You are such a tease! I love this style of design…reminds me of the pineapple in First Fruits. The excitement builds! You are such a master of suspense and excitement!
I love these pillows and those colors! Maybe we’ll be having a background in a similar pattern or maybe some fabric embellishments that I see everywhere right now. Hooray for Papertrey!
Hmm, damask background stamps (or is it called baroque?)
Nichole, you naughty tease, you!!
You sure deserve an ‘A’ in marketing cos these daily hints are sure going to mean we buy! There’s nothing like spending money with a huge grin on face 🙂
I have absolutely no idea if all of your hints pertain to on surprise or many, but I’m having a seriously good time reading all of the guesses during the past 6 days.I’m sure you are having a good chuckle as well, driving everybody crazy!
Nicole, You are totally killing me with these hints! I love the design and colours of the pillows, so I’m hoping there are going to be more bold & bright colours (like the Raspberry Fizz).
But I think *SPIN* is a dropped hint too …wheel rubber? OH MY 🙂
This is my first time to take a stab at what the new collection is that is coming out–I looked at each clue and this is my idea:
A new designer, stamp and card kit combined, stamp set has some background stamps that are damask and then other stamps are verses written in the new designer’s own handwriting,and some Easter stamps as well and the stamps can also be used on special bags for Easter. I don’t know if I am even close, but this is my idea.
Bold swirls and design elements….Love them very architectural….You must be having a great time reading all our musings. Thanks so much for the fun Nicole, but boy I can hardly wait till Feb! I feel like a little kid before Christmas……….
Hmm, maybe an interlocking damask/baroque design? Giving it a Papertrey “spin”? Makes my head spin! Maybe you gals are right about a wheel, that spins, no? 🙂
Oh, are you going to have wheels?!?!?!?
oh that photo is so full of possibilities. A new designer now too huh? Awesome!
I can’t stand it! So many exciting things to look forward to!
You are such a tease! I love this style of design…reminds me of the pineapple in First Fruits. The excitement builds! You are such a master of suspense and excitement!
Hi Nichole –
That looks like a damask pattern. And you are making me nuts trying to figure this out!!! LOL
Elaine Allen
Could there be backgrounders coming our way???? I feel like a kid rushing to the computer every morning before work to see your latest hints:-)
I want those pillows!!! They’d be perfect in my living room. :):)
This is fun…trying to guess. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
Love thouse cushions. Im pretty sure i’ll like what papertrey has to offer. This is a pertucular style that ive always like and it never gets tired.
DEMASK!!! I will be in HEAVEN!!
Oh my gravy! Backgrounds in Damask? I might pass out with excitement!
We have to wait till when to see all the releases? OH MY OH MY!
Wow that fabric is gorgeous!
Damask! hooorrrraaaayyy! My favorite, along with birds. Can’t wait to see what’s in store….
I surrender!
I surrender!
can’t wait to see!
I can’t stand it – I love/hate surprises!!! Tick tock tick tock!!!! SO EXCITING!!!
I am so excited! I have a list a mile long of what I want to purchase. Looks like it is just going to keep getting longer.
BOLD! I love and swirly….Love it even more….
DAMASK!!! *drooling*
This is one of my FAVORITE patterns. I love it on upholstery, paper, art… everywhere!
“Spin”… Rolling Stamps? That would be AWESOME! New Designer?!
This is too much… where’s my coffee?
Oh…btw… Care to share who those pillows are by? I really like them!
Looks like the face of a lion or shaggy dog to me! 🙂
I love these pillows and those colors! Maybe we’ll be having a background in a similar pattern or maybe some fabric embellishments that I see everywhere right now. Hooray for Papertrey!
Hmm, damask background stamps (or is it called baroque?)
Nichole, you naughty tease, you!!
You sure deserve an ‘A’ in marketing cos these daily hints are sure going to mean we buy! There’s nothing like spending money with a huge grin on face 🙂
I have absolutely no idea if all of your hints pertain to on surprise or many, but I’m having a seriously good time reading all of the guesses during the past 6 days.I’m sure you are having a good chuckle as well, driving everybody crazy!
A new designer who also does textiles? Amy Butler????
Ha ha! So you’re enjoying watching us suffer?! 🙂
These hints are making time slow down, I swear! 🙂
Come on February!
Nicole, You are totally killing me with these hints! I love the design and colours of the pillows, so I’m hoping there are going to be more bold & bright colours (like the Raspberry Fizz).
But I think *SPIN* is a dropped hint too …wheel rubber? OH MY 🙂
Ohhh this pattern is gorgeous! Perhaps a background stamp and/or swirl designs from a new designer~how exciting!
This is my first time to take a stab at what the new collection is that is coming out–I looked at each clue and this is my idea:
A new designer, stamp and card kit combined, stamp set has some background stamps that are damask and then other stamps are verses written in the new designer’s own handwriting,and some Easter stamps as well and the stamps can also be used on special bags for Easter. I don’t know if I am even close, but this is my idea.
Oooh im thinking background stamps – large ones!! 😀 That would be cool!
Sounds like you are adding a new designer to the team!
Bold swirls and design elements….Love them very architectural….You must be having a great time reading all our musings. Thanks so much for the fun Nicole, but boy I can hardly wait till Feb! I feel like a little kid before Christmas……….
Hmm, maybe an interlocking damask/baroque design? Giving it a Papertrey “spin”? Makes my head spin! Maybe you gals are right about a wheel, that spins, no? 🙂
Could it be Anna Griffin as one of the new designers?
oh the suspense is killing me! I LOVE damask, it is so hot right now. Cant wait too see what else you have up your sleeves!
mmm Damask, I like that
love this design!
I absolutely LOVE these pillows so if there is a stamp set designed around them I know that I am going to love it too.
I hope it’s a damask design or set! Damask patterns are classics!
Love that design, imagine it on Papertrey paper with a distressed look to it. Ooohhh how victorian.