Just like the natural transition between the changing seasons, we here at Papertrey Ink have some changes that we are announcing today. Changes can often times be bittersweet, but are a necessary part of moving with the ebb and flow of life and business.
Lauren Meader has made the decision to step away from her work with Papertrey Ink to explore new adventures with her paper crafting career. We could always depend on Lauren to be inventive and think outside the box. She is without a doubt one of the most creative woman I have met in this industry and I know that wherever her path takes her, she will find much success. All of us at Papertrey Ink wish her all the best in her journey and future endeavors. I know many of you will miss her contributions to Papertrey Ink, so please be sure to stop by her blog today to wish her well.
As I said previously, all change is bittersweet, and on that note I am pleased to announce that Betsy Veldman will be stepping up to fill the vacant position on the Senior Design Team, so you can look forward to seeing her work featured each countdown week, beginning in December. I am just thrilled to be able to work with her during the release festivities and know that she will offer fresh & fun inspiration to everyone!
There will also be a new girl in town! Kim Hughes is joining our Release Design Team just in time for the December countdown! I've admired her skills from afar for many years now, especially in the many publications you see her work appear in. She has a signature style that she brings to all of her projects and we are beyond excited to see how she works that magic with Papertrey products! Welcome, welcome, Kim!
With Lauren's departure will come the end of new introductions to the My Timeless Template line of products. When we first combined our idea of downloadable & printable templates with Lauren's amazing designs, they took off in popularity beyond our wildest dreams. For the last few months we have been busy brainstorming behind the scenes as to how we could build upon our original idea, and thought that this would be the perfect time to shake things up and make our printable template concept BIGGER and BETTER than before! Several different designers, including myself, will be contributing to a broader range of downloadable products that we like to call…
Click Simple will be a reference library that you can refer to 24 hours a day for a variety of different downloadable templates available for purchase. This library will embody all of the current Timeless Templates, along with new introductions each month. Several different designers will be contributing their designs to these new introductions, so the variety will be expansive and appealing to many different types of paper crafters, no matter their style.
One key contributor will be the previously introduced Kim Hughes. She has a fresh and fun spin on the entire template concept that will take you above and beyond packaging. Her ideas are SO amazing & revolutionary, just you wait and see! My lips are sealed as to further details until the December release week begins on the 10th *wink*!
We are surely sad to see Lauren decide to depart our tightknit family, but on that same note we are looking ahead to the many exciting changes that will be unfolding in their entirety over the next few months.
I don’t know Lauren but from this blog and hers it’s so apparent that she’s just the sweetest person, not to mention Superwoman with cardstock! Best of luck for the future Lauren, we will miss you.
Bittersweet indeed, but there is no doubt PTI will continue to provide us with wonderful products and inspiration!
We will miss Lauren, and her Timeless Templates, but I’m also excited to see what you come up with next with the newest members of the team!!
Congratulations, Becky and welcome, Kim! 🙂
Nichole, thanks for thinking of your customers and keeping communication open with us. Your post is eloquently and respectfully worded. You’re appreciated!
I am torn, I always thought that Lauren and PTI were a match made in heaven, I wish her well in whatever she chooses to do!
Change is never an easy thing, but I’m sure anything new these changes bring will be wonderful because they’re coming from PTI. Congratulations Betsy and Kim. Looking forward to seeing what’s in store with the new Click Simple products too. Best of luck to you all.
Best wishes to you Lauren! You’re one of a kind, girl!
Congrats Betsy & Kim! Both of you are fantastic ladies!
Kim Hughes!! Woohoo….awesome addition! I am super excited to see her release projects and you can’t go wrong with more Betsy. Fun stuff in the ‘ole PTI world!
So sad – and so excited, too! All the best to Lauren and welcome Kim Hughes!!! And I love Betsy`s work! Can`t wait for the new releases to come!
Best of luck to Lauren! I love your templates.
Welcome to Kim. A great addition to the amazingly talented PTI team. And congrats to Betsy. I am a HUGE fan of her work!
So very sad to see you go Lauren. Best of luck in your future which I am sure will be shining with all sorts of possibilities. Welcome Kim and congrats to you Betsy for moving up to the senior design team:) Way to go girls:)
Such a shame to see Lauren leaving but a big welcome to the new ladies – looking forward to your creations. x
To Lauren much luck in your future endeavors. You will be missed from PaperTrey. I WILL keep check with your blog.
To the new friends coming aboard, much luck in the move to PaperTrey. Can’t wait to see the new ideas!
Good luck to Lauren en welcome Kim!!
wow! I am shocked by this news, but of course excited about the new products coming to PTI!!! they always say change can be good and coming from PTI we know it will be GREAT!!!
We will miss Lauren so much and all of her amazing crafty contributions!
I am very excited to see Kim Hughes join the team! Love that girl!…And seeing more of Betsy’s designs each month could only make me smile!
Congratulations to all of you ladies, and best of luck!!!!!
I will really miss Lauren’s templates done with PTI elegance…but I’m looking forward to all the new things you have in store. More of Betsy is a GREAT thing and I can’t wait to see Kim’s work!
NO, she can’t go, I love Lauren! Ah, so sad! Who is going to make the templates now? *sigh* and *sniffle sniffle*
Eeeeeeek, Please say Kim is going to be designing sets for you! I am a huge fan and stalk her blog trying to peer pressure her into designing more!
So sad to see Lauren go!
Welcome Betsy and Kim!
so exciting!!! sorry to see lauren go…but Kim Hughes is a totally awesome new addition to paper trey ink. Love her work and can’t wait to see her work her magic with PTI…Congrat to Betsy and Kim and good luck Lauren.
So sorry to see Lauren leave but I LOVE Kim Hughes and am a stalker (albeit a nice one) and am so curious to see how Kim’s style is reflected with Papertrey Ink! Congrats to Becky – always love her colourful creations!! My hubby always says “a change is as good as a rest” – not really sure how this applies here – but that is what he says lol!!
Now I will have two companies to follow-PTI and Lauren’s. While I am sad to see her go I know that she will accomplish great things. I’m also excited to see what fun and new things you have in store for us as you begin a new chapter in your journey. PTI never disappoints me and I am a huge fan.
welcom kim and congrats betsy!
Welcome to Betsy and Kim! And all the best to Lauren, she will be missed!
Lauren is such a creative gal. I never really played with her templates except for one. But boy did I stalk her. Templates just intimidate me. I think she’s simply the best. I’m sure she will succeed in anything. Congrats to Betsy and a huge welcome to Kim. I was just browsing her blog and it’s no surprise why you’ve chosen her. She is an excellent designer. Thanks Nichole for sharing and best of wishes with your new ideas and concepts. I’ll be looking forward to Click simple (love the name). Maybe I’ll give em a try this time around 🙂
Change is good!! I am so excited to see what the new ladies will dazzle us with. Nichole, everything you create is stunning and the Papertrey style is unmatched! I look forward to seeing all your upcoming releases more than ever!! 🙂
Change is ALWAYS so very bittersweet…. Hard to accept but great possibilities for the one who is leaving and for those who are moving up at PTI. I’m glad for some and sad for myself….
I will miss Lauren, but must say I am SO SO SO excited about Betsy joining the senior team. I love her work so I can’t wait to see more!!! She is such an inspiration to me!! Thank you Nicole for working so hard to make Papertrey the best it can be!!
Of course I am sad to see Lauren leave, but I have come to know that change can often be very positive and Papertrey Ink has never disappointed me when they introduce change. I am thrilled to see Betsy step up to the Senior Team as she is always amazing and I am very excited by Kim Hughes now joining the team. I am especially excited to learn more about Click Simple and what new digital resources you will develop.
Yes, bittersweet, but we know Lauren will continue bringing fresh ideas, and I cannot wait to see what the infamous KH has in store for us–bravo, Nichole!
Best of luck to Lauren, she will be missed.
And I’m just THRILLED that Kim will be joining the group. She is one of the sweetest, most talented girls I know. I know she will be contributing sooooo much to PTI!
Congratulations Betsy and Kim! Kim I’m dying to see what you bring to the PTI mix! Lauren, I will miss you here – I’m sure you didn’t make your decision lightly and wish you everything of the best!
Congratulations to Kim and Betsy! Fabulous additions. (Psst….seconding the request to have Kim illustrate some sets!)
Good luck Lauren! You are so talented and I am sure you will succeed wherever you go!
So excited to see Kim join the team! Love her work and her stamp sets! Good luck to Lauren! Congrats to Betsy!
WOW, exciting news at Papertrey! I am off to welcome Betsy and Kim and also to say tons of good luck to Lauren~~
everything Papertrey Ink does is “simply, beautiful.” Much creative success to all.
Terri Conrad
Best wishes to Lauren on her new path and welcome and congratulations to Betsy–love your creations–and Kim–I’m looking forward to getting to know your style. The nature of life is change and I think in this case everyone wins!
KIM!!! I couldn’t be happier for you! I know you are going to do some amazing things! Congrats! 🙂
I LOVE Kim Hughes! How cool is it that she is now with PTI?!
I am so happy to see Betsy moving up to a senior designer; I have loved her work more and more with every release, and how exciting to se Kim joining the team; I can’t wait to see what she does with PTI!! All the best to Lauren in her new venture!
We’ll miss those gals, but I *LOVE* that Kim is joining you guys!
Thank you Lauren, for all your contributions. You will be missed!
So, so, so sad that Lauren is leaving. But so, so happy for her.
And so, so happy for Betsy and Kim!
Congrats Betsy V! Love your work. Best wishes to Lauren. I am so excited to see what’s next for Miss Lauren and family.
Kim Hughes from Cornish Heritage Farms??? Woo Hoo!!
Appreciate the class and respect shown here. I sincerely wish Lauren well with her venture – she has enormous creativity. This change will be fine. I can never get enough of Betsy and am excited to see Kim’s work – PTI will always stand out for its classy style and ingenuity.
It is bitter sweet!
All good things have to change, sadly. But i wish Lauren all my best for the future! I’m sure you’ll be great at whatever you put your hand to!
Good luck for the rest of the DT members, looking forward to next month’s relase already!
Thought you’d might like to see this as a token of my appreciation
I was stunned to read about Lauren but so glad you have an alternative. I came to PTI because of the Timeless Templates and eventually fell in love with your stamp sets. I’m a fan now and excited for the new changes coming. Can’t wait for 12/10!
Hooray for Kim and Betsy. Great additions, Miss N.
BTW, just wanted you to know that I’m so very thankful to have you as a friend. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. 🙂
I’m sure it’s not easy with all the changes, but I am impressed with the eloquent words of blessings Nicole gave to Lauren. I guess this is still a world of business and competition will rise within. All the more blessings to Papertrey! Hooray!