day and close at night!
Pansies are my favorite flower! My poor husband does not care for them, though. I always have pansies blooming at the first signs of Spring but they are persistent little sweeties and love to come up in our lawn which is not an ideal place for my hubby when he mows! LOL!!!!
When they pop up and you see that smiling face on each flower, you just feel so good and want to shout — Spring is here!!!!!
My favorite flower is a lilly it reminds me of our Lord and saviour
I LOVE Sunflowers, being from Kansas! I love seeing them growing in the fields…it is such a gorgeous site. I love seeing them growing wild in the ditches too. I had them in my wedding. So pretty!
I love scented roses. My old house had a rose garden filled with antique roses. I mess it very much.
The hydrangea. It’s just so big and the colors are amazing and they last all season and can be dried later and used in arrangements. I love to see Martha Stewart’s use of them in wedding settings.
My favorite flower is the Carnation – they smell pretty, they last a long time and it was a favorite of my Grandfather’s who was as special to me as I was to him!
I love most flowers but I guess I would have to say roses are my favorite. I just think they are pretty.
My favorite flowers are gerbera daisies because they are so cheerful, you can’t help but smile when you see one!
I love lilacs – I remember the fragrance in the yard as a child. Reminds me of those carefree days, and smelling them now, takes me right back.
My favorite flower is the daisy. I love it for its simplicity.
Love roses and gerbera daisies! Roses smell divine and my husband loves to give them to me. Gerbera daisies are just beautiful!
My favorite flower is a sunflower. I love the colors and have decorations with them all through my house. They just bring a warmth to a room I think and a touch of the look of sunshine.
My favorite flower is tulips. I had tons pink and purple tulips at my wedding. It was SOO pretty!
Yup I better start applying for a job I think;) Awesome release as always – so excited, will this be my first time to win;)!!!Fingers crossed!
No question about is, my favorite flower is the peony. It has been a family favorite for many a year. Unfortunatly, I am not able to grow them here in Louisiana. But I am able to enjoy them at my parents home in North Carolina.
Birds of paradise, the intense colors against the green foliage of the rain forest it just seems like the flower is talking to you.
This was a hard question since I love so many but I think stargazer lilies would be at the top of my list. The brightness of the color always brightens my mood.
Bells of Ireland. Strange choice since they are all green, but I love the way they look.
My favorite flower is the daffodil 🙂 Yellow happens to be my favorite color so I’m sure that’s part of my attraction to daffodils, but also they represent new life to me as their beautiful, frilly petals come out of the ground each spring.
hopefully you don’t assign demerits if someone CAN’T possibly limit it to one … I love calla lilies and used them in my wedding; daisies – “Aren’t they just the friendliest of flowers?!”; and black-eyed Susans – I love flowers that aren’t needy, and spread!
thanx for the inspiration and t’riffic blog candy opp!
Lilacs are definitely one of my favorites. My grandma had two sides of her yard lined with them. Every time I smell them, all of the good memories of grandma’s house are remembered. Now I have them in my yard and couldn’t be happier!
Daffodils are my favorite flowers. No specific memory, just that they remind me of spring. Their bright color always brings a smile to my face.
My favorite is the hyrdrangea. I remember being astounded by them on a family vacation to Cape Code a few years ago. I had never really noticed them before – I guess in my area of the Midwest they don’t achieve those beautiful shades of blue and purple and pink. Now I collect hydrangea stamps whereever I can find them!
I am so excited…I love Calla lilies. They are just so regal.
Dahlias. They’re come in a rainbow of colors and varied sizes. They can be cute and petite or as big as your head! You could plant a bed full of them and not need anything else!
I would have to say roses. My great-aunt used to have the most beautiful garden. She had all sorts of flowers but her roses were just beautiful. I went to visit her once when I was in college. She must have given me 3 or 4 dozen roses to take back with me. My dorm room smelled wonderful and was just beautiful with all those roses. I would give anything to have even a portion of her gardening talent.
My favorite flower is the dogwood. Those beautiful white blooms announce that it’s really spring. When I look out of the windows of my library and see the dogwood blooms shining in the sunlight on spring mornings, I get a sense of peace in an otherwise busy, turbulent time of the school year. …and, yes, there were dogwood flowers on my wedding cake!
Lily of the Valley; my grandmother had tons of them growing around her house and that was the only perfume she wore.
white roses are my favorite, they were in my wedding bouquet
I have always loved crocuses. They come up so early in spring in bright, colourful bunches and look like mini tulips! Tulips are also one of my favourite flowers. 🙂
I love big bright red-orange Hibiscus. I was given a Hibiscus plant a few years ago. It bloomed constantly, but on my birthday had more blooms in one day than any other day.
Any flower in white!
My favorite flower is the Tiger Lilly. It reminds me of my mom, who since has passed away, and how she would pull off the road when we were up north and pick them where they grew wild. When they were in season we always had them around the house.
Thanks for that walk down memory lane! I love all these new releases! I love this time of the month because of you guys!
My favorite flowers are peonies! My grandmother grew the most beautiful peonies in her yard. She was very proud of them. Every time I see them I am reminded of my dear sweet grandmother.
I love roses. I remember growing up my grandmother had a beautiful rose garden with all different colors growing. I miss that she doesn’t have it anymore.
TULIPS! They’re so beautiful in all the colors, too! Plus, they remind me of spring, and that’s always a good thing! 🙂
I would say roses are my favorite. I love the way they smell, they are velvety to the touch, and they come in such a beautiful array of colors and varieties. Truly a beautiful creation of God.
My favorite flowers are lilacs. we don’t have any here in Arizona. They remind me of growing up in Illinios. we had a white lilac tree and 3 purple lilac bushes in our front yard, and the smell of the flowers always meant that spring was here. I miss them terribly. LOL
I love peonies because they are so lush and romantic. But my favorite for fragrance is the simple orange blossom, which reminds me of growing up in Phoenix.
I love a yellow tulip. A prefect sign if Spring.
I don’t have just one favorite! I love tulips because of how lovely they are and remind me of spring. I once visited Skagit Valley (sp?), WA and the fields or sea of tulips – that was a gorgeous sight to see! I also have grown to love peonies. When we bought our house, our previous owners left a garden of different varieties of peonies. I never realized how wonderfully fragrant they smelled until I tried to take care of the garden and was just in awe of the huge blooms and the sweet fragrance.
Right now my favorite flower is the hyacinth. The scent reminds me of Easter morning mass. After a long winter, the smell just lightens my spirit and warms my soul 🙂 Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Heather B.
My favorite flower is jasmine. Not sure if I have a memory other than that my first home had it growing outside the front porch. 🙂
Tulips. I love tulips. They remind me of spring.
I love roses in any color.
Big fan of sunflowers. My son and I planted sunflowers back when he was two years old and once they bloomed he wanted to pick them so he could give them to me!
I love daffodils! They are special to me because they always bloomed at the time of my birthday when I lived in down South.And a special childhood memory is going to the pasture across from our house and gathering up bouquets of daffodils that just grew wild there – what sweet memories of Springtime!
I like tulips and other spring flowers. Gladiolas are another favorite since my mother always grew them when I was a child. They are very elegant plants and the flowers come in many colors.
I love daisies especially gerber daisies. They’re just a happy flower to me.
My absolute favorite flower is the tulip. I think I love these flowers so much because of one of my favorite teachers. It was Easter time when I was in eighth grade. This special teacher brought one to each of the girls. It was so simple, yet so beautiful. I have them ever since.
Oh that’s a really tough question because I love so many! I have always loved yellow roses. My parents used to get me a bouquet of them for my birthdays. Yellow is such a bright, happy color – love them! But I also love gerber daisies, they are so beautiful. Of course then there’s lilacs and lily of the valley and hydrangeas (had them in my wedding). I used to live next to my uncle’s florist and would help out on holidays and busy times – I just love flowers! 🙂
My favorite flower is a rose. It is my birth flower and just so beautiful!!
I love lots of flowers, but my most favorite, I think, is the camellia. I would have more memories of them, but we moved away from that house 13 years ago, right after we planted 3 camellia bushes. Now we live too far north for them to survive, but I can imagine that those 3 plants are just gorgeous for the current homeowner. Thanks so much for the chance to win this great prize!
My favorite flower has always been Tulips–any color! Especially after seeing fields and fields of them after a visit to Seattle for the tulip festival!!
My favorite are Lilacs!!! With Lily of the Valley and Tulips a very close second!! I so love the smell of Lilacs, sure wish they would last longer!! 🙂
Thanks Nichole!
Hydrangeas are my favorite…. followed very closely by peonies and tulips!I add a few more varietes each year.
I’d have to say my favorite flowers are carnations with baby’s breath. They come in an assortment of colors and last a long time. The layers of a carnation are a beautiful work of art.
I like roses. No particular reason, but it’s nice if my husband ever things to bring some home!
My favorite are hydrangia — that seems to remind me of going to the New England Coast and Rhode Island with family when I was younger — plus, I love Blue!
My favorite flower is a lotus. They symbolize strength because they form at the bottom of murky ponds and rise above the water to show off the beautiful colors! They inspire me to keep growing, even past the times that aren’t so great.
Gee, I can only pick one? I love geraniums, petunias, impatiens, and fuschias, but I guess my favorite would have to be roses. My dad grew beautiful roses. I remember one summer night as I watched out my bedroom window during a thunder storm, a bolt of lightening lit up dad’s rose garden..just for a second. Then it was over. But I will never forget how dad’s roses were transformed that night. Magical, absolutely magical.
I love Tulips, a simple yet beautiful flower. They’re a sign of Spring and a mixture in a vase can just make a room.
I love chrysanthemums, mostly because they bloom in the fall and that is my favorite time of year. I’m loving all the new floral stamps you’re releasing… 🙂
My favorite flower is the gladiolus. When I became a proud homeowner, they were the first flowers I planted. Thirteen years later, my gladioluses (gladioli?) still greet me every year!
I love freesia! The scent of a freesia will always reminds me of someplace exotic!
My favorite flower is a white rose. I feel that it looks so clean, fresh,and pure. They were a large part of my wedding bouquet almost 14 years ago.
Boy … this is such a hard question because I love flowers so much … but for sake of the contest I’m going to say hyacinths … I love the smell and they really remind me of spring approaching. Thanks for all the wonderful examples this month! Thanks for the contests!
So many flowers that I adore, but my most favorite flower is the tulip. I love them so much I had them in my wedding bouquet. And even though my wedding was in May (long past the time for tulips in N. America!) my florist obtained some and created for me the most beautiful bouquet I had ever seen!
adore Orchid because my deceased father’s favorite
Daisies. I love how simple they are. Not fancy. And they last forever. I still have three daisies from my Valentine’s Day bouquet on my kitchen table, and they still look great! That’s a whole month!
I do love other flowers, but the daisy has a special spot in my heart.
Good Evening….thats a tough one! It would have to be the Carnation. I love them because they last so much longer….My thoughts go immediately to high school. We always had a special occasion to sell them. It was nice to get a carnation from your secret pal.
i would have to say my favorite flower is any silk flower! i can’t stand the smell of real flowers, so silk would have to be my choice.
Frangipanni and I’m seeing that gorgeous new color to go with it:) I love frangipanni because of the scent and they are pretty and remind me of island holidays:)
HYDRANGEAS!! I am absolutely in love with this flower and I love all the colors I’ve seen them in: blue, pink, purple,and cream. I have vacationed on Nantucket a few times and each summer I’ve been there, I could not take enough pictures of them. The gardens are filled with them and shop windows too. They are a feast for the eyes!
My favorite flower is the carnation–it was in my wedding bouquet!
I love roses. Pink roses! My oldest daughter’s middle name is Rose because it is also my best friend’s favorite flower and I wanted to honor her somehow.
Lily of the Valley is my favorite flower of all. They are dainty and smell lovely. When I was little, my mother and I would go and pick them and make wreaths to wear on my head and necklaces in Germany where they grew wild near where we lived.
Thanks for the chance to win! I would truly love to win it all with this release.
My favorite flower is the marigold. My beloved grandpa used to line the walk to his home with marigolds every year. I loved the way they looked, such vivid reds, oranges and yellows. I still miss him, though he has been gone for 30 years.
My favorite flower is the hydrangea. I love the colors, the smell and just the simple yet elegant look of them. I have tried for years to grow my own… but can never get them to stick. Any chances for a hyndrangea stamp?
My Favorite flowers are Gerber Daisies.I remember the first time I saw them. There were maybe 5 or 6 colors, and they were all so bright and cheerie, they made me happy, and they still do 🙂
Gerbera daisies are my all time favorite- they are the most cheerful flower, I think. Tall straight stems, bright snappy colors- seeing one just makes me smile!
My favorite flower is a daisy! I just love how they feel like spring! I had daisy’s at my wedding and in my dd’s bedroom when she was born! So pretty and just makes my day!
Favorite flower is the sunflower. Love the warm yellow and brown tones, and how the flowers turn to follow the sun all day….Plus, they have edible seeds! Just a homey, country flower that makes me smile.
Tulips Especially pink and white. I am not sure why. They have elegant beauty in their clean simple lines
Gerber Daisy. For several years in my 20’s, when I was starting my first home, My mom always brought me Gerber Daisies to add a splash of color to my usually “in some state of remodel” home. Ever since then, they remind me of my mom and make me smile.
White calla lilies are my favorites! I have memories of taking chalk dust and coloring the insides of them with my Great Grandmother during Easter. It was so much fun having them on display during the holiday!
My little brother was killed in a car accident 4 years ago at 18. All my friends from college sent me White Lillies. Everytime I see them, I think of him, and of all those wonderful friends who cared enough to let me know they were thinking of me and my family. 🙂
I am crazy about daylilies … we have more than 300 cultivars! They put on such a show, are so fuss free and reliable. Couldn’t ask for more!
I’m going to have to say lilacs. The home I grew up in had a large lilac bush that gave the most fragrant blooms each spring. My mom would cut them and keep fresh lilacs around the house for as long as possible. I’ve already told my husband that for the next couple years he needs to give me a lilac bush (with different colors, of course) for Mother’s Day so I can have fresh cut lilacs to enjoy as well!
Lilacs are my favorite flower. As a child, my grandmother lived next door to us and she had the most beautiful, fragrant lilac tree in her yard. She would always pick a bouquet of lilacs for us and that wonderful, sweet scent would fill the house.
Tulips–they’re a sign that spring is finally on its way!
It’s a toss up between tulips and daffodils. Tulips just seem so cheery and I love that they return year after year without needing to be replanted. Daffodils remind me of my grandmother who passed last summer. She always had them planted at her house. Plus, they are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring — they’re hopeful flowers.
My favorite flower is a daisy. I just love the simplicity of them. I had a dress with daisies on it for my Senior Prom and I had daisies on my wedding invitations. I am so excited about the Year of Flowers series. This is a brilliant idea.
Tulips are my favorite flower. My father is dutch so the first time I visited Holland I saw thousands and thousands of tulips. They always remind me of my family and spring, plus they’re absolutely beautiful and smell wonderful!
My favorite flower? Probably lilacs first because they were my mom’s favorite. Peonies are second – just because they’re so big and pretty!
Both of them have a scent that just brings a smile to your face when you smell them!
My favorite flower is Liliacs! They come very early in the spring and don’t last long at all..but while they are here they have the strongest most beautiful scent! My grandmother always wore a liliac perfume..it reminds me of her hugs!
My favorite is the daisy. It is just so fresh and happy!
My favorite is lily of the valley. As a kid on the farm my sister and I would lay in the hammock under our big maple tree and close our eyes and take deep breaths of the smell of the lily of the valleys growing along a near by wall. I love that smell and was so disappointed when the florist said she couldn’t get them for my wedding bouquet. Maybe some month they could be the flower of the month for PTI!
I love tulips, they hold special memories of my wedding and anniversaries.
I live in the sub tropics so can’t successfully grow them in my own garden but I love them.
*fingers crossed* they will be your flower of the month sometime this year 🙂
I love lilacs because they bloom in early May here in Wisconsin and they are fleeting–like spring itself!
Roses – of any kind- are my favorite flowers.The deeper the perfume and the more old fashioned they look the better I love them!
I have several favorite flowers but the one that has the most meaning is the daffodil. My mother, who calls them buttercups, is always excited to see them start blooming. She and my grandmother made me a quilt as a child that has daffodils on them.
My favorite flower is the alstramaria.The blending of color in them is beautiful.
I think I love Iris the best, they come in so many colors and they keep getting more and more each year after the first planting. I love all flowers, wish I had more time to plant flowers and actually know all the names of them!!
My favorite flowers are peonies. We have some plants from my husband’s mother that go back to her mother’s mother! They are a bold bright pink. I love their large blossoms and wish their blooming season was longer!
I love orchids. They are so beautiful and they were the flowers in our wedding so they hold a lot of sentiment also.
I love, love, love lilacs. They remind me of the house we lived in when I was a little girl. They grew along the back fence and when the summer breeze blew the smell permeated the backyard.
It’s hard to choose just one so one of my favorite flowers is the calla lily. My wedding bouquet was made up of these simple yet elegant flowers 🙂
My favorite flower is the Iris. My mother’s gardens were always filled with every color and size of Iris. We would always pick them in the spring, take them to the cemetery and put them on my Father’s grave. We have both since moved away but the memories will always be in my heart.
My favorite flower is a Sunflower My wonderful husband tells me that I remind him of them because of all the summertime memories and I am from the country !!!
A rose…the symbol of my college sorority…faith hope and love…
Absolutely Lilly of the Valley…..also captured in perfume of White Shoulders. It’s my birthday flower – May first! And when I moved into my Grandparents home after they were deceased, there were LOTV all along the side of the house. I also love that they spread….almost weed-like, but that kind of ‘weed’ I’ll take any day! Plus, if you put them in water with a few drops of food coloring, they will pick up the color! lOvE iT!!!!!
I love wild flowers as they just remind me of God’s beauty and they remind me that everything doesn’t have to be matchy-matchy to look good.
I love the yellow roses that grow in my yard- I’m not sure what variety they are but, they’re just absolutely beautiful…
There are so many flowers that are connected to precious memories, but my favorite flower is the sunflower. When I was a wee girl my father always grew them and would have pictures taken each summer with us in front of them. We were always in awe of how gigantic they looked even next to our dad.
My favorite flowers are tulips. They are the best indicator that spring and warm weather are coming. It always gives me such joy when I see the first little stalks peeking out of the ground!
I am thrilled with the new sets, I plan to get the new flowers.
as for my fav flower, they are all so pretty. I do have a memory of picking the four o’clock seeds for my grandmother, when I was young. I finally got some seeds and plan to start them this year, can’t wait to teach my sons to pick the seeds.
I have an African Violet plant that is extremely special to me. My Grandmother had given it to my mom right before her house caught fire, and she lost everything. When she died a few years later, my Mom gave it to me. It is the only thing I have that was my Grandmothers. I have had it for 15 years now, and it is the most beautiful plant, and constantly has bright purple blooms all over it. When I saw last months Violets stamp set it made my heart skip a beat, and I HAD to have it! I really enjoy creating cards that remind me of Grandma! 🙂
I love the magnolias… the smell is awesome!!! and the blooms are beautiful. I just love being outside when they are in bloom.
I love peonies – I don’t even know why, but I just love them! They are so dainty and pretty! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
My favorite flower is the star-gazer lily…..it’s the flower I had at my wedding! So pretty!
Alstromeria have always been my favorite! The look of a lily, without the allergic reaction.
There is nothing better than Spring to see all of the flowers in bloom, but if I had to pick one flower as a favorite, I’d have to say roses. I love all colors but white and pink are my favorites.
Oh it has to be lilacs, love lilacs! Hydrangeas and tulips too – white ones, yum!
Daisies!! My grandmother had rows upon rows of daisies-they were all over her yard. When my mom moved out her mom’s house she took a “clump”, when I moved out and married, I too took a “clump”!!! They have been i n Ohio, PA and Colorado! I have such great memories and having my own daisies from the original bunch makes it that much better.
I love hydrangeas because they remind me of Cape Cod–one of my favorite vacation places and a place where they grow so beautifully.
I love the rose, it reminds me of my father (who has passed away). He used to always put a rose out for my mother and I, whenever he felt we needed one.
What a great release, and fabulous inspiration this week! Thanks!!
My favorite flower is the peony. Growing up we had a peony bush in our yard and every year for the last day of class my Mom would cut a bloom from the bush and we would bring it to our teacher. Reminds me of summer when I was a kid – no school, no worries!
My favourite flower is definitely the lily. I love the variety of colours, and the smell of oriental lilies is so lovely!
Pansies. They are such a happy flower. Delicate petals and beautiful colors. Seeing them always makes me smile.
I love hydrangeas.I love the way the colors vary.They remind me of a flower that I would see in my Grandma’s garden
My favorite flower is the Lily, since it was my grandmother’s name. We were very close and whenever I see lillies, I think of her.
My favorite flower is peonies. I just think they are so elegant, ruffly and beautiful! Please please please design some peony stamps!!! It would be a great summer release *wink*wink* =P
My favorite flower is the lady slipper found in the woods around pine trees – it’s an endangered species – I fell in love with them when I was little and we saw them in the woods while we were camping.
second favorite is Lily of the valley with it’s wonderful smell!
My favorite flower is the rose. They were my mothers favorite, she passed away when I was 21. Her middle name was Rose as well, so they hold a special meaning to me and make me feel closer to her. Plus they are beautiful and smell heavenly!
my ‘rose of sharon’ is my favourite because it is a cutting taken from a bush grown by my grandfather. he died when my mum was relatively young (long before me) but his memory lives in his beautiful flowers.
My favourite flower is gerbera daisies! No particular reason really, I just think they are beautiful. I love all the different colours they come in and the fuzzy centers!
Daffodils make me smile in spring. It’s as if God puts them under my kitchen window just to see me smile. I thank God for daffodils!
I love any kind of daisy….they are just such happy flowers!
Can’t wait for the release!
My favorite flower as far as I can remember has been Sweet Peas. My Nana would grow them at her home and I can remember going over to her house as a child and loving the smell of them and all the beautiful colors. Everytime I see Sweet Peas I think of my Nana.
My favorite flower is the morning glory. I love the blues and purples it blooms in and I think it is such a cool flower that is opens in the morning and closes up as the day goes. My mom has always grown them in her garden!
Red carnations. They are my fraternity’s flower. Thanks for the chance!
Gardening is my other passion and I love many flowers but I particularly love peonies. I have more than 30 herbaceous and tree peonies in my garden. I love their big full blossoms and some of them smell absolutely heavenly! Maybe, maybe you’ll have a peony stamp some day! 🙂
Hummm favorite flower……I like alot of flowers but I love the smell of lilacs in the spring so I’ll go with Lilacs! My grandmother used to have several bushes and would let us pick them!
My favorite flowers are peonies. I love the way they look, absolutely gorgeous. I also had them in my wedding bouquet, so whenever I think of peonies it also brings back memories of my wedding.
I love daffodils. When I was 18, my family moved from San Diego, CA to Portland, OR. I *love* Portland, still, though I now live in the northwoods. Daffodils grow soooo many places all around Portland. Usually somewhere around the freeway. I love blackberries for the same reason.
My fav has to be daisy. Love them. So happy and pretty!
I love snapdragons for the fragrance, array of lovely colors and they are just plain FUN! My aunt use to grow them in her garden when I was a little girl and we would play with them like little puppet flowers.
I think they are underrated, but carnations are my favorite flower because (1) they come in tons of colors, (2) last SO much longer than other flowers, and (3) aren’t too fragrant so they don’t upset my allergies. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I truly have many favorites. But love the smell and delicateness of lilacs, the thrill of spring tulips and the happy feeling daisies bring. And daylilies in all their varieties are my garden favorite–we have several hundred!
I’m going to have to say hyacinth. There is something in their smell that makes me remember being young, maybe 10-12 and at my childhood home…I love their smell and the memories that they evoke..
Tulips are my favorite flower and there are so many colors to choose from. I think they are simple and delicate, the perfect sign of Spring and Easter. Unfortunately, the deer like to eat the tulips that I plant outside, but my husband is sweet enough to give me new ones each year!
Lilac – that smell is so out of this world!!!
lily of the valley… so pretty and soft with a beautiful scent. it’s my favorite and was the main flower at my wedding, almost 20 years ago
The rose–and not just any rose: the Peace Rose. My mother had planted one beside our house right after it came out to celebrate the end of World War II. I grew up hearing from her about the War years and how special and lovely this particular rose is. My husband gave me a peace rose to plant beside our house when we bought our first house and I have moved it with us through all our moves. It now grows in my garden and every year gives me such large and beautiful roses. There’s a saying: “God gave us memory so we could have roses in December.” This rose gives me memories of both my mother and my husband. I live in California so my memories are year round.
That’s a tough question! I love so many different kinds. I think that peonies are my favorite, however. I used to have a gorgeous “Pink Hawaiian Coral” peony at my old house, and loved when it bloomed each year. It was such a beautiful flower and time of year.
Lily of the Valley. Love its daintiness, it scent and the fact that the Lily of the Valley that I have was a gift from my mother in law.
Hyacinths! I love how fragrant they are, the pretty colors they come in, and how long the blooms last. I have some starting to bloom in our yard right now – yeah the start of spring!
I love the simple little pansy, because the colors are so incredibly complimentary and the flower always looks happy. Silly I know.
I love me some roses! I know, cliche, but sometimes classic is just best!!!!!
Oh dear, I suppose I’m boring because I don’t really have a favorite flower! I’m always happy with seasonal flowers – they have made the prettiest bouquets I’ve ever received. Spring flowers are gorgeous – I love any mix including irises and tulips. Roses are ALWAYS a winner – my wedding bouquet was all roses and ivy – the prettiest I’ve ever seen!
Yellow tulips! They are so sunny and a reminder spring is here!
I love it when my husband buys me tulips! They make me happy because they are a sign of spring!!
I’m probably too late, but my favourite flower are roses. They remind me of my dad, as he always bought them for my mom. It’s been 10 years since he has been gone, but everytime I see roses, it reminds me of my dad.
My favorite flower is Gerber Daisies but a really close second and third would be Lilacs and Peonies. My grandma always had those growing in her yard and the smell was always amazing. Anytime I smell those I go back to a little 5 year old running around in my grandma’s yard. Somedays I wish I could go back just to spend more time with my grandparents. I love love this release but I love every month.
I love peonies, they are so beautiful and they just make me happy! Congratulations on another FANTASTIC release.
My fave flower is the Gerbera Daisy. I think it’s such a happy flower and they come in such wonderful vibrant colors. They always bring a smile to my face and even one stem in a bowl can brighten a room!
I love all flowers but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the rose, just love the array of colours and the delicate petals and the different variety that it now can be grown
I do not have a favorite flower; it is just too hard to decide on one. A few I love and why are:
Crocus – the first flower to poke its head through the ground after a long winter. They bring hope that warm weather and color are on the way.
Daffodil – fields of them in the spring are so amazingly cheerful.
Lilac – its intoxicating fragrance and pretty purple color.
Tulip – simple, colorful, lovely bouquets.
I love carnations simply because they are my Mum’s favourite. Evey time I see a big bunch of carnations, it makes me think of my Mum 🙂
My favourite flowers are gerbera daisies… the vibrant colours just make me happy! They were my wedding flowers in my wedding last summer & now they have that lovely memory attached!
I just love tulips! They’ve always been a favorite of mine and the trip my husband and I got to take to Holland last spring solidified it! I can’t wait to get the doodles set with the great tulip!!
I love hydrangeas–I was born in Cuba and they bloom everywhere and I was named “Hortensia” which is also the latin name for a type of hydrangea.
My favorite flower is a Gerbera Daisy! Why, because they are just so happy!
Well….I would have answered stephentotis, lilies, and orchids from my wedding, or tulips because they are just so HAPPY, but for the last several years, thanks to a kind Master Gardener at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, Dahlias have become my favorite happy, bring back a Fantastic memory from our anniversary trip, flower!! :>
My favorite flower is a snow drop. It is usually one of the first signs of spring in New England and a wonderful memory of my mother; it was one of her favorites too!
My favorite has always been the iris! I love how delicate and intricate they are and they come in the most fabulous colors! I hope to see one as a PTI stamp someday! It would be such fun to put Copics to use an iris stamp! There isn’t a specific memory about them, but I have always been drawn to them. They do remind me of my Nana, as she always had them in her gardens.
My favorite flower is a yellow rose. When I had my first daughter my husband brought me 12. Ever since then, (15 years later) I think of that when I see yellow roses.
I have to say Freesia. Mine are blooming right now and my whole yard smells heavenly. For look, I think my favorite is a daisy or iris.
I LOVE tulips! I buy fresh cut ones every time they are in season and put them by my kitchen sink where I seem to spend a lot of time. I LOVE how they “speak” to you depending on the time of day. They are constantly moving and seem to last so long!
I love terra cotta roses. They were part of my wedding boquet after the florist showed them to me. I instantly fell in love with them!
I don’t really have a favourite, but it made me think of my sister, who loves carnations. she says that they are so accessible, and cheery, and she gets more flowers, more often, by having a simple favourite instead of something showy. I love the geraniums that will be in my garden this summer, too, but I think thats more a case of loving summer.
I would have to say dandelions, if you consider it a flower. I remember picking them when I was a little girl just so that I can blow the little petals of the stems. I also love agapanthuses.
I Love yellow roses because my brothers wife carried them in her wedding. I was 6 years old and quite the proud flower girl! I thought she was so beautiful and wanted to be just like her when I grew up. Yellow became my favorite color from that point on. This is my first release party and so much fun!!
Lilacs are my favorite, such a sweet, old-fashioned flower. I love the feeling as I walk through my neighborhood that spring is really here.
What is your favorite flower and why? I love tulips because someone who loved me started buying them for me.
Is there a memory attached to it? Does it remind you of something?”
I had once said that anyone can say love with red roses but if you take the time to discover a person’s favorite flower it shows you are listening. He figured it out before I knew it! He bought me tulips. Valentines one year I came home to find a bouquet of origami tulips on my table. He got a book from the library and folded 2 dozen tulips out of CONSTRUCTION paper!!! He didn’t know any better, God bless him.
And yes, I married him.
Gerbera Daisies have always been my favorite. I love that they come in all sorts of colors, even though I love the red/orange & Deep Orange ones best. I also love how big and beautiful they are, so even a single one in a vase will look elegant and pretty!
My favorite flowers are roses. Roses have many special meanings to me, but the most special is whenever my husband hands me a single red rose, because that is our symbol for “I love you’.
My favorite flowers are sunflowers. They are so cheery and I love the way they turn to follow the sun. One day I hope to drive out to the midwest where there are fields of sunflowers so I can take pictures of them.
I love pink lilies, because they were in my wedding bouquet ten years ago. Every time I see some I am reminded of my wonderful husband.
I have two favorite flowers and they remind me of my grandmothers. The first one is a Rose because one grandmother’s name was Roses. I got my love of flowers and cooking from her. When I was young I stayed with her in the summer and after school. My favorite thing to do was help her bake cakes. My second favorite flower is the Daffodil. This was my other grandmother’s favorite flower. Her yard has so many daffodils in it. When I grew up and had my own yard I planted lots of daffodils (or buttercups as we called them) in my yard. In the spring when the daffodils bloom I always have special memories of my Mamaw Ruby.
My favorite flower is a carnation. I love the smell of them. They bring back wonderful memories of my older siblings’ weddings. I wore corsages made of carnations and their smell always brings me back to those happy memories of family and celebrations.
My favorite flower is the lilac, the smell and color are fabulous. When i was a child i had a lilac bush in my yard, such fond memories of picking them for my mom.
My favourite flower is the grape hyacinth – they’re such a beautiful rich colour but so often overlooked amongst the brighter and showier spring flowers.
Daffodils is what I can not wait to see each spring! That is my favorite.
Daisies! They just exude springtime and happiness! My second most favorite is the camellia, probably because I can’t grown them this far south! We always want what we can’t have!
Tulips are my favourite flower. My husband and I love the thought of walking through a field of tulips (which we are yet to do) and we had them in my bridal bouquet.
Gerber daisies are my absolute favorite flower. The bright vibrant colors that you can get them in are why they are my favs. Plus they’re just a cute simple flower.
I LOVE tulips. Probably because I used to see them in my grandma’s garden – she has passed away, but the tulip always reminds me of her
Probably have to pick roses. My husband gets them for me from time to time, so they are special to me! Appreciate the chance to win!
My favorite flower is the sunflower. As a girl I always knew I wanted a sunflower bouquet when I got married and last summer I did. So sunflowers remind me of the day in which I married my husband.
I *love* all things flowers but if pressed I’d have to say that roses are my absolute favorites. I’ll take them in any color! I especially loved the ones my husband bought me for our anniversary last year. They were Summer Sunrise with just a hint of Pure Poppy around the edges – gorgeous!!!
My favorite flower is the sunflower. I love driving home to see my parents in the late summer – early in the morning when the sun is coming up the fields of sunflowers all turn their heads to the sun. It is beautiful and amazing all at the same time.
i love tulips!! no memory of them just think they are beautiful!!
Hydrangeas… 🙂 *sigh* I miss the ones I planted at my old house… Need to go and get some to plant here as soon as it warms up enough!
Memories? Just the happy feeling of watching them bloom outside my old office window…
I love plumeria–the Hawaiian lei flower. Their fragrance is intoxicating and there are so many beautiful colors of them. Memories of Hawaiian vacations.
It is really difficult for me to choose one flower!! Roses probably have to be it if I am pushed, for their fragrance, but Lilies of the Valley have a lovely fragrance as well, and violets are so delicate and beautiful! And I could go on, but I will stop here!
Daffodils…the first sign of spring.
I love poppies. The bright color pops out at you in any garden. I remember driving along side wheat fields as a child and seeing the red dots of poppies everywhere (I grew up in Germany, so this might not be something you see here in the States). I have loved them ever since.
My favorite flower is the sunflower. I live in Kansas, so it just reminds me of home! I also love the pop of yellow and black!
I love gerber daisies. They are just so colorful, and a simple, elegant flower.
I love hydrangeas, they are so beautiful and come in my favorite color, purple.
Lily of the Valley are such a gentle reminder of spring! We had a long garden of them along the garage brick path. My birthday is in early May and I was always told that “the fairies were there to ring the gentle bells” to celebrate my birthday each year. Who wouldn’t love them?
My favorite flower is the lilac. My mother would plant a lilac bush every where we lived. Every spring the house would always smell like lilacs. They remind me of her and the home she provided for us.
Hydrangeas because of the color and fullness of the mopheads. Also because when I moved to England after I first got married we had a huge hydrangea bush outside of our house.
I love most all orchids! They are so unique and they remind me of our vacation in Hawaii! Also, they are easy to keep. Water them once a week and they last for 6-8 weeks anywhere you put them.
I love tulips and irises…for spring and new life and beauty!
Lilacs! the smell of lilacs puts me back to the bossom of my Grandmother and Great Aunt Alice. We had lilacs in the yard, and life was good! Aunt Alice wore Lilac lotion from Avon- a different smell than real lilacs perhaps, but such a good smell and the jars were so pretty to a little girl! Today, when the lilacs are blooming, my DH will fill the house with them to suprise me!
I love tulips & roses…special memories from my dear, sweet hubby!
I would have to say the daisy is my favorite flower. Sweet and simple, strong stems, easy to grow and long lasting.
One of my favourite flowers from my childhood would be the lilac, although it’s probably classed more as a tree than a flower. My nana had one in her backyard and it had the most wonderful flowers and fragrance.
My absolute favorite flower is the Stargazer Lily. I love it for three reasons: (1) is has a romantic name, (2) it is the most vibrant shade of pink, and (3) it makes me think of summertime because that is when the lilies pop up an bloom!